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"And lo, the city of Portland was overcome with snorting. All Epics, even I, paused to watch as they tilted their heads not as one, but in a dozen different directions at once. 'Surely,' I said, 'no man could remain hateful or fearful after casting his eyes upon such cuteness!' 'Surely not,' said the one called Steelslayer.' And behold, all fear and corruption left me, and my mind was restored.'"

Basically, that many pugs would break canon because Obliteration couldn't see them and NOT be redeemed. :P

Nighthound could.  <_<

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Oh, I didn't mention? Obliteration killed Nighthound because he was distracting him from the pugs. :ph34r:

And lo, having killed the hound of the night my mission to erradicate all evil from the world was fulfilled.

And then I did sayeth unto the world. 

"And then Nighthound died"

And the world did rejoice.


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I like the post Silver, but I found one error (which might be my fault for not explaining properly).  


Rainmaker's winds are not forming a vortex at the moment.  They are all blowing in towards Converter (now without actually reaching her since that last alteration).  This means that, as soon as the hail stone reached the point where the winds were still blowing (which it would immediately, given its size), it would be pushed back and held in position on top of Converter.  Does that make sense?  


Also, what are Converter's energy levels at?  She used up all her energy in the electrical attack earlier, and since then she has absorbed kinetic energy from the falling hail stone, and the initial winds.  Now, I'm assuming she's used some of the energy to try to get rid of the hailstone, and some to keep herself warm in the freezing temperatures (still not sure how she insulates herself when the temperature of air that is not moving is lowered), so correct me if I'm wrong at that point, and let me know approximately how much energy you feel she is left with.  


EDIT:  Also, I am now on MLP Season 4 and am LOVING the animation upgrade.  The way they do lighting now is beautiful, and I loved the flashback sequences :).

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I like the post Silver, but I found one error (which might be my fault for not explaining properly).  


Rainmaker's winds are not forming a vortex at the moment.  They are all blowing in towards Converter (now without actually reaching her since that last alteration).  This means that, as soon as the hail stone reached the point where the winds were still blowing (which it would immediately, given its size), it would be pushed back and held in position on top of Converter.  Does that make sense?  


Also, what are Converter's energy levels at?  She used up all her energy in the electrical attack earlier, and since then she has absorbed kinetic energy from the falling hail stone, and the initial winds.  Now, I'm assuming she's used some of the energy to try to get rid of the hailstone, and some to keep herself warm in the freezing temperatures (still not sure how she insulates herself when the temperature of air that is not moving is lowered), so correct me if I'm wrong at that point, and let me know approximately how much energy you feel she is left with.  


EDIT:  Also, I am now on MLP Season 4 and am LOVING the animation upgrade.  The way they do lighting now is beautiful, and I loved the flashback sequences :).

Ah, I missed that. I thought they were just blowing around her. I'll fix it.

How fast are the winds blowing?

Her energy levels are kind of low, but if the winds are blowing hard, she can send the hail ball into the winds and absorb the energy as it come back. 

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That makes sense...


The only descriptor I remember using is "Gale Force".  A quick wikipedia search tells me this would be an 8 - 10 on the Beufort Scale, or 61.8 - 102.4 km per hour.  


Level 8 "Fresh Gale" - Some twigs broken from trees. Cars veer on road. Progress on foot is seriously impeded.

Level 9 "Strong Gale" - Some branches break off trees, and some small trees blow over. Construction/temporary signs and barricades blow over.

Level 10 "Storm, Whole Gale" - Trees are broken off or uprooted, structural damage likely.


From these descriptions, and reviewing the post, I'm guessing only Level 10 would be strong enough to send the "bus-sized"  hail stone back (learn something new every day).  Since Rainmaker is holding pretty much nothing back, I'll say it's level 10.  


Any word on how Converter's power interacts with non-moving cold air?


EDIT:  Reading more, I have found that in Canada and the US, only level 8 or 9 winds are referred to as Gales, meaning the hail stone would likely be able to get through the wind?  


Also, for those who are curious, The Beaufort Scale.

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So should I edit my post or not?


If there is a non moving layer of air around Converter, then heat can't travel through it since heat is just kinetic energy, and Converter is absorbing all kinetic energy, so would no heat, or any other type of energy for that matter, can pass through. 

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But Rainmaker can affect temperature, so she should be able to lower the temperature of the non-moving layer of air.  Even though no heat is entering or leaving it, if Rainmaker changes the temperature of a whole area, including the non-moving part, it would stay cold, wouldn't it?  I get that the wind would not affect Converter's temperature, but should the cold air temperature still have an affect on her?  


Even if her insulation does protect her, she's still breathing in frigid air, so wouldn't she need to expend some energy to keep warm?  


The hailstone is getting annoying anyways, so maybe just edit it so that the wind isn't a vortex.  The winds aren't strong enough to pick up a hail stone of this size, so as long as Converter puts enough kinetic energy into it, it should be able to get through (physics buffs, please correct me if I am wrong).  

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The site works again! Yes! (It was dead for my since my last post... I feelt lost :( )


Not if there was a reference frame involved, it would just reduce the temperature to the temperature of the reference.

So it would only stop momentum that is shared by everything in the body?
I don't even know how to begin differentiating various momentums like that, for one it would allow people to move perfectly fine so she couldn't use her powers to stop people at all. In fact I think it would pretty much just work on momentum provided by gravity and perhaps not even then.

And what would the reference point for temperature be? Assuming it's the same as for everything else, which it should be, that would give us earth. However, earth doesn't have one temperature but a range from permafrozen ground in the arctics to the molten core of the earth. Even more problematic is that the power wouldn't really be affecting temerature but the movement of the particles augmented by the energy, which is partially random, so you would have to seperate an object into its atoms, map the random movement of those atoms or at the very least molecules and somehow set those relative to the movement of all the molecules making up the planet earth. Meaning there would no longer be a singular refrence point and all of this colapses. Even if you'd manage to do this you would also have to deal with how this is all relative to other influences like pressure and to translate it into actual momentum compare the mass of the molecules your affecting to whatever you choose as the reference.


Again, both large and small scale doesn't work at the same time, especially if you only have one reference point.

Still doesn't solve the issue with blood or nerve signals, the lightning bolt wouldn't be an object but if it hits something that is it becomes part of that object, electrons aren't really 'part' of an atom like that, in metals they're not really attached to any one atom at all they're in a free kind of flow.

Which brings us to the other problem that stoping lightning like this would only last as long as she keeps the object frozen, which in most cases would mean imprisioning herself, as the hightened electrical potential would just cause another lightning bolt killing her.


Oh and Kobold? Here's more dinosaur knights. :P


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Hey, I was the only one named in the post tags. If anyone's in charge of the pony uprising it's me. :P

Looking at it, Voidus and I don't even get mentioned in name. :(


Should I tell him how my reputation has nothing to do with ponies but writing a sadistic, sociopathic mass murderer with mind control and you simply used peer pressure to get me to make him a pony? :P

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I know the OP in that thread admitted to being overly dramatic, but the whole "Pony Invasion" seems kind of presumptuous to me, especially since Twi and Kobold (the two named in the post) have both been here longer.  The term "Invasion" implies the forced arrival of some person who is not welcome, which seems problematic on a board with an open door policy like 17th Shard.  I'm glad you guys are such good sports about it, but it definitely makes me uncomfortable when people get called out like that.  


The OP also doesn't really distinguish between post count or rep, or acknowledge that the two can go hand in hand.  Kobold (because you are easy to use as an example) has crazy rep, but he also has an amazing post count, and is active on many different areas of the site.  The fact of the matter is, it can be hard to earn rep if you are just posting in the theory threads, because there rep is usually given out more for the merit of the theory or the soundness of the logic.  But, if you get involved in the rest of the community (particularly segments with lots of ponies :P), rep is given out based on different criteria such as the humour of a post, or quality of the writing in the case of the RP.  Kobold and Twi are both great writers who are really active in the community, so I strongly dislike the implication by the OP that their rep or post count doesn't make sense solely because their avatars have ponies.  


Ah well, the thread has turned into an interesting discussion regardless, so I suppose I shouldn't hold too much of a grudge.  That wouldn't be very admin-ish of me, after all.  I'm interested to see if the OP will respond or what will be said future.  I also love that Peter himself jumped in with a pony video :).

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For some weird reason I'm also imaging that when Collaborate finds Corpsemaker he should be sitting in a gigantic throne and act like he doesn't give a damnation that he's getting attacked? I know it won't happen, because Corpsemaker is taking action himself but still. :P

Something like that might happen.  :ph34r:


Speaking of which, I need to write this up. Sorry for being so inactive. I'll have the post up by tonight.

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I know the OP in that thread admitted to being overly dramatic, but the whole "Pony Invasion" seems kind of presumptuous to me, especially since Twi and Kobold (the two named in the post) have both been here longer.  The term "Invasion" implies the forced arrival of some person who is not welcome, which seems problematic on a board with an open door policy like 17th Shard.  I'm glad you guys are such good sports about it, but it definitely makes me uncomfortable when people get called out like that.  


The OP also doesn't really distinguish between post count or rep, or acknowledge that the two can go hand in hand.  Kobold (because you are easy to use as an example) has crazy rep, but he also has an amazing post count, and is active on many different areas of the site.  The fact of the matter is, it can be hard to earn rep if you are just posting in the theory threads, because there rep is usually given out more for the merit of the theory or the soundness of the logic.  But, if you get involved in the rest of the community (particularly segments with lots of ponies :P), rep is given out based on different criteria such as the humour of a post, or quality of the writing in the case of the RP.  Kobold and Twi are both great writers who are really active in the community, so I strongly dislike the implication by the OP that their rep or post count doesn't make sense solely because their avatars have ponies.  


Ah well, the thread has turned into an interesting discussion regardless, so I suppose I shouldn't hold too much of a grudge.  That wouldn't be very admin-ish of me, after all.  I'm interested to see if the OP will respond or what will be said future.  I also love that Peter himself jumped in with a pony video :).

I find it interesting how this has kind of turned into a safe place to went out less popular opinions. :P

But yes, Peter jumping in was glorious. B)


After browsing youtube for a bit, I found that there is at least a chance that the Metal played this in his innitial fight with Lucentia. (Still looking around some more until I make this canon :ph34r: )

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I know the OP in that thread admitted to being overly dramatic, but the whole "Pony Invasion" seems kind of presumptuous to me, especially since Twi and Kobold (the two named in the post) have both been here longer. The term "Invasion" implies the forced arrival of some person who is not welcome, which seems problematic on a board with an open door policy like 17th Shard. I'm glad you guys are such good sports about it, but it definitely makes me uncomfortable when people get called out like that.

The OP also doesn't really distinguish between post count or rep, or acknowledge that the two can go hand in hand. Kobold (because you are easy to use as an example) has crazy rep, but he also has an amazing post count, and is active on many different areas of the site. The fact of the matter is, it can be hard to earn rep if you are just posting in the theory threads, because there rep is usually given out more for the merit of the theory or the soundness of the logic. But, if you get involved in the rest of the community (particularly segments with lots of ponies :P), rep is given out based on different criteria such as the humour of a post, or quality of the writing in the case of the RP. Kobold and Twi are both great writers who are really active in the community, so I strongly dislike the implication by the OP that their rep or post count doesn't make sense solely because their avatars have ponies.

Ah well, the thread has turned into an interesting discussion regardless, so I suppose I shouldn't hold too much of a grudge. That wouldn't be very admin-ish of me, after all. I'm interested to see if the OP will respond or what will be said future. I also love that Peter himself jumped in with a pony video :).

It's definitely refreshing being on a site where calling something "childish drivel" isn't automatically the kick-off for a no-holds-barred keyboard brawl. :P And where ponies are SRS BZS enough to both be called out in a post and for Peter Ahlstrom to post a pony video.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, as much as the internet has conditioned me to see that post as fightin' words, it's great to have them actually be an invitation to discussion.

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It's definitely refreshing being on a site where calling something "childish drivel" isn't automatically the kick-off for a no-holds-barred keyboard brawl. :P And where ponies are SRS BZS enough to both be called out in a post and for Peter Ahlstrom to post a pony video.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, as much as the internet has conditioned me to see that post as fightin' words, it's great to have them actually be an invitation to discussion.

And something similar happened recently with the "powering through Stormlight" bit. Interestingly in both cases ponies lead the charge. :ph34r:


There is something to be said about actual inteligent discussions, you can actually gain something from them insead of loosing you good mood.

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It's definitely refreshing being on a site where calling something "childish drivel" isn't automatically the kick-off for a no-holds-barred keyboard brawl. :P And where ponies are SRS BZS enough to both be called out in a post and for Peter Ahlstrom to post a pony video.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, as much as the internet has conditioned me to see that post as fightin' words, it's great to have them actually be an invitation to discussion.


I'll admit, I was a little bit flustered by his calling the show "mindless drivel," and the implications that Comatose noted above. But I'm glad that this isn't a community where his post would have led to an all out war across the forum, everybody being banned, and ultimately leading to me roaming the forum singing "September" to myself. :P

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I'll admit, I was a little bit flustered by his calling the show "mindless drivel," and the implications that Comatose noted above. But I'm glad that this isn't a community where his post would have led to an all out war across the forum, everybody being banned, and ultimately leading to me roaming the forum singing "September" to myself. :P

I think in some regards a whole group of people politely supporting what was just attacked can have a much larger effect on the OP than simply getting agressive, as you can't really view all these nice people as the bad guys or brush of that much well thought out effort as plain wrong. ;)

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I'll admit, I was a little bit flustered by his calling the show "mindless drivel," and the implications that Comatose noted above. But I'm glad that this isn't a community where his post would have led to an all out war across the forum, everybody being banned, and ultimately leading to me roaming the forum singing "September" to myself. :P

I still remember what happened in September

Back when everyone was banned

After we all took a stand

It was so foolish

Him taking on the ponies

What on earth was that guy thinking?

He has me now I'm sinking

Into introspection

Of what happened right before

I became so alone...

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