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I would like to announce....


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I would like to announce that I'm going to Brandon's recently-announced thingy at Harvard on Saturday!

Of course, that means that we have to decide which are the top 3 Cosmere questions that I should ask him.

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I would like to announce that I'm going to Brandon's recently-announced thingy at Harvard on Saturday!

Of course, that means that we have to decide which are the top 3 Cosmere questions that I should ask him.

Sent you a PM about one of my recommendations :P

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I would like to announce that I love Mr. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice.

Also, Puck. If you can (especially for my collection) could you get an audio recording of the questions and answers? That way it can be "Brandon said:" instead of "Brandon talked about:".

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Also, Puck. If you can (especially for my collection) could you get an audio recording of the questions and answers? That way it can be "Brandon said:" instead of "Brandon talked about:".

Will do

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I would like to announce that I just saw that Silus was sick on his profile and I almost gave my sympathy but didn't and now I read the same thing in this thread and I feel compelled. So, my sympathy to you, Silus. Feel better soon.

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I would like to announce that I rallied, overcame my sickness, and went to see Brandon at Vericon today. I have 45 minutes of Brandon reading from Allow of Law (which I'll post pending Peter's approval), and a couple deeper Cosmere hints (which I'll post when I'm done cleaning the house and painting the bathroom)

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I would like to announce that I rallied, overcame my sickness, and went to see Brandon at Vericon today. I have 45 minutes of Brandon reading from Allow of Law (which I'll post pending Peter's approval), and a couple deeper Cosmere hints (which I'll post when I'm done cleaning the house and painting the bathroom)

I would like to announce that I am super excited about this and the link(s) should be announced here once they exist!

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