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They missed a few paragraphs of the AMoL ending! *Spoilers*


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Somehow a bit of it got cut off between Rand on the road and the "but it was an ending" bit. But I found it with my forum wizardry.

A Memory of Light:

Rand walked down the road, panting. The sun was setting, and he doubted that he would reach the next town by nightfall. "Stupid Moridin," he muttered. "You should have been hitting the gym more."

Just then, Rand heard the clopping of a horse. He turned around, and was shocked to realize that he was being followed.

It was a Trolloc. And the Trolloc was riding Bela!

Rand considered his options. "If I have to, I'll poke this Trolloc in the eyes and run away," he thought. Unfortunately, he was exhausted from all the walking he had done.

"Uh uh," he said to himself. "This does not look good at all."

Then the Trolloc brought Bela to a halt. He jumped down from the mare and led her towards Rand.

Rand backed away and began reaching for his sword. The Trolloc gestured for Rand to not touch the weapon. "Light, but I'm doomed!" thought Rand.

"Me Narg," the Trolloc cheerily explained. "Narg smart. You no need sword. Narg no hurt. Narg save horse for Nae'blis."

The Trolloc released Bela and she trotted over to Rand. "Uh, thanks," Rand said to the Trolloc. "Would you mind going to Emond's Field and helping the people rebuild?"

The Trolloc nodded. "Narg go," he said. "Narg help funny tabac people." He turned and headed off.

Rand smiled as he climbed onto his horse. He rode off into the first sunset of the new age.

There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was an ending.

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I'd almost forgotten about Narg. The one Trolloc with a name...

But anyways, we all know Bela is the creator. Her death was a clever ruse to make sure olver blew the horn. As soon as olver wasn't looking she obviously destroyed several fists of shadowspawn before trotting off to the blight to wait for Rand.

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