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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When everything is a reference to one of Brandon's works.

When you are jealous of your brother because he wears glasses.

When you call yourself a nigglenut every time you do something dumb

When you and your brother insult each other by calling each other 'nice'

When every time you hear the line 'I'm free!' in the song Let It Go, you think about ruin escaping his prison at the end of the Well of Ascention.

When you want to be a steel inquisitor for Halloween, and become frustrated because you can't figure out how to do the spikes.

When you know it's ok to talk to your imaginary friend because your imaginary friend is actually a Spren.

When you draw cosmere backgrounds for your computer in adobe illustrator

When in class you are asked to write a poem about a book or a computer, you write a poem about the Stormlight Archive.

When you aspire to live by the ideals of the Knights Radiant.

When you tell everyone they must read Mistborn trillogy. And Elantris. And the Stormlight Archive. and everything else by Brandon Sanderson.

When you harangue anyone who refuse to read Alcatraz because there is a dinosaur in clothes on the cover of the book.

When you're secretly waiting for your grandmother to admit that the free kingdoms, the knights of Crystallia, and Oculators are real, and that she is part of a cult of evil librarians that secretly rule the world.

When you can't not fan girl over the Stormlight Archive. Or the Mistborn trillogy. Or Elantris.

When you read Sherlock Holms a Case in Scarlet, and when they mention callings, realize that Brandon is a Mormon.

When Brandon Sanderson is the person you can only aspire to be.

When you think a meaningful death for a vampire would be to acquire hemalugic powers from one, then realize that it would be terrible if an inquisitor accidentally gained their 'sparkle in the sunlight attribute' because it would ruin the effect they have on people.

Ok... I'm done with this rant for now.

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When every time you hear the line 'I'm free!' in the song Let It Go, you think about ruin escaping his prison at the end of the Well of Ascention

oh this is perfect!

When you think a meaningful death for a vampire would be to acquire hemalugic powers from one, then realize that it would be terrible if an inquisitor accidentally gained their 'sparkle in the sunlight attribute' because it would ruin the effect they have on people.

. :D sparkly inquisitors! They will reflect the sun into your eyes and Make. You. Blink. Dun dun dun!

*faints in terror*

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Shardblade wins. With a lightsaber, you can get disarmed.

Aha..ha...ha....*cough *  :lol:



oh this is perfect!

:D sparkly inquisitors! They will reflect the sun into your eyes and Make. You. Blink. Dun dun dun!

*faints in terror*


If that was a Doctor Who reference, extra kudos to you!   Have an upvote  (even if it wasn't)!

Edited by traceria
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If that was a Doctor Who reference, extra kudos to you!   Have an upvote  (even if it wasn't)!


Oh geez, Weeping Inquisitors. For both /\ and \/


oh this is perfect!

. :D sparkly inquisitors! They will reflect the sun into your eyes and Make. You. Blink. Dun dun dun!

*faints in terror*



Shardblade wins. With a lightsaber, you can get disarmed.


I can't believe I didn't get this immediately. 

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When you watch the episode of Voyager where Seven goes insane trying to download all of Voyager's information into her cranial implant, and you wonder how you can build that machine and fill it with each cosmere book and every WoB...

I imagine the result would be similar to what happened in Voyager... I would totally download all the content from that machine though... :P
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When you've been on these forums for a while now and finally decide to create an account so you can fangirl with all of the other sanderfans out there.


Also, I've discovered this hiding stuff in white text thing now, so that's cool, I guess.


When you automatically try to soothe someone when they start freaking out about something and then you remember you're not an allomancer.

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When you've been on these forums for a while now and finally decide to create an account so you can fangirl with all of the other sanderfans out there.


Also, I've discovered this hiding stuff in white text thing now, so that's cool, I guess.


When you automatically try to soothe someone when they start freaking out about something and then you remember you're not an allomancer.

When you think, "aww, 'sanderfan.' Why didn't I call dibs on that name??"

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