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What're you talking about? We have Lightwards and Nighthound and Deathwish and Funtimes and Timeport and....

...oh. You meant on the show? Nightmare Moon acted a lot like an Epic, and so did Discord to an extent, though I'd like to see an honest-to-goodness Epic pony too. :ph34r:


Nightmare Moon had all the qualities of an Epic. Corrupted version of a normally sweet character? Check. Association with fears? Check. Loud and overly dramatic temperament? Check.  (I wonder whether the Elements of Harmony, in some sort of internal battle, forced her to face her fear, thus completing the similarities.)


I meant seeing Epic ponies in this impromptu fanfiction, though of course I wouldn't mind seeing them on the show either. :ph34r:

Edited by Kobold King
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Double post with the full results of my Google survey, rounding up:



Portland should have an Epic population of 61


The Dalles should have an Epic population of 2


Corvallis should have an Epic population of 6


And Astoria should have a whopping Epic population of 0.9. Or just 1, rounding up. :mellow:



I guess we'll need to invoke Calamity's special favor after all.


Those would be the numbers for the epics born in those respective towns.  As others have already said, I think we're fine as long as we assume some migration has occurred :).   Perhaps Oregon is the Fractured States' version of the old west for new epics, a land of opportunity with no dominant ruler, where it is easier to rise through the ranks as epics kill and die.  


Since Brandon overtly says that turf wars destroyed Oregon, it's probably fine to assume a higher concentration of epics ended up there for some reason or another.  


What're you talking about? We have Lightwards and Nighthound and Deathwish and Funtimes and Timeport and....

...oh. You meant on the show? Nightmare Moon acted a lot like an Epic, and so did Discord to an extent, though I'd like to see an honest-to-goodness Epic pony too. :ph34r:


The parallels between Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon and Calamity's raising of epics are actually quite striking.  She even took a new name and everything.  A very interesting cross-over idea indeed...


I think as a whole, the mane six would be immune to Calamity, because of their bond with the elements

(or whatever the new friendship magic from the box is)

, and because they've helped each other face their worst fears dozens of times now.  Other ponies would not be so lucky.  My guess is Trixie becomes an epic for sure, and perhaps Starlight Glimmer?  Both of them seem to be fairly motivated by fear (Trixie by a fear of not being noticed/recognized, not sure about Starlight yet, but hopefully we learn more about her character).  


I would love to see Twilight and company have to take down Epic - Powered versions of either of these rivals...   


EDIT:  I don't know about you guys, but this looks like a rending scene to me.  Notice how Luna's first move is "to destroy" the person who knows her best?  Also, I find the fact that she is surrounded by a red light during her transformation very suspicious...


MLP Spoilers:


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Those would be the numbers for the epics born in those respective towns.  As others have already said, I think we're fine as long as we assume some migration has occurred :).   Perhaps Oregon is the Fractured States' version of the old west for new epics, a land of opportunity with no dominant ruler, where it is easier to rise through the ranks as epics kill and die.  


Since Brandon overtly says that turf wars destroyed Oregon, it's probably fine to assume a higher concentration of epics ended up there for some reason or another.  


Oooh, good point about Oregon being an Old West sort of area. 


Nightmare Moon had all the qualities of an Epic. Corrupted version of a normally sweet character? Check. Association with fears? Check. Loud and overly dramatic temperament? Check.  (I wonder whether the Elements of Harmony, in some sort of internal battle, forced her to face her fear, thus completing the similarities.)


I meant seeing Epic ponies in this impromptu fanfiction, though of course I wouldn't mind seeing them on the show either. :ph34r:




The parallels between Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon and Calamity's raising of epics are actually quite striking.  She even took a new name and everything.  A very interesting cross-over idea indeed...


I think as a whole, the mane six would be immune to Calamity, because of their bond with the elements

(or whatever the new friendship magic from the box is)

, and because they've helped each other face their worst fears dozens of times now.  Other ponies would not be so lucky.  My guess is Trixie becomes an epic for sure, and perhaps Starlight Glimmer?  Both of them seem to be fairly motivated by fear (Trixie by a fear of not being noticed/recognized, not sure about Starlight yet, but hopefully we learn more about her character).  


I would love to see Twilight and company have to take down Epic - Powered versions of either of these rivals...   


EDIT:  I don't know about you guys, but this looks like a rending scene to me.  Notice how Luna's first move is "to destroy" the person who knows her best?  Also, I find the fact that she is surrounded by a red light during her transformation very suspicious...


MLP Spoilers:




That's exactly what I was thinking so far as the friendship magic and everything you mentioned about Luna goes. The moment she becomes Nightmare Moon looks very much like a Rending, and everything she does after bespeaks an Epic-like transformation. With the friendship magic, I was thinking that the Mane 6 would not only be immune, but instrumental in taking down Calamity, because friendship helps others face their fears and banishes those fears. 


I honestly hadn't noticed the red light during her transformation the first time I saw that episode, but then again, I hadn't read Steelheart yet. 


Starlight Glimmer is the most likely to become an Epic, I think. :ph34r:


The way she stripped everyone in the town of their cutie marks and gave them new marks that actively suppressed their gifts to me makes it sound like she's acting out of a fear of inferiority. If everyone is equal, but you are more equal than everyone else, then there's no need to fear others being better than you are.


Trixie perhaps has a similar fear, though I think it manifests itself differently. 


As for Discord, I'm inclined to think he'd also be immune. Fluttershy has helped him face multiple fears by now, and if any remain, then I imagine it playing out like this: 


"Fluttershy, dear, there's something urgent I must discuss with you." 


"Anything, Discord. What's the matter?" 


"Well, it seems that strange, impossible star in the sky is telling me to SIEZE HIS TAINTED POWER AND BECOME A GOD, and I'm honestly not sure I want to." 


"You need to put your hoof down! Tell that meanie star no way! I love you just the way you are, Discord, and you don't need any tainted power to be a better friend." 


"Aww….thank you, dear Fluttershy. You're a good friend."

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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There's also Epics like Obliteration to take into account, eliminating entire cities is going to force quite a few Epics out into the countryside.

That said this is a pretty big problem for me since I've assumed a ratio of about 1:1000 so that Portland would have nearly a thousand Epics rather than less than 100, migration can account for some but I think I've already said the MEE alone was over 100.  :unsure:

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There's also Epics like Obliteration to take into account, eliminating entire cities is going to force quite a few Epics out into the countryside.

That said this is a pretty big problem for me since I've assumed a ratio of about 1:1000 so that Portland would have nearly a thousand Epics rather than less than 100, migration can account for some but I think I've already said the MEE alone was over 100.  :unsure:


Maybe….maybe most of the minor Epics in the state flocked to Oregon because the MEE had a really good PR campaign? Tongue-in-cheek aside, I can see the majority of minor Epics leaving The Dalles, Astoria, and Corvallis because they were sick of more powerful Epics pushing them around, heading to Portland, and forming their own Empire. 

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I cleared that with Sirce already. He said that Winterspell wouldn't be too worried about them crossing as long as they didn't cause a ruckus.

There are still two rather big problems with that. For one they would have hade "fleed" through the city, at which point not pursuing them is a whole lot different from just letting them run in the countryside and while Winterspell might not mind much, should they so obviously flee in the direction of the bridge he'd just be told to take it down.


Also, thanks to Vaidd, we now know that the total human-to-Epic ratio at the very beginning was about 1:10,000—though that has diminished significantly since so many normal people died. I did the math, because why not, and discovered that (if I did my math right) the pre-Annexation Epic population was about 700,000,000, or seven hundred million. Since it's mostly normal people who died (he said that at the time of Steelheart, Newcago had a population of about 250,000, and it was considered a large city) I think it's safe to assume that the Epic population hasn't decreased as much as the human population has. Maybe it's down to five or six hundred million at the lowest. 


That's a lot of sparking Epics. 


Isn't it, Voidus? :ph34r:

Then that's still about 50,000,000 unique and useful powers. Quite a lot honestly.


Double post with the full results of my Google survey, rounding up:



Portland should have an Epic population of 61


The Dalles should have an Epic population of 2


Corvallis should have an Epic population of 6


And Astoria should have a whopping Epic population of 0.9. Or just 1, rounding up. :mellow:



I guess we'll need to invoke Calamity's special favor after all.

So what you are telling me is that before Lucentia conquered the place and made it a bit more inviting the Metal was the only Epic in town? Though luck that is. :ph34r:


Blackwave will be waiting around during the night, and will start doing thins tomorrow morning.


Have I mentioned how much I enjoy writing this slontze?

You did. It's kind of funny to go from Blackwave to the MLP icon in you signature. :P

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I think Twi made a mistake with the 700 million, that's 10% of the worlds population so that's about 1000 times more than it should be, so I think it's around 1 million Epics worldwide.  :unsure:

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I think Twi made a mistake with the 700 million, that's 10% of the worlds population so that's about 1000 times more than it should be, so I think it's around 1 million Epics worldwide.  :unsure:

Storm you Twi, why must you mislead my hopes? Next you are going to tell me you almost finished WoR, when you are on page 10. (and that would still be a better number ratio. :ph34r:)

Edited by Edgedancer
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You know what the Obvious answer to this problem is? Another Epic.



Power: Attraction Aura.


Siren possesses an aura that subconsciously convinces people to attempt to move closer to Siren. Because her Aura is bigger than the plant, this results in The entirety of Humanity slowly migrating to the State of Oregon.

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You know what the Obvious answer to this problem is? Another Epic.



Power: Attraction Aura.


Siren possesses an aura that subconsciously convinces people to attempt to move closer to Siren. Because her Aura is bigger than the plant, this results in The entirety of Humanity slowly migrating to the State of Oregon.

Epics are like Stand users, they are bound together by plot fate itself and attract each other. :P

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This 1:10'000 ratio thing is screwing me up.... That is way smaller than I thought :o my head canon was set on 1:1000....

that seems quite hard to believe, honestly. It messes up our canon more than anything else unfortunately :\

Yeah, I know what you mean. Lets just assume that we have a lot of immigrants and leave it at that. :ph34r:


Also, here's the Vapor Snake pony, sadly he suffered from a case of accidental tab closing, so the colors might feel a tad bit off.


Pony code:3B3D1E24014A4A49040E1600A1072731DUR123100A000000W17F59590A33190V007F5959004CB2

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I just can't comprehend such a small number of epics....

1:1000 made sense to me. 10'000 seems tiny. Sure there are High Epics, many of whom are very destructive, but they are balanced by many useless Epics. Even Steelheart killed 17'000.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. Lets just assume that we have a lot of immigrants and leave it at that. :ph34r:


Also, here's the Vapor Snake pony, sadly he suffered from a case of accidental tab closing, so the colors might feel a tad bit off.


Pony code:3B3D1E24014A4A49040E1600A1072731DUR123100A000000W17F59590A33190V007F5959004CB2

Guess so, otherwise I think I have more Epics than should be in the entire state even from just the last couple of days I could fill Portland a couple of times.  :unsure:

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So for Newcago to have thousands of Epics, it must have basically every Epic from a half-dozen states :0

Sanderson said that Newcago had about 1000 Epics, and since the city's human population was about 250,000, that put it at a 1:250 ratio. Sorry for misleading you with my bad math. I'll just stick to politics from now on. :unsure:

So for the future of the game, what should we do? Do we handwave the numbers and let new players keep joining with Epics, do we set quotas and say only so many people can have Epics; the rest have to be vanillas, do we do something else entirely....I'm open to suggestion here.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I think we're already over quota in almost every city, either we'd have to branch out of Oregon which I'm sure we'd all rather not do or else there's going to be some handwaving going on.

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So for Newcago to have thousands of Epics, it must have basically every Epic from a half-dozen states :0

Starting with Newcago really screwed up our perspective on the city in a lot of ways. -_-


Sanderson said that Newcago had about 1000 Epics, and since the city's human population was about 250,000, that put it at a 1:250 ratio. Sorry for misleading you with my bad math. I'll just stick to politics from now on. :unsure:

So for the future of the game, what should we do? Do we handwave the numbers and let new players keep joining with Epics, do we set quotas and say only so many people can have Epics; the rest have to be vanillas, do we do something else entirely....I'm open to suggestion here.

Our statistic both Epic-wise and new Epic-wise is already messed up bejond repair, so I say storm it.


Alright Kobold, here's what I worked out concerning Vapor's imprisonment. The burst of corruption got set of by some kind of accident that forced him to turn into smoke and from there it's the slope downwards. Once he got to far down the squad doused him in water and requested for his solidary confinement. I'm thinking that while he didn't agree to it at the moment he very much gave them the instructions to do so should a situation like this arive.

For the way his cell is build his weakness would have to come into play.

Which I'm currently thinking is a lack of clothes/showing large amounts of skin. Meaning there should be some kind of chute allowing for clothing to be provided to him before the interview starts.

Then either closing his cell of airtight to keep him from escaping or a sprinkler system.

Giving the theme starting to grow with him I'm also playing with the idea to add a minor power that allows him to change the coloring of his clothes, so they can act as adapting camo gear.


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Starting with Newcago really screwed up our perspective on the city in a lot of ways. -_-

Our statistic both Epic-wise and new Epic-wise is already messed up bejond repair, so I say storm it.

Alright Kobold, here's what I worked out concerning Vapor's imprisonment. The burst of corruption got set of by some kind of accident that forced him to turn into smoke and from there it's the slope downwards. Once he got to far down the squad doused him in water and requested for his solidary confinement. I'm thinking that while he didn't agree to it at the moment he very much gave them the instructions to do so should a situation like this arive.

For the way his cell is build his weakness would have to come into play.

Which I'm currently thinking is a lack of clothes/showing large amounts of skin. Meaning there should be some kind of chute allowing for clothing to be provided to him before the interview starts.

Then either closing his cell of airtight to keep him from escaping or a sprinkler system.

Giving the theme starting to grow with him I'm also playing with the idea to add a minor power that allows him to change the coloring of his clothes, so they can act as adapting camo gear.


Handwave it is. If we ever go for a sequel game, then we can go for canon accuracy. Alaska has more canon-compliant numbers anyway. :ph34r:

ORRRR we could tease the shipping and have him shirtless when Autumn arrives. :P

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Handwave it is. If we ever go for a sequel game, then we can go for canon accuracy. Alaska has more canon-compliant numbers anyway. :ph34r:

ORRRR we could tease the shipping and have him shirtless when Autumn arrives. :P

How large is the population of Equestria? :ph34r:


While shipping is one of the greatest temptations, he would not like that, as in get close to a mental breakdown not like that. :unsure:

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How large is the population of Equestria? :ph34r:

While shipping is one of the greatest temptations, he would not like that, as in get close to a mental breakdown not like that. :unsure:

Not entirely sure. I'm thinking Ponnyville and Canterlot each probably have populations corresponding to real world counterparts--I'd say about 8000 and 200000 respectively. Or more. Or less. I think being bad at math is my Smedry talent. :ph34r:

Yeah, that wouldn't be good at all. :wacko: Looks like we'll just have to Ship Tease with adorable radio conversations. :ph34r::P Or not at all. Your call.

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Not entirely sure. I'm thinking Ponnyville and Canterlot each probably have populations corresponding to real world counterparts--I'd say about 8000 and 200000 respectively. Or more. Or less. I think being bad at math is my Smedry talent. :ph34r:

Yeah, that wouldn't be good at all. :wacko: Looks like we'll just have to Ship Tease with adorable radio conversations. :ph34r::P Or not at all. Your call.

So 8 and 20 respectively. Doable but we need to exclude the MEE, sadly. :(


I'll never say no to shipping. ;) (Although the last time we just shipped Autumn with an Epic she had no on screen interaction yet the result was Shiny Sparkle. Not that I think Vapor will end anywhere near as bad but we probably shouldn't overdo it right of the bat. :P

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So 8 and 20 respectively. Doable but we need to exclude the MEE, sadly. :(


I'll never say no to shipping. ;) (Although the last time we just shipped Autumn with an Epic she had no on screen interaction yet the result was Shiny Sparkle. Not that I think Vapor will end anywhere near as bad but we probably shouldn't overdo it right of the bat. :P

That was my thinking of why we could handwave numbers away for now, I don't think the RP would be as fun if there was no canon fodder other than Vanillas.

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