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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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Those were the words I thought of while waiting for school to be over. Now that I have had some more time to think:

Feruchemy, Allomancy, Hemalurgy, Thaidakar, Sazed, Szeth, Rashek, Stormlight, Stormfather, Dysian Aimian

Also, I know that perpendicular is a real word, but I don’t think perpendicularity is a real word. A small change, but autocorrect loves to do small changes.

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Perpendicularity is a real word, it means the state of being perpendicular. As in, the hands of a clock are in perpendicularity at exactly 3 and 9 o'clock. It is also used in engineering/design as a type of tolerance. For example, the perpendicularity tolerance of the corner join on this cake form is half a degree.

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1 hour ago, Fezzik said:

Perpendicularity is a real word, it means the state of being perpendicular. As in, the hands of a clock are in perpendicularity at exactly 3 and 9 o'clock. It is also used in engineering/design as a type of tolerance. For example, the perpendicularity tolerance of the corner join on this cake form is half a degree.


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When you spend a half hour going through all of Brandon's books on Goodreads and adding them as to-reads or giving them ratings and consider it a wonderful use of your time.

In addition, when every video game animal you catch/tame/unlock is named after the cosmere in some way, sometimes without realizing it. (For example, naming one of your horses in Breath of the Wild "Amara" and realizing weeks later you accidently named a line of code after Amaram and mentally smack yourself.)

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When you get your entire family hooked on Skyward. Everyone from your brother who's in elementary school to your parents. (Both of my parents have also tried the Cosmere, but they didn't enjoy it too much.)

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When you're doing econ HW and have to write out the graph axis names and you write "real gross domestic product" and think of 1) what Wit would say about that and 2) what Lightsong said to that other Returned about not wanting to hear any secrets involving him (the other Returned, not Lightsong) and a privy.


When the red squiggly lines under Cosmere words no longer bother you. Mostly.

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When you dream that you're reading SA, and see Hrathen going out on a trip to help a Stormblessed. I know that makes no sense but the worst part is that I was aware of it, and was waiting to read the clever explanation. 

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When you hear there's a metallurgist in the ward and want to talk to her because... well, metallurgy!

You know your sister's a sanderfan when you say (speaking of a pond) "It's misting." and she says "What metal does it have?"

Edited by Tani
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