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Well then.  Hmm... I'd never even heard of Pathfinder before now.  Googling it, it looks like a 3rd party spinoff of 3.5.  When did that come out?

Also, to get this back somewhat on topic, I would like to announce that I am playing Epic Mickey, and it is.

It came out just before 4th edition, and people are essentially calling it 3.75, because its going to stick with 3.5 and not move to 4th ed.

I would like to announce that with this post, my post count is once again higher than Eerongal's. In other words, this post is purely spam. It should be ignored. Thank you.

o rly?

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It'll do until I figure out a pithier way to say the profound thing that was there before. Yes, we went from philosophy to bad puns. Don't judge.

I'd like to announce that I just finished easy quantum mechanics problems. I wasn't aware those existed...

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I would like to announce that I Don't Want to Kill You, by Dan Wells, is an awesome book that everyone needs to read. Best book I've read in the past year - and the past year has included Way of Kings, every book by Jim Butcher, and Towers of Midnight, among many others. I loved them all, but I Don't Want to Kill You has blown them all away.

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Yeah. This is why I haven't started Dan's books yet. I hear they're quite awesome, but I have to make sure I have sufficient time to devote to them.

That, and I keep just forgetting to actually, you know, buy them. Even though I totally mean to.

I would like to announce that I have finally caught up from my first two weeks of slacking off this semester.

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I would like to announce that Kerry (KChan) thinks my book's backstory--where I had discovered a "fatal flaw"--is awesome. So, uh, that's good, I guess? I thought it was way too complex (because I have a tendency to do that), but Kerry understood it, sleep deprived and on melatonin. And let me tell you, Kerry on melatonin is pretty sleep-drunk.

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I would like to announce that I have decided on Emboar, Zebstrika, Seismitoad, Reuniclus, Vanilluxe, and Hydreigon.  I may substitute Zekrom and Kyurem for Zebstrika and Vanilluxe eventually though.

That's... great? Good for you?

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I would like to announce that I have decided on Emboar, Zebstrika, Seismitoad, Reuniclus, Vanilluxe, and Hydreigon.  I may substitute Zekrom and Kyurem for Zebstrika and Vanilluxe eventually though.

I would like to announce that this just made my day :). I haven't decided between between Snivey or Oshawott yet. gonna use Zoroark, Abagoura, Sazandora, and the rest is undecided. I'm such a nerd  :D
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I would like to announce that I have decided on Emboar, Zebstrika, Seismitoad, Reuniclus, Vanilluxe, and Hydreigon.  I may substitute Zekrom and Kyurem for Zebstrika and Vanilluxe eventually though.

I would like to announce that this just made my day :). I haven't decided between between Snivey or Oshawott yet. gonna use Zoroark, Abagoura, Sazandora, and the rest is undecided. I'm such a nerd  :D

Pokebeach has all the english names up.  Hydreigon is Sazandora's english name.  Zoroark is only available through an event, I think.  Best of luck getting one.

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I would like to announce that I have decided on Emboar, Zebstrika, Seismitoad, Reuniclus, Vanilluxe, and Hydreigon.  I may substitute Zekrom and Kyurem for Zebstrika and Vanilluxe eventually though.

I would like to announce that this just made my day :). I haven't decided between between Snivey or Oshawott yet. gonna use Zoroark, Abagoura, Sazandora, and the rest is undecided. I'm such a nerd  :D

Pokebeach has all the english names up.  Hydreigon is Sazandora's english name.  Zoroark is only available through an event, I think.  Best of luck getting one.

Don't need one. I can make a team that's just fine without it. I've never been interested in 'catching them all' anyway. I'd probably end up trading it away or losing it when I start a new game.

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It occurred to me, some1, since Hydreigon and Zoroark are both dark types, and Zoroark is only a single type, maybe you should consider dark covered by Hydreigon and choose something else besides Zoroark?  Sure, my team would have three dragons in it, but they all cover another type as well.

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I would like to announce that I have decided on Emboar, Zebstrika, Seismitoad, Reuniclus, Vanilluxe, and Hydreigon.  I may substitute Zekrom and Kyurem for Zebstrika and Vanilluxe eventually though.

I would like to announce that this just made my day :). I haven't decided between between Snivey or Oshawott yet. gonna use Zoroark, Abagoura, Sazandora, and the rest is undecided. I'm such a nerd  :D

Pokebeach has all the english names up.  Hydreigon is Sazandora's english name.  Zoroark is only available through an event, I think.  Best of luck getting one.

I definitely will need to do some planning soon on my Black and White team. I remember going through some of the Pokemon on Serebii a while back and being pretty pleased with some of the type mixes.


In much more exciting news, my book, Rebirth, is getting research/creative project funding through my university. Uh, I guess this makes me semipro, since I am getting paid to write...

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