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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you force your relatives to read Legion because its so awesome and short enough that it won't kill them.


Edit: Not sure if I've said this before, but when you read Mistborn outloud to a younger sibling so that you can edit stuff out and give Sazed a scottish accent.

Edited by LeftVash
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When you force your relatives to read Legion because its so awesome and short enough that it won't kill them.


Edit: Not sure if I've said this before, but when you read Mistborn outloud to a younger sibling so that you can edit stuff out and give Sazed a scottish accent.



... Sazed... with a Scottish accent...  :unsure:  ... Are you OK? Not Barking Mad, I hope. 

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When you think, "aww, 'sanderfan.' Why didn't I call dibs on that name??"

That's what happens when you read this thread before you actually make an account.  :D



When one day, you decide that you just have to know how to write in the Alethi women's script, and spend hours practicing.


When you spend most of school contemplating what sort of powers you would have in each different world of the Cosmere.

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When your friend jokingly calls someone 'the inquisitor' because they ask so many questions, and you miss the next five minutes of the conversation because you were thinking of Mistborn.


I can only assume you broke out in cold sweat before trying to discreetly tell whether said someone was a genuine Inquisitor.


"Are you going to drink any of that punch? Careful... I think it might be spiked, if you catch my drift."


"Do you hear that siren? Sounds sort of like a half-skaa screaming, wouldn't you say?"


"Let's play truth or dare; I'll go first. Does God tell you to murder people in your head?"

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I can only assume you broke out in cold sweat before trying to discreetly tell whether said someone was a genuine Inquisitor.


"Are you going to drink any of that punch? Careful... I think it might be spiked, if you catch my drift."


"Do you hear that siren? Sounds sort of like a half-skaa screaming, wouldn't you say?"


"Let's play truth or dare; I'll go first. Does God tell you to murder people in your head?"

You: Excuse me, sir, do you know any good places to buy metals?

Inquisitor: Ah, metals. I love metals!

You: I hear atium is the best. Have you ever had any?

Inquisitor: Yes, I was in Scadrial once many years ago, before the war.

You: Really? Have you ever been to Kredik Shaw?

Inquisitor: All the time! That's my favorite dark palace of doom! I used to talk to the High Prelan a lot.

You: I am a twisted, Spiritually modified abomination with massive spikes through my eyes, created as an elite enforcer-priest for an immortal God-Emperor. Are you one too?

Inquisitor: Yes.

(Blatantly stolen from Scott. No, not on this forum. No, you won't be able to find it by Googling.)
Edited by Shaggai
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When, every time you finish a book from another author, you need someone to tell you not to reread all the Sanderson books, you're already addicted and can quote whole chunks.


The last time someone told me not to reread a Sanderson book, I threatened to summon my Shardblade.

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When you're having a terrible, terrible day, and decide to try to cheer yourself up by reading the pre-release chapter for SA3.


...btw, I wasn't blown away. I was somehow expecting more.


Spren in the Cognitive Realm!?!


Ivory, finally!!!

A master of Soulcasting!


Must have MORE!!!


Put that in spoilers? Maybe? It's not published, but... who knows. Just the fact that it's


might tip people off.


But for the chapter, agreed. I wanted more. But I'm glad he's working on it.  :D

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When you got really mad when this lady called it "The Mistborn Saga"





I know I'm overreacting but it's just so UGH

I'm so confused.

I always assumed "saga" was more or less a synonim of "series", and as such usable to describe any collection of books with an overarching plot, such as mistborn, the wheel of time,the stormlight archive, or anything else. is it not so? what's wrong with alling mistborn a saga?

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I'm so confused.

I always assumed "saga" was more or less a synonim of "series", and as such usable to describe any collection of books with an overarching plot, such as mistborn, the wheel of time,the stormlight archive, or anything else. is it not so? what's wrong with alling mistborn a saga?


Well there's nothing technically wrong with it.  You could also call it the Chronicles of Mistborn.  But it just feels so wrong.

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I'm so confused.

I always assumed "saga" was more or less a synonim of "series", and as such usable to describe any collection of books with an overarching plot, such as mistborn, the wheel of time,the stormlight archive, or anything else. is it not so? what's wrong with alling mistborn a saga?


I was curious, so I decided to search Amazon with just the word "saga" in the search field.  In just the first four pages somewhere between 1/3 to 1/2 of the covers are either scantily clad men and/or women (some covers have both) or obviously chick-lit of the fantasy/supernatural variety.  The other covers either look like they fall in the fantasy, horror, or graphic novel and/or manga categories.  All that said, Twilight actually didn't appear on the first four pages.  *shrug *


If anything, SO many people have heard of the Twilight Saga and have a lot of opinions on it (good or bad) that I can understand the desire to groan if someone were to call it the Mistborn Saga instead.  In my opinion, it should be what the author/publisher or someone official calls it.

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When, every time you finish a book from another author, you need someone to tell you not to reread all the Sanderson books, you're already addicted and can quote whole chunks.


The last time someone told me not to reread a Sanderson book, I threatened to summon my Shardblade.


When your local librarian has sit-down conversations with you about branching out beyond Sanderson books. I mean, honestly, I do read other books - occasionally.


Then you realize your local library is conspicuously missing the Alcatraz books, and it all makes sudden, terrible sense.

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Well there's nothing technically wrong with it. You could also call it the Chronicles of Mistborn. But it just feels so wrong.

I always thought that it was a trilogy, but for clarification, the Miriam-Webster dictionary says that a saga is a a prose narrative recorded in iceland in the 12th and 13th centuries of historic or legendary figures and events of the heroic age of Norwan and Iceland; or a modern heroic narrative resembling the Icelandic saga; or a long detailed account...

Which makes me think that the author of twilight used the word wrong.

A trilogy is a series of three dramas or literary works... That are closely related develop a single theme.

A chronicle is a historical account of events arranged in order of time usually usually without analysis or interpretation.

I think any of these work for Mistborn, though I always thought it was called The Mistborn Trilogy...

Edited by Crystin Radiant
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