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I would like to announce that the latest spambot was exceedingly lame.

Yeah, sorry, i've been slacking. I'm usually pretty good about getting posts/spammers even before they're seen/reported, but I took this weekend essentially "off" from the internet, and have barely been on a PC since friday. Had i been using my super-lurkery powers, i would certainly have caught at least some of them quickly. I'm looking in my email now and i see a ton of "reported posts"  :o

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I would like to announce that i may have just saved someone's life by administering the Heimlich/CPR

*claps at Eerongal's good Samaritan (-ship?, -ism?)*

What happened?

My brother's girlfriend took too many of her prescription muscle relaxers (two instead of one). By the time my brother was flipping out, she was unconscious and not breathing (but making some gurgling noises). The only information i could get out of him when i asked "is she choking?" was "NO! YES! I DONT KNOW! MAYBE!" as he was trying and failing to administer CPR (he doesnt know how), so i threw his phone back at him and told HIM to call 911 because i DO know how to do CPR and the Heimlich. Did so until she was breathing, then we brought out to the front so the ambulance workers could get to her. By the time they got here, she was coming around, and mostly lucid.

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I would like to announce that i may have just saved someone's life by administering the Heimlich/CPR

*claps at Eerongal's good Samaritan (-ship?, -ism?)*

What happened?

My brother's girlfriend took too many of her prescription muscle relaxers (two instead of one). By the time my brother was flipping out, she was unconscious and not breathing (but making some gurgling noises). The only information i could get out of him when i asked "is she choking?" was "NO! YES! I DONT KNOW! MAYBE!" as he was trying and failing to administer CPR (he doesnt know how), so i threw his phone back at him and told HIM to call 911 because i DO know how to do CPR and the Heimlich. Did so until she was breathing, then we brought out to the front so the ambulance workers could get to her. By the time they got here, she was coming around, and mostly lucid.

Wow, that's intense congrats on saving her.

I would like to announce that after 5 and 1/2 months I completed "A Monument to All Your Sins" on Halo: Reach

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My brother's girlfriend took too many of her prescription muscle relaxers (two instead of one). By the time my brother was flipping out, she was unconscious and not breathing (but making some gurgling noises). The only information i could get out of him when i asked "is she choking?" was "NO! YES! I DONT KNOW! MAYBE!" as he was trying and failing to administer CPR (he doesnt know how), so i threw his phone back at him and told HIM to call 911 because i DO know how to do CPR and the Heimlich. Did so until she was breathing, then we brought out to the front so the ambulance workers could get to her. By the time they got here, she was coming around, and mostly lucid.

Dang, that's awesome.

*claps at Eerongal's good Samaritan (-ship?, -ism?)*

I believe it would be -ness.  Which I am totally BSing, I have no clue.
I would like to announce that after 5 and 1/2 months I completed "A Monument to All Your Sins" on Halo: Reach
That's beating the game on Legendary alone, right?
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My brother's girlfriend took too many of her prescription muscle relaxers (two instead of one). By the time my brother was flipping out, she was unconscious and not breathing (but making some gurgling noises). The only information i could get out of him when i asked "is she choking?" was "NO! YES! I DONT KNOW! MAYBE!" as he was trying and failing to administer CPR (he doesnt know how), so i threw his phone back at him and told HIM to call 911 because i DO know how to do CPR and the Heimlich. Did so until she was breathing, then we brought out to the front so the ambulance workers could get to her. By the time they got here, she was coming around, and mostly lucid.

Dang, that's awesome.

Yeah, i'm pretty sure it's one of those things that's going to be embellished more and more the more i tell it. By the time i'm 50 or so, i expect that i'll be about 7 foot tall, 300 pounds of muscle, and have come charging in to save the day on my white stallion while carrying a bus load of orphans from a burning building.

I would like to announce that after 5 and 1/2 months I completed "A Monument to All Your Sins" on Halo: Reach

I'm not a big halo fan, however, ive heard that legendary is supposedly to be insanely hard, right? If so, congrats.

Eerongal, you are worthy of having a cookie for saving a life. Perhaps two.


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I would like to announce that somehow, my timezone on this forum got changed to Argentina time.

The timezones probably got wonked in the conversion process.

I would like to announce that I'm going to be an uncle in September. Whoa.

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The timezones probably got wonked in the conversion process.

I would like to announce that I'm going to be an uncle in September. Whoa.

Heh, i've been an uncle for about 3 years now. It's pretty awesome, coz i get to play with/spoil/tease all i want, but have none of the responsibility.

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Heh, i've been an uncle for about 3 years now. It's pretty awesome, coz i get to play with/spoil/tease all i want, but have none of the responsibility.

Yeah, I'm totally ready to spoil her/him rotten.

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I would like to announce that Eero's avatar is kinda freaking me out...in a good way...

Yeah, I don't know what that means either.

oh yeah, i used the other avatar here, didn't i? The cat one that i added the cookie to. I forgot about that. Thought i used this one.

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