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Well, then he can defect and hold tons of valuable info on the governments inner workings. [insert plot device - knowledge character should not know for any reason]

Unfortunately, I think Lucentia knows everyone's weaknesses in the government.

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I'm just flat-out amazed that meta-powers are canon.  That is the last thing I expected.

 I'm with you there. I thought the same thing.  

Crush is awesome! Awesome first post, Mckdee!

 seconded, or rather, a much further down number. Anyways, it was awesome.  

I had a minor heart attack when I opened the forum this morning. :mellow:





Was anything in the last couple of pages directed at me or otherwise important? Because to be honest I only skimmed them. :P


you think 60 is bad? I had 150ish after school. There were a few from other threads, but mainly from here. :P
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Unfortunately, I think Lucentia knows everyone's weaknesses in the government.

Are you saying she would cancel out his abilities or that he would know everyone's abilities? His eidetic memory isn't an Epic power, he had it prior to being an Epic, it was just enhanced on being an Epic.

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She knows his weakness, so if he turns she can use it against him to kill him

also, I'm a bit iffy on his PI. It instantly kills anyone who tries to attack him? That's a bit op, and no other PI acts like that. How about he just turns into code himself when attacked?

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She knows his weakness, so if he turns she can use it against him to kill him

also, I'm a bit iffy on his PI. It instantly kills anyone who tries to attack him? That's a bit op, and no other PI acts like that. How about he just turns into code himself when attacked?

Sorry if I was unclear, I meant it forms a forcefield around him. The forcefield just blocks them from hitting him for the first say 20 hits, and after this I had it absorbing a handful of cells each hit - not a lot. This also only applies to living matter - if he's being hit with a baseball bat, the bat and not the arm busts.

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Alright. I just spent... 11 hours reading the entirety of the The Dalles thread. It was actually pretty good. Now that I'm up to speed, I edited my post a bit to make it a little bit more relevant to the story. Basically, the seven pandas that he killed are now implied to be the remains of the group that attacked Ethan's convoy.

Edited by Mckeedee123
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Sorry, been doing yard work the whole day. :(

Just clarification for Converter, there are no normals around her right now, but there were right?


No problem!  And just to be clear, I wasn't trying to sound impatient.  Take your time with the next Converter post and make it good.  I was just meaning to say that I was going to wait to do a Rainmaker post until you did a Converter one.  


As for the normals, they are all gone.  Buttercup got all of them except for the one's Chase was using away in this post, and then I assume after Converter killed the one's closest to her in this post, the rest fled.  They are definitely all gone by this post, since Buttercup returns, and the police would be enforcing curfew.  


Hope those posts can help as reference points.  

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Alright. I just spent... 11 hours reading the entirety of the The Dalles thread. It was actually pretty good. Now that I'm up to speed, I edited my post a bit to make it a little bit more relevant to the story. Basically, the seven pandas that he killed are now implied to be the remains of the group that attacked Ethan's convoy.

I'd make sure that's alright with Aonar. I don't know if he had plans for those. And they definitely should've had hostages with them.

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Alright. I just spent... 11 hours reading the entirety of the The Dalles thread. It was actually pretty good. Now that I'm up to speed, I edited my post a bit to make it a little bit more relevant to the story. Basically, the seven pandas that he killed are now implied to be the remains of the group that attacked Ethan's convoy.


Maill brought up the point about hostages, but that might not be important. The Panda doesn't keep vanillas around for long. It's highly possible that the pandas Crush killed were the hostages from the convoy.  :mellow:

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Maill brought up the point about hostages, but that might not be important. The Panda doesn't keep vanillas around for long. It's highly possible that the pandas Crush killed were the hostages from the convoy.  :mellow:


So who's going to continue their plot segment next? I sort of want to keep going with this, but don't want two Orange Crush posts in a row.

Edited by Mckeedee123
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New epic idea, haha.   Not sure what I think, but feel free to tear this one to shreds.  


  • Selective Vanishing - Can suck every object of a certain type into her own personal void.  The objects must not have cognitive functioning (humans and most animals are immune), but the "of certain type" is based on Monopoly's perception.  So, she can make all the liquid within her range vanish, or select just all the water, or vanish all the food, or just the zucchinis.  She can only make one selection at a time, but can continue gathering her particular resource as she moves around.  However, if she wishes to start vanishing something else (example: switching from food to water, or from teddy-bears to houses) she must first return what she was first taking all at once.  When she returns things, the appear in piles around her, but shoot out of her, so she never gets crushed.  If she released a lot of water in a swimming pool, or in a lower area, the water would rush back and fill like normal, but its initial momentum would be away from her (just noticed I was using female pronouns, so I guess Monopoly has a gender...).  Her range is roughly city sized.   
  • Possible PI - this would depend on what thread I chose to throw her into, since some seem to require PIs while others don't.  My primary idea for her is to be a bargainer who holds valuable resources ransom.  I might need a way to allow her to have some form of protection, otherwise people would likely just kill her.  Let me know what you guys think, and if you have a PI suggestion.

Weakness: I'll start coming up with a backstory when I decide she's worth RPing.  Right now I have some ideas, but I'll wait to flesh them out more for the time being.  
MO: As I mentioned above, Monopoly's (name subject to change) MO is to travel around holding resources of value for ransom in exchange for power.  Other than that, I'm still building on it.  


On that note, what do we know about epics powers when they are killed?  We know that killing Regalia caused the waters to recede, but that merely triggering her weakness would not have (from the AMA).  Would killing Monopoly necessitate the return of the resources?


EDIT:  Think Lockvault, but with less control in some ways, and a larger scale effect. 

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So who's going to continue their plot segment next? I sort of want to keep going with this, but don't want two Orange Crush posts in a row.

Well, no ones really around, so it depends on where you want to go with him.

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I'd make sure that's alright with Aonar. I don't know if he had plans for those. And they definitely should've had hostages with them.


Ooh... just realized how right you were.


I don't think I could bring myself to add yet another plotline to this already convoluted storyline with a few scenes of Crush leading the hostages back to town. Probably best to just immerse him in what's happening immediately. It was kind of presumptuous, I guess, so sorry Aonar. It's just that it was kind of bugging me that he was attacking pandas when they turned out to be much more "retreated" at this point in the story than I originally thought. I changed it back, though now he's fighting in a forest instead of the outskirts of town.


And as long as I'm in a confessional mood... Is the thing that this guy does even force fields? Most of the time, he generates them as flat planes. Does "force field" imply a spherical shape? The distinction seems to have cause a lot of confusion, and I feel as if I'm the one who's caused it

Edited by Mckeedee123
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Wow that seems like a cool idea, it could be very versatile and powerful (think of all the pugs she could collect!)

2 questions:

1:can she collect energy, light, or an object such as a force field?

2: Are there ways for her to selectively collect things, like leaving 1' of water in a pool and collecting the rest, or does she automatically collect it all?

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Ooh... just realized how right you were.


I don't think I could bring myself to add yet another plotline to this already convoluted storyline with a few scenes of Crush leading the hostages back to town. Probably best to just immerse him in what's happening immediately. It was kind of presumptuous, I guess, so sorry Aonar. It's just that it was kind of bugging me that he was attacking pandas when they turned out to be much more "retreated" at this point in the story than I originally thought. I changed it back, though now he's fighting in a forest instead of the outskirts of town.


And as long as I'm in a confessional mood... Is the thing that this guy does even force fields? Most of the time, he generates them as flat planes. Does "force field" imply a spherical shape? The distinction seems to have cause a lot of confusion, and I feel as if I'm the one who's caused it


I don't think force fields need to be spherical.  If you look literally, they are essentially a 'field' of 'force'.  Nothing about that implies a certain shape to me.  Prof's forcefields come in many different shapes and sizes so I think you are fine.  Just because some forcefields must be in the form of spheres does not mean all have to be.


Wow that seems like a cool idea, it could be very versatile and powerful (think of all the pugs she could collect!)

2 questions:

1:can she collect energy, light, or an object such as a force field?

2: Are there ways for her to selectively collect things, like leaving 1' of water in a pool and collecting the rest, or does she automatically collect it all?


1.  I think I'd limit it to solid objects for now.  We have enough energy epics running around at the moment.  EDIT:  I would include a force field as energy I think...  EDIT 2:  By solid objects I was just meaning "not energy" so 'matter' would have been more accurate.  She can of course also call in liquids.  I'm making up my mind about gasses.  The question is how to stop her from stealing all the oxygen?  Unless that's something we'd want her to do...

2.  She automatically collects it all.  She can choose to stop collecting as she moves around, but when she activates her powers they take everything.  


Power and versatility were two of the things I was going for :).

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Well, then he can defect and hold tons of valuable info on the governments inner workings. [insert plot device - knowledge character should not know for any reason]

I'm not going to veto you from playing someone on the government's side if you want to do that, although Mail is kind right that they don't need even more help :ph34r: , but with what he's even more right is that they will have some method to shut him down, if he betrays them. Especially should he have any kind of acces to valuable informations.


It's fine. It was mostly my bad mood talking.   :)


As promised:




Voidgaze's file is pretty much finished, but I need a good quote for her.

Thank you for that work of mastery. I will cherish it for ever. ;)


I'll see if I can find a good one.


New epic idea, haha.   Not sure what I think, but feel free to tear this one to shreds.  




  • Selective Vanishing - Can suck every object of a certain type into her own personal void.  The objects must not have cognitive functioning (humans and most animals are immune), but the "of certain type" is based on Monopoly's perception.  So, she can make all the liquid within her range vanish, or select just all the water, or vanish all the food, or just the zucchinis.  She can only make one selection at a time, but can continue gathering her particular resource as she moves around.  However, if she wishes to start vanishing something else (example: switching from food to water, or from teddy-bears to houses) she must first return what she was first taking all at once.  When she returns things, the appear in piles around her, but shoot out of her, so she never gets crushed.  If she released a lot of water in a swimming pool, or in a lower area, the water would rush back and fill like normal, but its initial momentum would be away from her (just noticed I was using female pronouns, so I guess Monopoly has a gender...).  Her range is roughly city sized.   
  • Possible PI - this would depend on what thread I chose to throw her into, since some seem to require PIs while others don't.  My primary idea for her is to be a bargainer who holds valuable resources ransom.  I might need a way to allow her to have some form of protection, otherwise people would likely just kill her.  Let me know what you guys think, and if you have a PI suggestion.

Weakness: I'll start coming up with a backstory when I decide she's worth RPing.  Right now I have some ideas, but I'll wait to flesh them out more for the time being.  


MO: As I mentioned above, Monopoly's (name subject to change) MO is to travel around holding resources of value for ransom in exchange for power.  Other than that, I'm still building on it.  


On that note, what do we know about epics powers when they are killed?  We know that killing Regalia caused the waters to recede, but that merely triggering her weakness would not have (from the AMA).  Would killing Monopoly necessitate the return of the resources?


EDIT:  Think Lockvault, but with less control in some ways, and a larger scale effect. 

Well, Steelheart's death sets an examaple for Epic powers doing something weird upon death, so her side dimensions sealing up upon her death isn't exactly impossibe from what we have seen.

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Ooh... just realized how right you were.


I don't think I could bring myself to add yet another plotline to this already convoluted storyline with a few scenes of Crush leading the hostages back to town. Probably best to just immerse him in what's happening immediately. It was kind of presumptuous, I guess, so sorry Aonar. It's just that it was kind of bugging me that he was attacking pandas when they turned out to be much more "retreated" at this point in the story than I originally thought. I changed it back, though now he's fighting in a forest instead of the outskirts of town.


And as long as I'm in a confessional mood... Is the thing that this guy does even force fields? Most of the time, he generates them as flat planes. Does "force field" imply a spherical shape? The distinction seems to have cause a lot of confusion, and I feel as if I'm the one who's caused it


It's all good. It probably wouldn't quite have made sense for him to be fighting in town anyways, as at this point the Dalles is mostly secure again (the only active fight-scene is confined to an area external to the city) if I understand the situation correctly. If a small group of pandas tried to take a short cut through town, they'd probably just get shot. I wouldn't have minded you borrowing the pandas/hostages from the convoy though, as I really had no plan for them past the potential motivation for Ethan to overuse his powers and give in to his corruption.



A random question for Comatose: If/when Frostfire and Taylor meet, how ticked would she be if Ethan tells her he liked her better when she did country music? :P

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I'm thinking of adding a Lucentia-allied character after a little while (not sure how active I'll be over the summer) into Astoria. Modeled on Voidus's Lexicographer from his long-list-that-contains-a-fraction-of-his-ideas-©, Jumpdrive will be an intelligence agent - His Primary power used in these operations is known as downloading - merely by touching a non-animate object containing information (e.g. books, computers, papers, or drawings), he 'downloads' the entire thing to his eidetic memory. His Prime Invincibility - this is Astoria, where everyone has PI's - is a danger-initiated encoding, in which any non-Living objects are halted when they touch him, transforming into a series of green 1's and 0's (how will the Financier deal with that?  :ph34r: ) which remain hovering around him. He can then undo this transformation, though this takes some time. Living entities which attack him are stopped - a green Firewall blocks these from hitting him. After repeated attempts, the Firewall will recognize the person as a virus and absorb a small portion of them after every attack. this image looks like the binary around him, albeit without an opaque background, and the firewall looks like a droideka forcefield, but green.tn_gallery_8734_2_110962.jpg

Edit: Grammar and Pic



New epic idea, haha.   Not sure what I think, but feel free to tear this one to shreds.  




  • Selective Vanishing - Can suck every object of a certain type into her own personal void.  The objects must not have cognitive functioning (humans and most animals are immune), but the "of certain type" is based on Monopoly's perception.  So, she can make all the liquid within her range vanish, or select just all the water, or vanish all the food, or just the zucchinis.  She can only make one selection at a time, but can continue gathering her particular resource as she moves around.  However, if she wishes to start vanishing something else (example: switching from food to water, or from teddy-bears to houses) she must first return what she was first taking all at once.  When she returns things, the appear in piles around her, but shoot out of her, so she never gets crushed.  If she released a lot of water in a swimming pool, or in a lower area, the water would rush back and fill like normal, but its initial momentum would be away from her (just noticed I was using female pronouns, so I guess Monopoly has a gender...).  Her range is roughly city sized.   
  • Possible PI - this would depend on what thread I chose to throw her into, since some seem to require PIs while others don't.  My primary idea for her is to be a bargainer who holds valuable resources ransom.  I might need a way to allow her to have some form of protection, otherwise people would likely just kill her.  Let me know what you guys think, and if you have a PI suggestion.

Weakness: I'll start coming up with a backstory when I decide she's worth RPing.  Right now I have some ideas, but I'll wait to flesh them out more for the time being.  


MO: As I mentioned above, Monopoly's (name subject to change) MO is to travel around holding resources of value for ransom in exchange for power.  Other than that, I'm still building on it.  


On that note, what do we know about epics powers when they are killed?  We know that killing Regalia caused the waters to recede, but that merely triggering her weakness would not have (from the AMA).  Would killing Monopoly necessitate the return of the resources?


EDIT:  Think Lockvault, but with less control in some ways, and a larger scale effect. 

Love both the new Epic ideas.

Jumpdrive could be from a nearby town that's planning an invasion of Astoria, solves most of the problems around his inclusion and helps get a more serious attack on Astoria underway to provide lasting conflict.

For Monopoly I could see her death going either way really, either rendering the resource permanently inaccessible or else releasing it all in one massive tide. Perhaps she'd even just absorb all matter in her radius when she dies for a spectacular death.

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Sorry if I was unclear, I meant it forms a forcefield around him. The forcefield just blocks them from hitting him for the first say 20 hits, and after this I had it absorbing a handful of cells each hit - not a lot. This also only applies to living matter - if he's being hit with a baseball bat, the bat and not the arm busts.


ah sorry, my bad, I didn't read it properly, you were 100% clear.

That's pretty cool then.




Ooh... just realized how right you were.


I don't think I could bring myself to add yet another plotline to this already convoluted storyline with a few scenes of Crush leading the hostages back to town. Probably best to just immerse him in what's happening immediately. It was kind of presumptuous, I guess, so sorry Aonar. It's just that it was kind of bugging me that he was attacking pandas when they turned out to be much more "retreated" at this point in the story than I originally thought. I changed it back, though now he's fighting in a forest instead of the outskirts of town.


And as long as I'm in a confessional mood... Is the thing that this guy does even force fields? Most of the time, he generates them as flat planes. Does "force field" imply a spherical shape? The distinction seems to have cause a lot of confusion, and I feel as if I'm the one who's caused it


Like Coma said, while we usually associate forcefield with spheres, that isn't technically necessary.

Well, rescuing the hostages would put him in good stead with the Dalles. If he just walks into town with them and explains that he rescued them from the Pandas they probably won't shoot him.


Maybe then he is told to wait while Vondra/Autumn is contacted and Reader sent to do a reading of him?




I don't think force fields need to be spherical.  If you look literally, they are essentially a 'field' of 'force'.  Nothing about that implies a certain shape to me.  Prof's forcefields come in many different shapes and sizes so I think you are fine.  Just because some forcefields must be in the form of spheres does not mean all have to be.



1.  I think I'd limit it to solid objects for now.  We have enough energy epics running around at the moment.  EDIT:  I would include a force field as energy I think...  EDIT 2:  By solid objects I was just meaning "not energy" so 'matter' would have been more accurate.  She can of course also call in liquids.  I'm making up my mind about gasses.  The question is how to stop her from stealing all the oxygen?  Unless that's something we'd want her to do...

2.  She automatically collects it all.  She can choose to stop collecting as she moves around, but when she activates her powers they take everything.  


Power and versatility were two of the things I was going for :).


well if she collects oxygen, she will suffocate herself too. Even carrying some in a tank won't help, because it would still be taken. But I think on principle yes, she could, as long as she holds her breath :P


but the issue is, if you take all the oxygen in a giant dome around you, the air from outside that dome will come rushing in. So really it won't be gone long enough to suffocate anyone, unless she keeps doing it so the area becomes a huge black hole of oxygen rushing into the void.


Love both the new Epic ideas.

Jumpdrive could be from a nearby town that's planning an invasion of Astoria, solves most of the problems around his inclusion and helps get a more serious attack on Astoria underway to provide lasting conflict.

For Monopoly I could see her death going either way really, either rendering the resource permanently inaccessible or else releasing it all in one massive tide. Perhaps she'd even just absorb all matter in her radius when she dies for a spectacular death.


yeah, the Destructors can contact him to help or something.


That last bit sounds a bit op. Wouldn't that leave a huge sphere of nothing with just people and animals confusedly looking around in confusion before falling to their deaths in the giant bowl of missing earth just created?

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but the issue is, if you take all the oxygen in a giant dome around you, the air from outside that dome will come rushing in. So really it won't be gone long enough to suffocate anyone, unless she keeps doing it so the area becomes a huge black hole of oxygen rushing into the void.


That's actually not an issue. If she were to pocket "air", it would be, and she'd likely kill everyone near her from the pressure of new air rushing to fill the vacuum, but if she only pulls oxygen, only oxygen would be diffusing back into the space. As a result of needing to diffuse through all the nitrogen still present, it might move more slowly than expected, and as such people near her (and herself) would suffocate. Particularly when you consider her range is city sized. People near the boundary of her power likely wouldn't suffocate, but those near the center would, I would think. That being said, I don't know how much the nitrogen would get in the way and slow down the oxygen.

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That last bit sounds a bit op. Wouldn't that leave a huge sphere of nothing with just people and animals confusedly looking around in confusion before falling to their deaths in the giant bowl of missing earth just created?

I think with an ability only triggering once, with the death of the Epic the power scale isn't really a problem. :ph34r:


Got something from the AMA concerning mind control and in a roundabout way Epics having some form of resistance against specific powers.


Mind control powers among Epics are more subtle than you might find in something like the Marvel universe. (Making someone think they want a sandwich, so they wander away from their post, instead of directly controlling them.) But stronger manifestations do exist. They're more rare.

Generally, mind control powers will have more trouble with epics.

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