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Reason why Honor is worse at seeing the future than Cultivation


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Okay, I feel this has probably been posted before, but on the off chance it hasn't, I'd like to make a contribution. Simply put, I'm pretty sure why Cultivation has a better ability at seeing the future than Honor.

Cultivation is an inherently long-term idea. The idea of nurturing something (such as a plant) requires you to think ahead, to plan for things. In the example I used, a cultivator must take into account what the weather is likely to be like, the other plants around the plant, whether it will need more or less water etc; not only are you required to think ahead, but cultivation occurs over regularly long periods of time; you have a goal in mind when you start.

Honor, on the other hand, is inherently short term. The whole idea of 'journey before destination' requires one to consider only what is happening now. It doesn't matter what your end goal is, it's about your individual actions in getting to that goal, which are considered in and off themselves. Considering what is best 'in the long term' for everyone usually leads to actions that are inherently against Honor's nature, though not necessarily wrong; Honor isn't necessarily good by any means, just better and nicer than Odium).

So logically, Cultivation is long-term focused and Honor short-term focused. Hence, Cultivation can see the future better. Again, sorry if this has already been posted.

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