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I would like to announce....


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It's 57 out right now where I am. Be. Jealous.

Also, I would like to announce that after going through the ordeal that is writing a creative nonfiction story about myself... I NEVER WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN. I am so thankful we're in the wonderful realm of drama, which is my second favorite genre. After, of course, ginormous epic fantasies.

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I would like to announce that I'm writing my Statement of Purpose for REUs (Research Experience in Undergraduate). Strongly tempted to use the term "math rape" in them. Especially on the one for BYU ;)

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I would like to announce that I'm writing my Statement of Purpose for REUs (Research Experience in Undergraduate). Strongly tempted to use the term "math rape" in them. Especially on the one for BYU ;)

"If it works then it works."

Which is my favorite (slightly paraphrased) Dan Wells quote after "I'm allowed two F-words under the PG-13 rule." (said at LTUE, at BYU)

I'd like to announce that we have gotten a new computer! Once we've downloaded our backups from the old computer things will be even better than before! And a Nexus post after that will be forthcoming. I just have to decide something for that.

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I would like to announce that the costume exhibit at the museum was freaking breathtaking. I got to see actual costumes worn in Sherlock Holmes, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Duchess, Phantom of the Opera, Goya's Ghosts, Finding Neverland, and tons more! They weren't even behind glass. I could lean in nice and close and look at every miniscule detail. X3

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I would like to announce that I don't like writing up speeches, even if it's just an outline. I have no problem speaking it, but it's just too... rigidly organized. XD

So just make it up on the fly.

"Ladies and gentlemen........uh.....thanks and all that.....so.....how about that local sports affiliate, huh? Heard they played a game.........i think that's been 15 minutes or so. Goodnight everybody!"

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So just make it up on the fly.

"Ladies and gentlemen........uh.....thanks and all that.....so.....how about that local sports affiliate, huh? Heard they played a game.........i think that's been 15 minutes or so. Goodnight everybody!"

Unfortunately, as wonderful of a speech that that is, I have to turn in an outline. Sucks, seeing as Eerongal's Speech Style is obviously superior to well thought out speeches.

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Unfortunately, as wonderful of a speech that that is, I have to turn in an outline. Sucks, seeing as Eerongal's Speech Style™ is obviously superior to well thought out speeches.

I know, right? They don't call me "the silver tongued devil" for nothin'! (at least I call me that, anyways)

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So just make it up on the fly.

"Ladies and gentlemen........uh.....thanks and all that.....so.....how about that local sports affiliate, huh? Heard they played a game.........i think that's been 15 minutes or so. Goodnight everybody!"

I once did an entire speech off the cuff for an English class. It worked out pretty darn well, actually. Better than reading my report off powerpoint slides, at any rate.

I would also like to announce that my midterms are officially over. About freaking time! x_x

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I would like to announce that I don't like writing up speeches, even if it's just an outline. I have no problem speaking it, but it's just too... rigidly organized. XD

Me too! If I'm in the right mindset I can go on for quite a while pulling things off the top of my head, but if I need to conform to a specific script I fall apart. I lose my flow!

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I would like to announce that Zas's Brandonothology is awesome, especially its link to the Elantris annotations. It made me reread the ending of Elantris.

And, more importantly, I have the beginnings of a complete picture of how the Shards work on Sel. :D

EDIT: Of course I'm going to make you until tomorrow, because I'm cruel.

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Serious flaws appearing in my Elantris theory. I'll probably post it regardless.

So it's 3:30, and I'm done reading the Elantris annotations. This was not the best use of my evening... but whatever.

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