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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you look for mysterious shadows among the spires and towers of cathedrals. 

I'll catch that Mistborn eventually, just you wait...


When you snicker at this because you instantly think "That Mistborn would only be useful for one spike..., go hunt some Mistings instead."

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When you see little moving lights in the night sky, and instead of thinking, "Airplane", you think, "Starspren!" 


Or you wake up to thunder at 3:00 AM and your first thought is literally, "This Weeping started yesterday... shouldn't be a highstorm!" 

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When you nearly get caught laughing in the middle of a quiet English classroom because you're on 17th Shard. No lie: When Tor was handing out the WoR previews, I had to catch up on the school laptop. It took every ounce of self control I had to not break out screaming in joy and frustration. It HURT.

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When you read this entire topic in one afternoon.

Watching your high school age classmates jaws drop when you bring in WOK hardcover for bookclub.

When arguments with your brother turn into "Who knows more about the cosmere."

Wondering just how much speed you could tap in a race without others noticing it.

When you see a gibberish written down and wonder if its the Diagram.

When i wonder just how much mental speed i could store and still pass math class.

When you care more about impressions on seventeenth shard than with people in person.

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When this happens:



We just need to start a collection charity among us to buy Sanderson more Bendalloy...


And your instant reaction is to go to here and check it out...




I did some research: 

$294 per kg

I'm not sure how much time dilation that would get Brandon, but it is expensive... 



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