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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you pretend the metal point on your EKG tag is a spike and you chuckle to yourself when they only put three (3) total "spikes" in you - now I am safe from Harmony's control!

Side note: If you could only have three Hemalurgic spikes then what three would you choose?

1: Feruchemical gold
2: Allomantic steel
3: Allomantic gold

Ugh, it is so hard to choose only three!


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When you're watching Mysteries at the Museum, and they're showing exhibits pulled straight out of an episode of Supernatural, including, "A long metal spike used in Witches' sacrificial rituals". I freaked out, and then they showed the image of a straight up Iron Spike. I literally shouted out loud, "HEMALURGIC SPIKE!!!!!!!!!!! HEMALURGY IS REAL"

So yeah, I'm melting down all of my earrings and throwing the slag into a river. In the meantime, I'll be joining that Other Guy who has to run from the mob of Sharders that wants me lynched for implying Earth is Cosmere.

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On June 17, 2015 at 0:46 PM, Peng the Just said:

When you dream about being on the 17th shard forums. This really happened to me, guys.

Best. Dream. Ever.

(Except being a stick)

Edit: sorry, accidental double post

Edited by WayneSpren
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2 hours ago, WayneSpren said:

But Shallan says it so matter-of-factly in WoR. Jasnah's hereticism must be rubbing off on her.

Well... The books are teeechnically translations into English. The word for poop isn't actually "poop" in Alethkar.

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3 hours ago, Eki said:

Well... The books are teeechnically translations into English. The word for poop isn't actually "poop" in Alethkar.

But all the other names that are palindromic (or nearly so) in the English versions are canonically holy. Ialai, Urithiru, etc.

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6 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

You know other people are Sanderfans when you see there are 63 freakin' pages of replies to this.

And you know you're a Sanderfan when you don't condemn them and leave them out in a highstorm.

Welcome to the club :D

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7 hours ago, Sunbird said:

But all the other names that are palindromic (or nearly so) in the English versions are canonically holy. Ialai, Urithiru, etc.

Those are names though. Poop is just a normal word.

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17 minutes ago, Pinnacle-Ferring said:

I can't believe we're actually having a rational conversation about the possible divinity of poop.

They have spren which means they might have parts of a Shard in them and mostly Shards are considered divine.....

what im saying is, Kaladin and Hesina had the same what-the-heck-Ness. :P

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27 minutes ago, Pinnacle-Ferring said:

Shattered Plains-themed Chouta. They should serve that in the warcamps.

The dilemma of a rosharan cook: get something beautiful carved and soulcast it into food (wedding cake, themes cupcakes etc), or make it from scratch with extreme difficulty. 

Youd get cheap caterers that make amazing-looking food that tastes like sawdust because really they're soulcast.....they travel around a lot, book multiple functions for one night, rip off everyone and then flee the area before they're caught. 

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16 hours ago, Delightful said:

The dilemma of a rosharan cook: get something beautiful carved and soulcast it into food (wedding cake, themes cupcakes etc), or make it from scratch with extreme difficulty. 

Youd get cheap caterers that make amazing-looking food that tastes like sawdust because really they're soulcast.....they travel around a lot, book multiple functions for one night, rip off everyone and then flee the area before they're caught. 

That's actually a plot I'd like to read about. Might as well add a bit of the dramatic to it, like soulcasting the whole Aziran Archive into sugar and therefore starting the First Bureaucratic War.

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19 hours ago, Delightful said:

The dilemma of a rosharan cook: get something beautiful carved and soulcast it into food (wedding cake, themes cupcakes etc), or make it from scratch with extreme difficulty. 

Youd get cheap caterers that make amazing-looking food that tastes like sawdust because really they're soulcast.....they travel around a lot, book multiple functions for one night, rip off everyone and then flee the area before they're caught. 

That would require a Soulcaster ardent in the conspiracy and they are well protected. Because from what I've read it seems that they Soulcast huge amounts of food which is then given to the cooks.

But if we got Shallan to impersonate a cook and getting tangled up in events and actually being required to make a cake... :ph34r:

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