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So, I'm curently writing the next metal segment and am wondering if I should fuel Twi's shipping with fitting description of Bioterror's new eyes or keep it platonic. Opinons? :P


Sorry, all my opinions are hiding under the covers in mortal terror right now. Ask again later. :wacko:

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I think that's a ship the world could do without. Preferably by having both parties fired into the sun.
Wait, no. Fired into two different stars at opposite ends of the universe.

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I think that's a ship the world could do without. Preferably by having both parties fired into the sun.

Wait, no. Fired into two different stars at opposite ends of the universe.

Don't worry I don't actually want to ship them. Just curious what her imagination might come up with.

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It was a pretty awesome fight to write. Hopefully an awesome one to read. :D (Though you're right. Florist probably wouldn't have fared well in it. Hopefully he'll get some cool scenes of his own ere long.)

Twi, you wound me just because it is entirely possible doesn't mean it's real. Just that you have to appease me so I don't make it happen. :ph34r:


If Bubble gets attacked, which is bound to happen sooner or later, the shield will go down, so she can't stop people from leaving absolutely.


I think I've said this before but Voidgaze dosn't really explode things. They just kind of stop exsisting.

Shiny Sparkle on the other hand is a case of just adding flavour to a rather basic power.


That's only part of it. The actual fight in the location where he still is is still continuing with Shiny Sparkle showing of and exploding stuff, so Frequency's gang hid on top of a building and Ranger fired some shoots from the distance.

I'll see if I can get enough time to read it today, looking forward to it.

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Sorry, Twi's imagination is currently screaming in mortal terror. Please leave a message after the tone.

*beep* Don't worry, there wasn't any shipping in the actual post. ;)

Edited by Edgedancer
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Amputee made quite a living for himself, and all it cost him was...

...an arm and a leg. B)

Sorry not sorry

Which reminds me of an awful sexist-but-not-sexist-if-the-listeners-know-you're-just-joking Adam and Eve joke. :P

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Click this for a map!  They are in the Crystal Lake Sports Field in Corvallis.  Specifically, I think they would be in the largest open field, to the north of the area, but likely near trees (not sure if the treeline would be the same, or if Cornucopia would have expanded it).  You should be able to use street view to poke around a little.  


Also, Venture Mistborn was thinking his character (the name is escaping me) could be a prominent member of Corvallis's intelligence network.  Any idea how we should fit him in?

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New AMA responses: 


Mailliw:  Can an Epic be given powers that are permanently countered by their weakness? Ex: Being able to breathe underwater, but whose weakness is water?


Brandon: I'm going to say no on this one, unless the weakness is something more specific. (I.E, you can breathe under water, but your weakness is water with food coloring in it.) The weakness can relate somehow to the powers, but not in a way that if every time you use the abilities, they're automatically negated.



And also:


Winter: What are some of the more common powers, then?


Brandon: I based this off of comic books, so I assumed classic comic book superhero powers--various forms of flight, invulnerability, control over various types of matter, energy blasts--are common enough to have "standard powersets" for research purposes. Basically, this means that people like David and the loreists can make references that readers with a familiarity with comics can understand.


Kobold: Is there any chance we could see the lorist categorization system published someday? As a sort of Reckonerverse Ars Arcanum?


Brandon: This is possible, but likely only if I come back to the world for more books beyond the original trilogy.

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How I feel seeing all these AMA answers: 




You should ask your question from a while back, about whether the fear of losing a loved one is a valid fear. :ph34r:  (Not that you should change anything even if the answer is "no.")

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You should ask your question from a while back, about whether the fear of losing a loved one is a valid fear. :ph34r:  (Not that you should change anything even if the answer is "no.")


I'll ask, though I'll couch it in different terms. Jade's fear is best described as a fear of abandonment, which is more like a bunch of different fears—fear of losing loved ones, fear of loved ones leaving, fear of not being good enough—all rolled into one. It's still worth knowing exactly how much Funtimes breaks canon. :ph34r: 

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