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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you read the title 'Sabriel'as 'Sebarial'.

The unholy mass of psychological disorders a mix of those two characters would be... I mean, they're both stable on their own. But, well...


Also, Lirael and Laral. What a mess.


Odium and the Destroyer at once, how about that?

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When, passing through airport security, you wonder why people don't hide bombs by piercing their skin with them.

On an unrelated note, does anybody else spend their time in those lines looking for ways to get an unscanned package past security? Or am I just weird?

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When you blame natural phenomenon on spren.

A breezy day: Man those wind spren sure are active.

Getting hit in the head: woah, that's alot of concussion spren...

Volcano erupts: That must be one friggin' huge flame spren, or would it be an eruption spren?

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When, passing through airport security, you wonder why people don't hide bombs by piercing their skin with them.

On an unrelated note, does anybody else spend their time in those lines looking for ways to get an unscanned package past security? Or am I just weird?


No, no, that's Completely Normal. *Backs away slowly*


When read the entire (Published) Alkatraz series in one day.

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When you wish you could use all your allomantic metals on stupid people who can't drive



When you wonder if perhaps that reaction warrants a bit of Soothing.

When you worry that your feelings might not actually be your own...

Stay outta my head!!

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When, passing through airport security, you wonder why people don't hide bombs by piercing their skin with them.

On an unrelated note, does anybody else spend their time in those lines looking for ways to get an unscanned package past security? Or am I just weird?

I think that fairly normal......? It's not like you have terribly much else to think about while you're waiting in line.  :rolleyes:


Scadrial airport security: Bronze and Chromium mistings, as well as spiked Lurchers and Steelpushers (for extra power, savants would be better) to make sure you can't take any metals onboard. Plus everything would have to be made of aluminium or specifically non-Allomantic metals/alloys.

There's probably still holes in that.....

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A tin eye as well. Savant would be nice, although I wouldn't force someone to become one just for the job or anything.

You could just make it part of the job description.


"Hiring Lurchers, savant status is preferrable. Apply at your local airport today!"

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When you experience the immediate emotional whiplash upon finishing one of his books. "Oh my! That was So Amazing!!!! Whoop! Whomp whomp whomp. Oh no! It's over. Now what?" *1 one thousand...2 one thousand* "I know! Let's read it again!"


I'm that way. I can never just stop reading a book/series like that. I have to "walk it off".



When, passing through airport security, you wonder why people don't hide bombs by piercing their skin with them.

On an unrelated note, does anybody else spend their time in those lines looking for ways to get an unscanned package past security? Or am I just weird?


Yeah. And similar things. My mind is like the Infinite Improbability Drive: When not actively engaged, it doesn't just wander, it pass through every possible train of thought almost simultaneously before landing somewhere weird.

Back on topic, you know you're a Sanderfan when you introduce yourself as "<Full Name>. Of the 17th Shard." and then get disappointed when they're not impressed.

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When someone calls for their friend named "Seth" and you feel a flash of fear.

Yeah... note to self: don't go on a weeklong trip where you'll be in close quarters with two people named Seth while on a big Cosmere kick. I got paranoid!


Also: when "Seth" starts looking like it's spelled wrong.

Edited by Paragrin
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You try to figure out how all of your fandoms can coexist, like the cosmere.

"Okay, so, Celestia and Luna are Slivers and that's why they live so long, and maybe Gallifreyans are born with 12 Divine Breathes and that's why they can Regenerate. UNIT is the UK-branch of SHIELD, and the Avengers were formed as a counter to the a League of Extraordinary Gentleman- but,wait, what about the Justice League? Was krypton a world that Odium destroyed? Maybe having a splinter in him is why Superman is so powerful...hmm..."

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When the pile of steel washers at your work station comforts for you, because you know you have fuel and weapons.


So you're the Shadow of the 17th Shard? that just sounds like a weaker Worldhopper organization.


(Yes, I know you mean your real name.)


Heh, I suppose I can see that.


To be fair, it could sound menacing in the right circumstances.


Thanks. I would think in terms of my namesake.



Your comforted by the pile of steel slugs at your work station, because you have fuel and weapons.

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