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Hey guys, let's keep the discussions of Emperor's Soul to the Emperor's Soul Spoiler Board.

I'd seen TES mentioned in some other Cosmere Theories threads, and considered it fair game. How long should we wait until we start mentioning it here? Or would it be alright as long as we are using spoiler tags for plot-relevant details? TES had some interesting insights into magic in the Cosmere and raised a few questions about Cosmere afterlife for me.

Nevermind, I just found the poll on the bottom of the TES board about spoilers. Chaos wrote that November 1st is when TES becomes fair game in Cosmere Theories. Wait, what?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd seen TES mentioned in some other Cosmere Theories threads, and considered it fair game. How long should we wait until we start mentioning it here? Or would it be alright as long as we are using spoiler tags for plot-relevant details? TES had some interesting insights into magic in the Cosmere and raised a few questions about Cosmere afterlife for me.

Nevermind, I just found the poll on the bottom of the TES board about spoilers. Chaos wrote that November 1st is when TES becomes fair game in Cosmere Theories. Wait, what?

Oops! Looks like a miscommunication on our part. Sorry about that (and sorry I've missed it until now). The posts are re-approved now.

Edit. Poorly received post.


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  • 2 years later...

I would like to address reincarnation. Sarene in Elantris and Shallan in Stormlight Archives are very similar: Stubborn, good in courts, witty, a scholar, etc., Raoden, Kaladin, and maybe Kelsier are all similar as well: Thrust into a situation almost worse than death, they make the best of it,

becoming the leader of a group of people whose lives are dangerous and had long ago given up hope, his sole purpose being improving the quality of life his followers enjoy. There are differences, though, Raoden always smiling opposed to Kaladin's perpetual scowl, Sarene unable to make anything artistic as opposed to Shallan having, probably, the best artistic skills in Roshar. I know this reply is long, but I think that major players in one book tend to find their way into other books, though who or what in the Spiritual Realm regulates the system, I couldn't say.

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I would like to address reincarnation. Sarene in Elantris and Shallan in Stormlight Archives are very similar: Stubborn, good in courts, witty, a scholar, etc., Raoden, Kaladin, and maybe Kelsier are all similar as well: Thrust into a situation almost worse than death, they make the best of it,

becoming the leader of a group of people whose lives are dangerous and had long ago given up hope, his sole purpose being improving the quality of life his followers enjoy. There are differences, though, Raoden always smiling opposed to Kaladin's perpetual scowl, Sarene unable to make anything artistic as opposed to Shallan having, probably, the best artistic skills in Roshar. I know this reply is long, but I think that major players in one book tend to find their way into other books, though who or what in the Spiritual Realm regulates the system, I couldn't say.

I disagree with this.  First I could swear I've seen others write that Kelsier is still around in some form.  That means he exists at the same time as Kaladin.  


Even if it doesn't,  I think the differences between Kel and Kal are major.  Kelsier first of all is all about the destination.  He's willing to butcher the nobility,  create mass chaos,  and in general do what ever it takes to accomplish his goals.  That his goal is to protect skaa is not that similar to Kaladin at all,  and in fact it could be said that it is something in fact diametrically opposed.  Kaladin hates the lighteyes,  but even if Syl didn't care,  I don't see him sucking in some stormlight and butchering an entire warcamp,  which is something that Kelsier would have done in his place.  Don't get me wrong I like Kelsier and still consider him to be a hero,  but he was brutal and responded to things fundamentally differently. 

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About the Reincarnation-theory, probably Raoden is still alive during the SA story (and therefore during Mistborn).

Remember that an Elantrian is quite immortal (about the lifespan) and Raoden may be as alive as Gallaoden.

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I disagree with this.  First I could swear I've seen others write that Kelsier is still around in some form.  That means he exists at the same time as Kaladin.  


Even if it doesn't,  I think the differences between Kel and Kal are major.  Kelsier first of all is all about the destination.  He's willing to butcher the nobility,  create mass chaos,  and in general do what ever it takes to accomplish his goals.  That his goal is to protect skaa is not that similar to Kaladin at all,  and in fact it could be said that it is something in fact diametrically opposed.  Kaladin hates the lighteyes,  but even if Syl didn't care,  I don't see him sucking in some stormlight and butchering an entire warcamp,  which is something that Kelsier would have done in his place.  Don't get me wrong I like Kelsier and still consider him to be a hero,  but he was brutal and responded to things fundamentally differently. 


So we only know via Word of Brandon that Kelsier's ghost has been busy since Hero of Ages: (ie. he has not "moved on" as of Alloy of Law)




At the end of Alloy of Law, Marsh tells Marasi, that Wax is doing "his brothers work". Does this mean Kelsier is still meddling, or is this a continuation of his initial legacy?

Brandon Sanderson

Kelsier has never been good at doing what he's told. He's still interfering.

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