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Who is Sir Jerric?

Sir Jerric

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I suppose if I'm going to be posting in the various 17th Shard boards, I should probably make an introduction thread too.

I've been an avid reader of Fantasy since the days when my dad would read us the Lord of the Rings as a bedtime story. One chapter per day. Can't wait to find out what comes next? You could always learn to read for yourself. ;)

My dad is always hunting for new books. When he recommended Elantris as one of the best books he'd found recently, I wasn't about to pass it up. After Elantris and Mistborn: the Final Empire, I was hooked, so I looked for Brandon's other projects. This was about the time that Harriet announced Brandon as the pick for finishing the Wheel of Time, which was a thrill, too.

I eventually got hooked into reading annotations, listening to Writing Excuses, and browsing (lurking) on the 17th Shard. I made my account a while back (25+ hours of Time Online already? Yikes!). The Screen Name is one I use in numerous places (with or without a space), and the avatar is a little photo-manipulation I did (the robe is rather bulky to pack for a fight to Alaska).

I have a Bachelor's in Computer Science from UNOmaha, but not a real job in the field yet. I might try writing novels at some point, but I'm still trying to find a solid enough conflict to support one.


Random questions of local forum etiquette:

If I want to talk about the mechanics of Hemalurgy, should I start a new thread for that, or see if a thread already exists?

If I want to collect the collective knowledge of the fans about the Scadrialan Era before the Lord Ruler, do I start a thread, edit or make a Coppermind wiki page, or both?

Lest people think I'm only interested in Mistborn, is anyone looking into comparitive currency valuations in Roshar?

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Hey there Jerric, great to have you aboard.

I'd suggest searching for topics on Hemalurgy before creating your own, but don't necrobump if you can help it. If you're not sure, just post your own thread, and it'll be closed/merged if the staff think its appropriate.

Sharing knowledge should be done on the wiki, but you could always start a thread asking people to help collect the knowledge and then add it to the wiki. My advice is to edit the wiki (I'm the wiki guy, of course I'm gonna point you towards the wiki).

I have no idea about the currencies and stuff on Roshar, but if you find anything, you should definitely add it to the wiki :D

Thanks a lot, and hope you enjoy yourself :D

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I'd suggest searching for topics on Hemalurgy before creating your own, but don't necrobump if you can help it.


Which then begs the question: how old can the thread be before it is considered necroing? Three pages deep or more? One year or more since last post?

I am an amateur at wiki editing, so I will likely end up with numerous questions on that process once I start on that. =)

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Which then begs the question: how old can the thread be before it is considered necroing? Three pages deep or more? One year or more since last post?

I am an amateur at wiki editing, so I will likely end up with numerous questions on that process once I start on that. =)

ask away :D I'm always happy to help

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