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Talking about that post. With a 3D object like a wedge, how do you specify what the back side is... especially with the front side being 2D, which means the actual wedge would have to be the orange matter and as such not capable of piercing people. :huh:


Also now that he's in canon, what is his actual secondary?


Umm... good point  :ph34r:


I suppose I'll change that. The front end will be its own super-thin, super-strong material from now on, instead of being 2D.


As to his secondary... how about a little extra strength and density? Not tank-flipping strength, just, like, motorcycle-flipping strength

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Umm... good point  :ph34r:


I suppose I'll change that. The front end will be its own super-thin, super-strong material from now on, instead of being 2D.


As to his secondary... how about a little extra strength and density? Not tank-flipping strength, just, like, motorcycle-flipping strength

Sounds more feasable. Though there would still need to be some detail working for a construct like that. Mainly what's the "back end" and is it still 2 inches thick.


Basic enough, I suppose. (With density you mean simply durability or actually having more mass and all that  implies?)

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Sounds more feasable. Though there would still need to be some detail working for a construct like that. Mainly what's the "back end" and is it still 2 inches thick.


Basic enough, I suppose. (With density you mean simply durability or actually having more mass and all that  implies?)


I suppose so. Think of the force fields as the wall of a house. The "front end" is the plaster and the "back end" is the insulation. The field can be cast in any direction (with the back end either facing towards or away from him) but that's just the terminology I made up to describe the shape of the field.


I was thinking both. I figured it would help him if an Epic started throwing heavy objects (like tanks) at the force fields. The fields would get knocked back pretty hard by that, but maybe if he was pushing on them physically, they could withstand it.

Edited by Mckeedee123
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I suppose so.


I was thinking both. I figured it would help him if an Epic started throwing heavy objects at the force fields. The fields would get knocked back pretty hard by that, but maybe if he was pushing on them physically, they could withstand it.

Maybe make it so that the outer layer contains the orange matter, so we don't have to deal with soome sticking out of the sides of the wedge?


Having the backside towards what's being thrown at him would probably be more effective and lacks the disadvantages increased density would have, so just some damage resistance seems more efficient.


Oh and Kobold


You saw armies of undead caribou marching to sate their unquenchable bloodlust.

What has Lightwards been doing, while we didn't look?

Edited by Edgedancer
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Having the backside towards what's being thrown at him would probably be more effective and lacks the disadvantages increased density would have, so just some damage resistance seems more efficient.


That's true, I suppose.

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The thing about undead caribou is that they'd actually be the perfect army for him. Very low intelligence + large bodies makes them easy for him to control in large numbers. If he were to somehow acquire a few hundred caribou skeletons, he could do quite a lot with them. :ph34r:

Edited by Kobold King
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The thing about undead caribou is that they'd exactly be the perfect army for him. Very low intelligence + large bodies makes them easy for him to control in large numbers. If he were to somehow acquire a few hundred caribou skeletons, he could do quite a lot with them. :ph34r:

Behold Lightwards the green, slayer of all he sees and herder of the undead caribous. :P

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So... if Funtimes can create simple biological machines like her kittens, made of flesh and blood but with absolutely no intelligence or autonomy...


...how would she react if Lightwards asked her to make him an army of saber-toothed caribou with rainbow-colored manes? (serious question.) :ph34r:

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Perhaps not with Lightwards as the Storm Queen's love interest. :ph34r:

Edit: Saber-toothed caribou with rainbow manes? She'd be tempted, but coming from Lightwards, she'd refuse the request.


Khione + Lightwards? :huh:




What if he tried to argue that she owed him after letting the Unicyclist run amok? Or failing that, is there anything he could offer her in turn in exchange for an army? At the moment CorpseMaker has him severely outgunned.

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Khione + Lightwards? :huh:


What if he tried to argue that she owed him after letting the Unicyclist run amok? Or failing that, is there anything he could offer her in turn in exchange for an army? At the moment CorpseMaker has him severely outgunned.

She'd be hesitant to give him anything he could turn on her, but she'd agree to electronic things like those laser alligators or something less outlandish like drones or trip mines. Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Don't forget about project Hyde, which can start up tomorrow.


Good point. That'll be a definite advantage for Team Empire.



Another random idea I just had--what if Lightwards used his leverage to task Sam with convincing Funtimes to supply him with a dinosaur army? She could try to accomplish this by informing her of the possibility of controlling Warriors with tape recordings.

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Good point. That'll be a definite advantage for Team Empire.

Another random idea I just had--what if Lightwards used his leverage to task Sam with convincing Funtimes to supply him with a dinosaur army? She could try to accomplish this by informing her of the possibility of controlling Warriors with tape recordings.

That might work, but I think the tech would ultimately be more effective. She could transform it if need be, true, but she'd be more inclined to give him greater control because of that. Plus, the mechanical nature would mean CorpseMaker couldn't kill them with a glance, Nighthound couldn't take control without permission, and any other Epic whose powers work on living things would have their hands tied. Murphy could break them, sure, but she could make more. (And I also want to limit the size and scope of what sort of living things she can make, partly because she's not a biologist.)

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That might work, but I think the tech would ultimately be more effective. She could transform it if need be, true, but she'd be more inclined to give him greater control because of that. Plus, the mechanical nature would mean CorpseMaker couldn't kill them with a glance, Nighthound couldn't take control without permission, and any other Epic whose powers work on living things would have their hands tied. Murphy could break them, sure, but she could make more. (And I also want to limit the size and scope of what sort of living things she can make, partly because she's not a biologist.)



Not exactly his style, but I'll he'll take what I he can get.

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I think that with three incredibly smart scientists and engineers, one of them a matter manipulator and the others experienced in advanced technological research that he wouldn't be disappointed. :P

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So am I the only one here not remembering what project Hyde is? :ph34r:

The first rule of project Hyde is you do not talk about project Hyde.  :ph34r: 

(Secret PM stuff, although it shouldn't be too hard to guess)

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