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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you find yourself trying to read EVERY THEORY ON THIS SITE before you can actually do any theorizing.

When you notice a copper tabletop in a restaurant and start looking for each Allomantic metal in the surroundings. There were a good few!

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It's got a lot of color in it. Is that an advantage or disadvantage? I can't decide.

I've got my husband on Warbreaker now. His mind is being Blown.

*wince at unintended terrible pun*

I will crack open The Rithmatist soon. I hesitate to take it to the beach bc the

books look very ratty after I do. I will have consumed 4 Sanderson books on my

vacation if I get through Rithmatist. But I'm not obsessed. *looks to see if anyone believed me. *

. Well...uh....denial is a coping method.

Edited by Tien'sPetLurg
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When you're watching Avatar and you realize that Airbending powers and windrunning powers sorta do the same thing, and really want to see a fight between Kaladin and Aang. And then later have an in depth conversation about who would win in a fight, a mistborn or the avatar (Assuming no atium or avatar state).


Aang's bowstaff/glider doesn't have a chance against Syl.  Sorry, Aang!

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When you have a dream that you are a Windrunner and then realize once you are 50 feet in the air that you are on earth and have no Stormlight. I fell into a bunch of cacti and woke up yelling.

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