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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When your first thoughts about fight scenes in movies (Captain America 2) is WWKD?


What would Kaladin do?


And then you cry because there is no SA movie yet. Or any Cosmere movie.

Edited by Baine
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when you come up with Sanderson/Disney crossovers.


Kaladdin: the story of a poor boy who gains magic powers thanks to a floating blue magical friend and embarks on a wild adventure. 


The Hunchback of Kredik Shaw


The Jungle Book of Endless Pages


Chosen: Elsa Davar is hiding from a terrible secret. Her parents are dead, she has strange powers she doesn't understand, and the fate of her family and the entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. 

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...those work alarmingly well...

The Little Mistborn

Vinderella: Girl sees guy who's way out of her league at ball, hides her poor birth to be with him, ends up ruler.

Awoken: Kid is taken to location out of society for possessing vast magical power, raised in ignorance, love interest enters and teaches ways of the world, clause in the magic is used to defeat villain. (Otherwise known as, you never realized Warbreaker was just a genderswapped Tangled...)

The Princess and the Returned: Girl is about to fulfill her life's goal when it is taken from her, meets transformed ruler with backstory with the bad guys, has adventures.

Beauty and the Releaser

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