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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When just driving through salt lake city makes you happy to be near brandon sanderson.totally doing this right now...what up salt lake!

When you realize The Great Salt Lake must be a shardpool if Hoid is being hunted there, then prepare to run from the screaming mob of sharders who want to lynch you for implying Earth is Cosmere

Edited by Bugsy6912
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When famous Sharders feature in your dreams. <- True story. I dreamed that some random guy kidnapped Twi and I had to rescue her.

Had this sort of thing happen, only I was Jasnah and worried about how much time was left. I ended up waking earlier then usual...

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When you realize The Great Salt Lake must be a shardpool if Hoid is being hunted there, then prepare to run from the screaming mob of sharders who want to lynch you for implying Earth is Cosmere


It all makes sense now. Through your words I have gained total enlightenment.

Thank you, Bugsy6912, thank you.

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(Note: I live in Poland, Brandon was largely unknown here until Way Of Kings came out in the first half of 2014 but really gained popularity after WoR came out at the end of 2014 followed by rerun of Mistborn which started in the June of 2015)

I dropped by my old library and on my way out I found that they had a huge list of suggestions from readers to order new books.

I read through it out of curiosity - many entries "more vampire books" or requesting some of specific series, a few of "more Harry Potter so there would always be a copy avalaible" (anwered with "that is not possible, some will always be loaned") and so on.

So I picked up a marker and added another entry: "Brandon Sanderson". The world needs to know. (for the record, it's borderline impossible to acquire a Brandon book from the library - I live in one of the biggest cities and there were like 20 copies total spread thorughout the whole city back in 2015)

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(Note: I live in Poland, Brandon was largely unknown here until Way Of Kings came out in the first half of 2014 but really gained popularity after WoR came out at the end of 2014 followed by rerun of Mistborn which started in the June of 2015)

I dropped by my old library and on my way out I found that they had a huge list of suggestions from readers to order new books.

I read through it out of curiosity - many entries "more vampire books" or requesting some of specific series, a few of "more Harry Potter so there would always be a copy avalaible" (anwered with "that is not possible, some will always be loaned") and so on.

So I picked up a marker and added another entry: "Brandon Sanderson". The world needs to know. (for the record, it's borderline impossible to acquire a Brandon book from the library - I live in one of the biggest cities and there were like 20 copies total spread thorughout the whole city back in 2015)

We applaud you. Thank you for sharing the light.


I tell as many people as possible about how great Sanderson stuff is. They probably get tired of it. I find a way to recommend it to anybody. For example:


I like... | So read...


Romances  | Warbreaker; Mistborn; WoR

Vampires  | Elantris

Dystopian | Mistborn; Warbreaker

Westerns  | Wax and Wayne

Politics  | All of them, seriously (Warbreaker)

Movies    | Mistborn

Rocks     | Stormlight

Nothing   | Everything


This isn't a comprehensive list but gives you an idea of how I talk. "I'm really hungry." "It's a good thing you're male. Men's food seems to be more savory. It's okay. I like sweet things." "I wish I could be Spiderman." "You know, Coinshots are kind of like Spiderman. Close enough, anyway." "I hate every presidential candidate." "I'm just glad we have candidates and not gods that take our life force and never seem to do anything."


Every Sanderson reference is a possible gateway into the best thing ever.

Edited by Brightness Enna
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I live in southern AZ, where there is a lot of rocky terrain with hardy plant life. There are also the intense Monsoons that happen every year, along with the occasional dust storm, where you can see the wall approaching, and you have to get home and get inside before it hits. Sound a bit like Roshar? Yes, yes it does, and I am immensely happy about that.


Edit: I got a little excited with my commas, so I fixed that.

Edited by Physicist of the Cosmere
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When you create your own Bridge Four style tattoo and spray paint it on a skateboard in Art Class (will upload a picture when I'm done :))

When you have dreams that one of the main character Silas Greave in Call of Juarez is really Wax 

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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