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True, oh why didn't I find that song earlier? :P (Although, there would be options to work around this like having the squad return from an out of town mission or saying the Epic got put in solidary confinement after having used his powers to much himself and now they are letting him out early because of all the chaos or something like that.)


I actually really really like this idea and think we should enact it ASAP. :ph34r: 

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True, oh why didn't I find that song earlier? :P (Although, there would be options to work around this like having the squad return from an out of town mission or saying the Epic got put in solidary confinement after having used his powers to much himself and now they are letting him out early because of all the chaos or something like that.)


Still stronger in what way? Is it simply structural strenght and they get harder, could swords cut better or would people be able to lift more?


If a person could lift 100 pounds they could now lift 150 pounds, or if a weight weighed 5 pounds it would now be 7.5 pounds and 1.5x harder to cut through.

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As much as I'm in favor of this kind of insanity, I'm afraid if there existed such a team built around a gifter it would have been mentioned by now.


I'm not against introducing such a character, though. :ph34r:

What about Edge's idea of having them be out of town on a mission?

I can just introduce them as a newcomer to the Dalles but there have already been a lot of new arrivals today.

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What about Edge's idea of having them be out of town on a mission?

I can just introduce them as a newcomer to the Dalles but there have already been a lot of new arrivals today.


Having the Epic be in solitary for using his/her powers too much and suffering the consequences would actually be a pretty plausible way of explaining their absence. There's been a lot of action in The Dalles lately, so with him/her in prison, now would be a good time for Arsenal or Vondra to mention this Epic, perhaps leading into a discussion of whether or not they're desperate enough to let this Epic out. 

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What about Edge's idea of having them be out of town on a mission?

I can just introduce them as a newcomer to the Dalles but there have already been a lot of new arrivals today.

I see there are already multiple sides of interest forming. :ph34r:

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Having the Epic be in solitary for using his/her powers too much and suffering the consequences would actually be a pretty plausible way of explaining their absence. There's been a lot of action in The Dalles lately, so with him/her in prison, now would be a good time for Arsenal or Vondra to mention this Epic, perhaps leading into a discussion of whether or not they're desperate enough to let this Epic out. 


Actually... that is a pretty awesome idea. :D Considering the attitudes of Epics like Deathwish and Glamour though, to have been kept in solitary confinement all this time he'd have had to do something pretty awful. :wacko:

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I'm already finding it fascinating, and I'd definitely be willing to adopt either the Epic in question or a member of their team. :ph34r:

Either works for me, I do like the potential of a gifter in jail.

I'll have a look through my Epics to see if I can find someone suitable.  :ph34r:

So we have a three way stand of on something that might not even work out at all, huh?

I'm putting down Vapor Snake. Lemme see you raise me. :ph34r:

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Actually... that is a pretty awesome idea. :D Considering the attitudes of Epics like Deathwish and Glamour though, to have been kept in solitary confinement all this time he'd have had to do something pretty awful. :wacko:

I'm sure we could work something out.  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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Actually... that is a pretty awesome idea. :D Considering the attitudes of Epics like Deathwish and Glamour though, to have been kept in solitary confinement all this time he'd have had to do something pretty awful. :wacko:

Actually, when pitching the idea I thought he might actually have asked to put down there on his own, kind of how Prof sepperatrs himself after something goes wrong. Otherwise he just had a really bad trip.

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Actually... that is a pretty awesome idea. :D Considering the attitudes of Epics like Deathwish and Glamour though, to have been kept in solitary confinement all this time he'd have had to do something pretty awful. :wacko:

Actually, when pitching the idea I thought he might actually have asked to put down there on his own, kind of how Prof sepperatrs himself after something goes wrong. Otherwise he just had a really bad trip.


What if he asked to be put in solitary after accidentally killing a member of his team? 

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Actually, when pitching the idea I thought he might actually have asked to put down there on his own, kind of how Prof sepperatrs himself after something goes wrong. Otherwise he just had a really bad trip.


That makes sense too. Should he be a close acquaintance of anybody in town? One of Autumn's patients? Game's old medical mentor? Weeks' partner agent? Make him female and have her be Vondra's ex-wife?

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Ooh, found someone who could be interesting.

Necropathy (Gifter)
Primary power: Necrosis induction, any wounds inflicted by Necropathy or someone he has gifted to, no matter how minor will set off a chain of necrosis, tissue death in the surrounding area. If he uses his full powers himself this is enough to kill in seconds from even the most minor wounds, when spread throughout a team through gifting it causes intense pain but is not necessarily lethal if treated quickly. Use of this power also corrupts the wielder, although Necropathy himself can survive this corruption anyone else who is gifted his power will slowly begin to waste away after a few days unless he withdraws his power.

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That makes sense too. Should he be a close acquaintance of anybody in town? One of Autumn's patients? Game's old medical mentor? Weeks' partner agent? Make him female and have her be Vondra's ex-wife?

For an Epic that keeps himself somewhat sane by gifting but sometimes getting over the edge I suppose it would make sense to regulary check in for some medical help. (The ex-wife bit could end up horribly awkward with what's already shaping up in my head. :ph34r: )

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For an Epic that keeps himself somewhat sane by gifting but sometimes getting over the edge I suppose it would make sense to regulary check in for some medical help. (The ex-wife bit could end up horribly awkward with what's already shaping up in my head. :ph34r: )


We don't want the entire thing to devolve into sitcom-level shenanigans. :P 


"Honey, why did you destroy the bathroom again?" 

"Because you won't remodel in there! You never remodel anything!" 

"I have a city to run!" 

"You've never cared about my feelings!" 


One of Autumn's patients would make sense, if he's trying to stay sane. Then she could be the one to approach him and delay her next meeting with Shiny Sparkle.

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We don't want the entire thing to devolve into sitcom-level shenanigans. :P


"Honey, why did you destroy the bathroom again?" 

"Because you won't remodel in there! You never remodel anything!" 

"I have a city to run!" 

"You've never cared about my feelings!" 


One of Autumn's patients would make sense, if he's trying to stay sane. Then she could be the one to approach him and delay her next meeting with Shiny Sparkle.

Maybe have him/her visit Autumn first to have her check if it safe to depploy the Epic? I think that would make sense


So here's an power set adjusted to the Dalles and gifting (or at least a rough draft)

Vapor Snake


Can turn his/her body into smoke and grow snake like constructs out of his/her body. The constructs even though they are made out of smoke can constrict people’s movement, have enough strength to lift a person up and bite with the snake head at its end.

In smoke form it is relatively easy to move through porous materials, cloth or walls with cracks.

The turning into smoke happens automatically to prevent injury but is not possible when the affected body-part is soaked in water. (Not the actual weakness just a quirk)


Gifting: The amount of power the gifted get can be adjusted but if s/he wants to gift to a larger group of people the amount of power will give them the ability to turn into smoke on will or with injury and form one smoke snake slightly larger than a knife.


I think it should work well. Good to keep the gifted soldiers safe in a way that makes them effective and gives a certain amount of power tempting to use it without gifting in a tight spot but still giving Vondra a chance to shut the Epic down without having to go out of his way and activate the weakness.

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Maybe have him/her visit Autumn first to have her check if it safe to depploy the Epic? I think that would make sense


So here's an power set adjusted to the Dalles and gifting (or at least a rough draft)

Vapor Snake


Can turn his/her body into smoke and grow snake like constructs out of his/her body. The constructs even though they are made out of smoke can constrict people’s movement, have enough strength to lift a person up and bite with the snake head at its end.

In smoke form it is relatively easy to move through porous materials, cloth or walls with cracks.

The turning into smoke happens automatically to prevent injury but is not possible when the affected body-part is soaked in water. (Not the actual weakness just a quirk)


Gifting: The amount of power the gifted get can be adjusted but if s/he wants to gift to a larger group of people the amount of power will give them the ability to turn into smoke on will or with injury and form one smoke snake slightly larger than a knife.


I think it should work well. Good to keep the gifted soldiers safe in a way that makes them effective and gives a certain amount of power tempting to use it without gifting in a tight spot but still giving Vondra a chance to shut the Epic down without having to go out of his way and activate the weakness.


Or have Autumn visit him/her in solitary accompanied by a fair number of guards, perhaps evaluating them from behind a foot of Plexiglas, speaking through a radio? That way they could hustle her out of there if things got out of hand and wouldn't have to worry about how to get the Epic back to prison. 


I like that power set. Can weapons like knives be made out of the smoke? 

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Maybe have him/her visit Autumn first to have her check if it safe to depploy the Epic? I think that would make sense


So here's an power set adjusted to the Dalles and gifting (or at least a rough draft)

Vapor Snake


Can turn his/her body into smoke and grow snake like constructs out of his/her body. The constructs even though they are made out of smoke can constrict people’s movement, have enough strength to lift a person up and bite with the snake head at its end.

In smoke form it is relatively easy to move through porous materials, cloth or walls with cracks.

The turning into smoke happens automatically to prevent injury but is not possible when the affected body-part is soaked in water. (Not the actual weakness just a quirk)


Gifting: The amount of power the gifted get can be adjusted but if s/he wants to gift to a larger group of people the amount of power will give them the ability to turn into smoke on will or with injury and form one smoke snake slightly larger than a knife.


I think it should work well. Good to keep the gifted soldiers safe in a way that makes them effective and gives a certain amount of power tempting to use it without gifting in a tight spot but still giving Vondra a chance to shut the Epic down without having to go out of his way and activate the weakness.


I like him. Would his personality be lifted straight from Metal Gear, or would you make him an original character?

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Or have Autumn visit him/her in solitary accompanied by a fair number of guards, perhaps evaluating them from behind a foot of Plexiglas, speaking through a radio? That way they could hustle her out of there if things got out of hand and wouldn't have to worry about how to get the Epic back to prison. 


I like that power set. Can weapons like knives be made out of the smoke? 

Those could also all work.


Not directly but they could mimic some parts of other weaponary, I suppose.

I like him. Would his personality be lifted straight from Metal Gear, or would you make him an original character?

While the reference is strong in this one the personality will be original (where I'm still working on the details), given that from the many Snakes in the game there is no Vapor snake. ;) I may make him a fan of the series to explain the references, though. :P

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Or have Autumn visit him/her in solitary accompanied by a fair number of guards, perhaps evaluating them from behind a foot of Plexiglas, speaking through a radio? That way they could hustle her out of there if things got out of hand and wouldn't have to worry about how to get the Epic back to prison. 


I was going to ask how The Dalles has access to such strict security mechanisms, but then I remembered Arsenal. :mellow::P



While the reference is strong in this one the personality will be original (where I'm still working on the details), given that from the many Snakes in the game there is no Vapor snake. ;) I may make him a fan of the series to explain the references, though. :P


Cool. How long ago would he have been put into confinement?

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So anyways. Sorry about not posting to Astoria, various factors (including, but not limited to: school, a lack of sleep, and writer's block) have forced me to go on a mini-hiatus. I'll try to read through the new posts and write something up soon. Maybe get it posted next Saturday at the very latest. 


Wow. Who knew destroying a state was so much work?

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I was going to ask how The Dalles has access to such strict security mechanisms, but then I remembered Arsenal. :mellow::P


Cool. How long ago would he have been put into confinement?

Well, talking about security mechanisms, they'd either have to keep him/her in there with the weakness or find a way to keep smoke from escaping the cell.


Long enough to have an effect on the psych but not too long either or he would seem to far over the edge already or cause negative effects by the isolation. a couple of days, a week at most I'd say.


So anyways. Sorry about not posting to Astoria, various factors (including, but not limited to: school, a lack of sleep, and writer's block) have forced me to go on a mini-hiatus. I'll try to read through the new posts and write something up soon. Maybe get it posted next Saturday at the very latest. 


Wow. Who knew destroying a state was so much work?

Sounds good. We thought about wrapping uo the game day, so everything can get rolling the next day, what do you say?

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I was going to ask how The Dalles has access to such strict security mechanisms, but then I remembered Arsenal. :mellow::P


And he'd probably be thrilled to whip up a Plexiglas-and-steel cage for a disgraced City Guard Epic. <_<


So anyways. Sorry about not posting to Astoria, various factors (including, but not limited to: school, a lack of sleep, and writer's block) have forced me to go on a mini-hiatus. I'll try to read through the new posts and write something up soon. Maybe get it posted next Saturday at the very latest. 


Wow. Who knew destroying a state was so much work?


At least it's more fun work than homework. :P Take your time. School might suck, but it's important, and so is sleep. :)

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Sounds good. We thought about wrapping uo the game day, so everything can get rolling the next day, what do you say?


Um... [insert i-have-no-clue-whats-going-on-please-dont-kill-me emoticon here]


At least it's more fun work than homework.  :P Take your time. School might suck, but it's important, and so is sleep.  :)


So true. To be honest, I'd actually rather be at Oregon, in the RP-verse, than do more Trig.

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