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I would like to announce....


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I would like to announce that a bee sting has crippled my left hand. My middle finger has swollen up and the hand can no longer close as a result of it.

And now, for something completely different. Go to google translator and type in "ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ" and switch it to translate from German to English.

doing it with "pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch" and hitting listen is cooler, in my opinion.

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I would like to announce that I'm applying for research this summer at BYU, among other places. Man, if I get into BYU's, I'd have to not curse. And not drink Dr Pepper. This may prove impossible.

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I would like to announce that I'm applying for research this summer at BYU, among other places. Man, if I get into BYU's, I'd have to not curse. And not drink Dr Pepper. This may prove impossible.

You should totally apply at the fermi particle accelerator. Why? Because its like a 3 hour drive from where i'm at. We could totally hang out occasionally.

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Oh, you can drink Dr. Pepper at BYU. You probably won't find any on campus, but they won't kick you out for drinking it. Swearing? Just don't do it on campus. My roommates are BYU students and they swear all the time.

On that note, I would like to announce that BYU makes the best chocolate milk in the world.

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You should totally apply at the fermi particle accelerator. Why? Because its like a 3 hour drive from where i'm at. We could totally hang out occasionally.

Ha, I wish I could get there. People much more qualified and motivated would get in there.

You guys should ALL apply to the University of British Columbia, then we could ALL hang out together!

Canada would also be awesome. Maybe I could apply there for grad school.

Why not Dr Pepper?

At BYU, regardless of whether you are LDS or not, you need to uphold the LDS honor code and such. You can't do a lot of things. There's also a lot of restrictions in BYU approved housing.

Oh, you can drink Dr. Pepper at BYU. You probably won't find any on campus, but they won't kick you out for drinking it. Swearing? Just don't do it on campus. My roommates are BYU students and they swear all the time.

On that note, I would like to announce that BYU makes the best chocolate milk in the world.

I just know there's going to be a day where I curse on campus and everyone will be shocked except me. "What did I say? Hippo? That isn't... oh, right. Whoops."

I was intending to have a store of Dr Pepper in my car regardless of what they say. I've had consistent caffeine for years, and I really am in no hurry to find out what the withdrawal will be like.

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At BYU, regardless of whether you are LDS or not, you need to uphold the LDS honor code and such. You can't do a lot of things. There's also a lot of restrictions in BYU approved housing.

See this is why I could never attend an explicitly religious university, I'd go crazy and end up getting kicked out after doing something outrageous.

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See this is why I could never attend an explicitly religious university, I'd go crazy and end up getting kicked out after doing something outrageous.

I think I'd go crazy, too. I mean, you can't have a member of the opposite sex in a bedroom, for example. But their math department is awesome and I miss the 17th Sharders in Utah.

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Eh, the honor code basically amounts to:

1: Don't have sex with people you're not married to.

2: Wear a shirt AND pants to class.

3: Don't drink or smoke.

4: Shave.

For practicing Mormons this isn't strict at all. I can't even think of most of the rules because I would never consider doing most of the things that are against the rules. If you accidentally swear just apologize and people will forget about it. They're not going to kick you out for one slip of the tongue. The caffeine thing is just a suggestion. Nobody will even look twice if you walk around with entire cases of Dr. Pepper. Well... Coffee is a No-no, but other than that, drink all the caffeine you want.

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Eh, the honor code basically amounts to:

1: Don't have sex with people you're not married to.

2: Wear a shirt AND pants to class.

3: Don't drink or smoke.

4: Shave.

For practicing Mormons this isn't strict at all. I can't even think of most of the rules because I would never consider doing most of the things that are against the rules. If you accidentally swear just apologize and people will forget about it. They're not going to kick you out for one slip of the tongue. The caffeine thing is just a suggestion. Nobody will even look twice if you walk around with entire cases of Dr. Pepper. Well... Coffee is a No-no, but other than that, drink all the caffeine you want.

Wow, I noticed the explicit mention of coffee and the lack of a reference to pop, so that's awesome.

Probably best to remove temptation, too. I'm way too flirty for my own good (not that it leads anywhere). I just was always irked with "no members of the opposite sex in bedrooms" because for most of college, all my friends were female. It's kinda nice to have chats in private. Of course, at this point I realize that my objection is kind of lame.

this automatically disqualify me. I can't go with a baby face for more than a couple days. I have to have at LEAST a mustache.

Yup, only beards are prohibited.

I'd like to announce that I am also waiting with anticipation to see if I make it into BYU.

Good luck!

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Yeah, the caffeine thing has never been strict. It's just people extrapolating from the no coffee rule since it's never been completely clear exactly what about it is bad, specifically. The main rule is to stay away from addictive substances, which for a lot of people is coffee. Pop can fall under this rule if you just can't go without it, but that's more for someone to determine on their own.

I regret to announce that the family PC's been out of commission all day (I'm currently typing on my iPod touch, which is annoying) and it will most likely be a couple of days before I can get back on a proper keyboard. So my posting will be down some until then.

I'd also like to announce that the mobile version of 17th Shard is really good!

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I would like to announce that it is statements like these that make me feel so at home on this forum.


It seriously is like Hoth outside. 0 degrees, but with -20 wind chill. I wear my scarf over my face, and I feel like Darth Vader. Then I realize Vader never went down to Hoth.

What a pansy.

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It seriously is like Hoth outside. 0 degrees, but with -20 wind chill. I wear my scarf over my face, and I feel like Darth Vader. Then I realize Vader never went down to Hoth.

What a pansy.

It's cold here too, currently 0 degrees C (which is cold for where I live) and going to drop to -8 overnight.

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