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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you name your XCOM soldiers after Brandon related terms, such as Dustbringer for your favorite assault and Shardplate for a MEC Trooper.


When watching those soldiers die makes you sob with shame at your possibly-prophetic actions, and when you come up with in-cosmere explanations for psychic and genetic powers.

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My husband ordered Chinese today under the name 'Kaladin Stormblessed'

On the drive to pick it up we discussed a scenario in which Kaladin and Keliser ordered Chinese together and went out for drinks to share stories.


they would undoubtedly bond over their mutual love of flying and hate of nobles.

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Either that or he and Syl would get into a moral-correctness battle by proxy. Complete with "Tell her I said the ends will sometimes justify ANY means!". "She says that's almost as wrong as your accent."


You just know this would come up at some point.

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It would get even better once Hammond got involved.

"But Kel, technically she's part of God, so isn't it wrong to argue against the almighty?"

"She's only a sliver of the almighty. And besides, it's not our almighty and he's dead anyway."

"But can the almighty ever truly die, or does he technically live on through the splinters of his soul and the power of belief?"

Breeze: "Oh shut up Hammond, your giving me a headache."

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It would get even better once Hammond got involved.

"But Kel, technically she's part of God, so isn't it wrong to argue against the almighty?"

"She's only a sliver of the almighty. And besides, it's not our almighty and he's dead anyway."

"But can the almighty ever truly die, or does he technically live on through the splinters of his soul and the power of belief?"

Breeze: "Oh shut up Hammond, your giving me a headache."

Imagine Sazed in that situation, intorigating both of them for rosharian religions and proves for divinity.

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You're a Sanderson fan when you keep looking people in the eyes and determining if they are a darkeyes or lighteyes.


That's racist. Well not really, more like occularist. 


Eye color doesn't really matter because all eyes are the same color when they're spikes.

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When, as a female person, it gets to be lunch/dinner time and you wish you lived in Alethi society so you could have women's food (i.e. something sweet) and it would be totally normal.*  


*Everytime I tell someone I've had ice cream or frozen yogurt for lunch, they look at me funny.

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- When you are pleasantly surprised to find that 17th Shard is no longer filtered as "Games" at work and you proceed to read this entire thread

- When you understand all of the jokes in this thread

- When you've driven a total of 18 hours to see Brandon at a conference

- When you've ended said conference with 18 books signed

- When you recognize a fellow fan at the conference by their 17th Shard user name

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three weeks ago I visited washington dc. Today I read in the annotations from mistborn

The main inspiration for Keep Venture was the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.


and immediately thought "oh ****" because I didn't visit it. not  that I'm really intersted in cathedrals, I was there mostly for the iconic american stuff and the smithsonian museums, especially thoose dealing with technology and space exploration, and that left no time for anything else. Plus, I'm pretty sure that if i wanted to see majestic cathedrals, I could just stay in italy - I can think of at least half a dozen of them within a one hour car trip from home. No, the only reason I now deeply regret not visiting that place is that it inspired some locations in mistborn.

Now I'm going to gooogle it so that I can see some pictures and get a better idea of how keep venture looked like.


EDIT: well, it looks pretty much like the notre dame, which I actually visited. so I can just think of that next timeI read those scenes.

I wonder if also on keep venture there is a darth vader head :o

Edited by king of nowhere
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When you have to take the Pacer test of the FitnessGram and:

-psych yourself up for it by thinking, I could be having to do this with a storming big bridge on my shoulders

-gain a much-increased respect for Kaladin's sheer badass endurance after being utterly exhausted by one lap above the minimum

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When you instinctively mistrust anyone with piercings because they might be hemalurgic spikes. 


When you catch your wolfhound eating bad meat out of the trash and just for a second wonder how cool it would be if your dog got replaced by a Kandra.


When you have used Warbreaker as an example in an Economics class discussion on non-monetary based economies. 

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