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Which means I'm basically screwed either way. ;) But were it not for copious amounts of Solarcaine, I would be in a lot of pain right now.

see, that's the thing for me. For some reason, to me, sunburns don't seem to hurt. They just feel really weird. It's like that cold/hot feeling when you eat mint that you get, except on my skin. In addition to that, my skin feels like rubber, so all in all, i just feel really strange when i have one, and i don't register any "pain" with it. And it's just sunburns that are like that for me, regular burns hurt, but not sunburns. I dunno why.

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see, that's the thing for me. For some reason, to me, sunburns don't seem to hurt. They just feel really weird. It's like that cold/hot feeling when you eat mint that you get, except on my skin. In addition to that, my skin feels like rubber, so all in all, i just feel really strange when i have one, and i don't register any "pain" with it. And it's just sunburns that are like that for me, regular burns hurt, but not sunburns. I dunno why.

That probably means you have cancer :P

Or a really lame superpower.

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That superpower thread is awesome.

I would like to announce that I think I found a proper Twitter application which can display 17th Shard's as well as Brandon's.

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I got I Don't Want To Kill You today! So far it is awesome. Unfortunately, my reading regimen requires that I read other things in addition to that. This will bother my mom, who wants to read it but I won't let her until I'm finished. I'm not going to read any more of it tonight because it's after dark and I like not being traumatized, thank you very much.

I was just reading LotR, and *SPOILEROHLIKEITEVENMATTERSANYWAY* after Boromir dies, they're singing as they push his boat into the river, and then Everyone's a Hero from Dr. Horrible comes up on iTunes. Hearing Nathan Fillion sing "Yeah, we totally had sex." while Aragorn and Legolas are singing a funeral song for Boromir was really, really funny. Oh, I'm so terrible.

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I got I Don't Want To Kill You today!

The book may be I Don't Want To Kill You, but in actuality I do want to kill you, because you have it and Mi'ch hasn't shipped my copy out to me.

I would like to announce that I didn't want to write this third scene into this chapter. On a whim, I decided, "Hey, let's just cut the scene." The scene was setup for events in the next chapter, but now that I thought about it, the scene was not as interesting as it should have been, and the next chapter was just a bit forced. I wanted a strong plot cycle for Part One of the book, but there are five parts to it total. I have time to let things build.

Laziness prevails today.

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I would like to announce that Kerry and I are totally stalking the Active User List to see where Peter will post next on the site.

My past-time: deciphering Peter's cryptic clues.

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