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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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2 hours ago, Truthweaver said:

When you try to inconspicously read Oathbringer at a family reunion. Unfortunately, there is nothing inconspicuous about Oathbringer or my reactions while reading it.

Lol this has been me in all of my college classes this week... just finished like 30 minutes ago and I've probably scarred my roommate with all my rambling and various noises

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When you're about to march onto the field and perform your final show in the marching band season, and instead of panicking about your performance, your mind just comes up with a random cosmere pun and you have to hold back laughter so you're instructor doesn't scream at you for not staying quiet.



Q: Why did Kaladin join the order of the Windrunners?

A: Because he was a surgeon.







Here's the joke that randomly came into my head:


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When you still haven't emotionally recovered 3 days after reading Oathbringer, and are practically exploding to tell everyone you know all the spoilers about everything.

Only none of my real life friends are done yet and there's a certain amount of screaming and noises that don't translate well onto the internet  ^^;

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@Tesh haha, you are in for a WILD ride, my Surgefinder friend. :D

When you read from 7:30PM to 6:30AM STRAIGHT through Oathbringer, and take a quick 30 minute nap so you don't die at work. Then you dissolve into "GAH!!!" and "Finish Word of Radiance already so I can give you Oathbringer then finish Oathbringer so I can flip out about it with you!"

Also, when you have trouble explaining the Sanderson/the Cosmere to your friends without sounding like you're having a psychotic breakdown.

And when you get really frustrated that Chrome doesn't recognize "Sanderson" or any other Cosmere-y words and underlines them in red. I know how to spell, storm it!

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8 hours ago, Tesh said:

When you read 100 pages of OB in one sitting. 

  Reveal hidden contents

This spoiler tag does not exist...

But it's getting sooo good.

I only just finished chapter 14.

I should probably go to bed now...

100? That's nothing! I read the first 200 pages when I got it. Now I'm wondering what that says about me. ^_^

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This Day In History shows up in my inbox on November 14th. 

What is wrong with these storming people! Oathbringer's release is not included in the summary!? That's the best storming November 14th I've ever had! 

People these days...

Edited by MasterJack
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18 hours ago, Tesh said:

When you read 100 pages of OB in one sitting. 

  Reveal hidden contents

This spoiler tag does not exist...

But it's getting sooo good.

I only just finished chapter 14.

I should probably go to bed now...

I'm on chapter 16 right now. Luckily, Thanksgiving break started today and my marching band season just ended. I see a few hours of reading in my near future! :P

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2 minutes ago, Warbreaker_Weiss said:

I'm on chapter 16 right now. Luckily, Thanksgiving break started today and my marching band season just ended. I see a few hours of reading in my near future! :P

I'm on 16 as well. I've hardly read at all. (The internet is a huge distraction).

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Just now, Tesh said:

I'm on 16 as well. I've hardly read at all. (The internet is a huge distraction).

I can relate to becoming distracted while trying to read. It doesn't help that my dad decided to buy tickets to Justice League a few minutes ago during the time I had reserved for Oathbringer tonight.

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