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What will come after. MAJOR AMoL SPOILERS, YO!!!!


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My guesses (and guesses only, I'm afraid) as to what will become of everyone in the post AMoL years.

Rand and Min will wander the world in quiet anonymity (for the most part), with Rand paying frequent visits to Elayne and Avi.

Elayne becomes a queen of Andor and forges the Pact of the Griffin (a Andor-Saldea alliance with Murandy and Carhein also involved, ruled by a union of Elayne's line with Perrin/Faile's). Relations with the Seanchan are cordial, if not excellent.

Speaking of Perrin and Faile, I predict them retiring to the Two Rivers for a while, and developing it into a center for trade (particularly the Seanchan-Andor trade) and learning. In time, Faile inherits the crown of Saldea, passing it on to a child of hers who will marry one of Elayne's children (they'd only be a couple of years apart, so it's not too odd).

Aviendha lives to see the Aiel settling into a solid role in the new world, bears her children (from the time she slept with Rand at Merrilor), and goes to her grave in the safe knowledge that the doom she foresaw has been deflected.

Mat and Tuon live in happiness for many more years. Not peace by any means, but happiness. They bear several more children, stabilize the Raven Empire in the West, and perhaps live long enough to see Seanchan itself once again fall under their rule. The Dragon's Peace holds, and they do not expand further west.

The Black Tower grows strong, and men who channel are no longer feared. The Red Ajah shifts from gentling to policing the various channeling populations. The White Tower heals, and the two Towers become closely allied and bound together.

Loial finally writes his book, and he and Erith watch the world healing.

And that's all the threads I can see. Oh, yes. Moghedien never escapes from being a damane.

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Two notes: First, as I recall, the Aiel of the visions went to war because neither they nor the Seanchan were part of the Dragon's Peace. Now they are.

Second, I may have to revise my predicition that Rand and Min will travel together. I'd forgotten that Tuon had claimed Min. It's fairer that way anyway, with each of the three having duties and Rand dropping in on any or all of them as his wanderings go.

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I've edited in spoiler tags. In the future, make sure that you put things in spoiler tags, or at least put a warning in the topic title. It's just good manners.

In case anyone needs it, the spoiler tags are [spoiler|] SPOILERS HERE [/spoiler|]. Just take out the |.

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I figure it will happen just like Aviendha`s visions.

The Empress may she live forever is not bound by treaties.

It can't. She's already changed things from what she saw in her visions. Perhaps even more telling, in the visions, the Dragon's peace did hold the Seanchen, until the Aiel managed to get it broken.

I suspect that in the new world, things will play out differently. That's almost certainly what the visions were for.

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