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I would like to announce....


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It is now on the Brandonothology.

wow! I feel honored! cool.gif (maybe even Honored)

I'm totally going to have to do one of those for Mistborn. As the Lord Ruler, it is my duty to make the Mistborn wiki articles awesome.

I agree. My goal (with or without help, but ideally with biggrin.gif) is to do this for every Sanderson book. Once I'm done with my Elantris articles, I'll be moving on to Warbreaker

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I would like to announce that group projects fail when the group only has one chance to meet, and the meeting only lasts an hour.

That depends. Is it one of those group projects that ends up as "That guy will do all the work, and the rest of us will jack around for the rest of the time"? If so, then it doesn't really matter too terribly much how often the group meets.

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I would like to announce that I have spent far less time on this site in the last week than I would have liked.


I would also like to announce that Peter is a sadist, who is interested only in forcing me to lose sleep (and maybe get myself a copy of Raoden's pendant)

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I would like to announce that because of a field trip, the only class period I have to go to tomorrow is my last period class, Academic Decathlon, and since it's post-competition that basically means we sit in the classroom and play BS and Blackjack.

Easiest. Friday. Ever.

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