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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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You slog through 11, count'em, ELEVEN whole doorstop books full of Robert Jordan's meandering style for a year because you know those last three Wheel of Time books are going to be great. (Currently halfway into Towers of Midnight, and this hunch is bearing up strongly...)

Edited by ChiriChiri
It’s 11 books, obvs. Shows how distinctive they all are though...
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YKYASFW you realize you shouldn't loan people your books because you annotate them, including with spoilers/Cosmere info. 

Also, when you realize that, so far, the flashback characters have followed the order of the blurb on the back of WoR.

Edited by Mist
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When you consistently attempt to explain non-cosmere stuff through Investiture and Identity. The reason the chalklings in the rithmatist do better when they're drawn better is because of their Identity! Light cast by wands in Harry Potter is by the Investitutre trying to leak through! You always cry at Mufasa's death because you have a Connection to him!

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On 4/15/2020 at 7:06 PM, Frustration said:

You know your a writer Sanderfan when you're designing magic systems specifically to compete with his. (Or get aspirations for vast and complex possibilities in my case)

Same, man! Just the other night... or maybe I'll save that for later because it's a bit long : /

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9 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Same, man! Just the other night... or maybe I'll save that for later because it's a bit long : /

I keep trying to make my Alchemy more complex than Hemalurgy and still be explainable, so many revisions.

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1 hour ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

When you seriously consider naming your future child Kaladin. 

I may or may not have done this...:P 

Wait until the series ends we don't know what will happen to him, if Kal goes off the deep end, and your kid is stuck with that name, well I suppose there are right kids names Thanos so many it isn't that weird.

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23 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Wait until the series ends we don't know what will happen to him, if Kal goes off the deep end, and your kid is stuck with that name, well I suppose there are right kids names Thanos so many it isn't that weird.

Actually, Brandon has said this:


thinformparshendi (paraphrased)

My wife asked if we would regret naming our firstborn Kaladin (seeing as we don't yet know how Kal turns out).

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

You'll probably be very happy naming your son that.

So it's probably fine.

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54 minutes ago, Keeper Exile said:

YKYASF when you convince your whole family to read Brandon Sanderson but then won't let them touch your leatherbound Mistborn books even though they want to read them.

I'd let certain members of my family touch my leatherbounds, but not all. Essentially, letting someone touch my leatherbound is like an indicator that I trust you on a deep and emotional level

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When you say, "You scared the begeebers(?) out of me!" And then have a discussion with your mom as to what "begeebers" are and decide that they are spren.

When you have a video call with your creative writing people and have to show the only other Sanderfan on there your beautiful signed books and you end up just looking at all the artwork in the SA.

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When you watch Captain Marvel and have Skyward withdrawals.

When you watch the Avatar (TV series) finale and watch Aang and Ozai fight on the shattered plains.

When your cup has remains of red Gatorade in it and you think "my glass drips with the blood of my enemies!" (The whole two days it took me to read Skyward were filled with moments like this)

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In italy we have a figure of speech of calling someone a "grey burocrat", which is close enough in meaning to the anglophone "obstructive burocrat". "grey" especially refers to them having no color, no shades. they want the papers filled and all the minutiae respected, and they won't care about your life or the actual intent or anything else.

Well, my boss is a grey burocrat. And I am wondering if she may be a lifeless, as the color theme would be appropriate.

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59 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Do we actually know all the ten fools? I know a few like Edna, but do we have the names and the attributes of all ten? 

No I think we only know 3.

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