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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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You know you're a Sanderfan when:

  • You memorize the allomancy and feruchemy tables, (because you can)
  • When you start Hoid monologuing to the bus driver, as the last person on the bus
  • When you nickname your older brother "Elend"
  • When you are one of the 24,667 people with accounts on the shard
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On 9/1/2020 at 0:57 PM, Spren of Kindness said:

When you and your friend send numbers and minutes back and forth for the last fifteen minutes of the Kickstarter in your own nerdy countdown party instead of doing what you're supposed to be doing.

Teach me. I could never get any one in school to read sanderson.

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When someone at your lunch table says, “shut up about Sanderson for once!”

When your teacher says that you’ll be learning about metallurgy, and your first thought is to ask if it’ll be Allomancy, Feruchemy, or Hemalurgy.

When you expect to hear Harmony’s voice every time you put in an earring.

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YKYASFW you spend 90% of your day on the shard. 
When you spend an hour each day thinking about how cool the Way of Kings leatherbound will be. 
When you spend three hours carving a stick so it looks like Jezrien’s Honorblade. 

(:ph34r: Not me)

Edited by Bearer of all agonies
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7 hours ago, FriarFritz said:

Have you spoken a prophecy? Tell us, what does the future hold?

Of course not, that would be heresy!

But in seriousness, I was writing down that the Moon takes thirteen days to wax and thirteen to wane, and it spiraled from there.  It's this kinda creepy sounding thing about the lady of night, and how not everything is lost, and she carries all in the cycle of the moon.

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When you know about watery water.

(Watching his TABC speech wheeeeee)

On 9/3/2020 at 7:13 AM, I Used To Be A Fish said:

When you start Hoid monologuing to the bus driver, as the last person on the bus

What'd they say?

Edited by AonEne
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50 minutes ago, Jaywalk said:


Wonderful speech :P

Yessss, the water...

The Aiel would be confused.

I was just disappointed Magellan wasn't there... But it was a very good speech. His TA was great. :D

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