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So 8 and 20 respectively. Doable but we need to exclude the MEE, sadly. :(

I'll never say no to shipping. ;) (Although the last time we just shipped Autumn with an Epic she had no on screen interaction yet the result was Shiny Sparkle. Not that I think Vapor will end anywhere near as bad but we probably shouldn't overdo it right of the bat. :P

There's a few canon ponies who could count as minor Epics. :P

Well, they've had at least a few conversations beforehand, so they already have a better foundation than Autumn/Shiny. ;)

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So I posted. I'll likely have to edit it later, there's probably millions of unseen errors, but hey! It's posted. :D

Good job. ;)


There's a few canon ponies who could count as minor Epics. :P

Well, they've had at least a few conversations beforehand, so they already have a better foundation than Autumn/Shiny. ;)

Like Pinky Pie? Maybe Equestrian magic means ponies are more receptive to further magical "enhancement" and that would allow Calamity to increase the ratio?


If we continue shipping Autumn this much she got the "most desirable batchelor in the Dalles" titel hands down. ;)


By the way, does the interest in playing one of the soliders in his squad still stand?

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Good job. ;)

Like Pinky Pie? Maybe Equestrian magic means ponies are more receptive to further magical "enhancement" and that would allow Calamity to increase the ratio?

If we continue shipping Autumn this much she got the "most desirable batchelor in the Dalles" titel hands down. ;)

By the way, does the interest in playing one of the soliders in his squad still stand?

That's what I'm assuming. Luna was powerful before she became Nightmare Moon, but it only increased her natural abilities and made them more destructive.

Backtrack will be disappoint. :P


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That's what I'm assuming. Luna was powerful before she became Nightmare Moon, but it only increased her natural abilities and made them more destructive.

Backtrack will be disappoint. :P


1:1 Epic Pony ratio confirmed. :P


Why was Backtrack hoping to get that title? :P


Goody. Already excited. ;)


I just had a random thought. I started with how Megan mentioned that she didn't go to coktail parties with Steelheart and I thought if Scumbag!Steelheart would have taken male!Firefight to coktail parties. Which then made me wonder what the actual name of male!Firefight is. Nagem? :huh:


Talking about names I need a civilian one for Vapor Snake... How about Jack Hayter?

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1:1 Epic Pony ratio confirmed. :P

Why was Backtrack hoping to get that title? :P

Goody. Already excited. ;)

I just had a random thought. I started with how Megan mentioned that she didn't go to coktail parties with Steelheart and I thought if Scumbag!Steelheart would have taken male!Firefight to coktail parties. Which then made me wonder what the actual name of male!Firefight is. Nagem? :huh:

Talking about names I need a civilian one for Vapor Snake... How about Jack Hayter?

Yessss. :P:D

Because he wants to win something that isn't "Butt Monkey of the Year" or "Most Likely to be Mistaken for a Vanilla While Using His Powers." :P

Me too. I think this'll be really interesting. Would the soldiers in his squad be chosen by Vapor, handpicked by Vondra, or a mix, do you think?

Given Megan's sarcastic and somewhat irreverent personality, I think she'd choose whatever name would make Steelheart cringe when he said it. So probably something like Quivners T. Homely or I. P. Freely. :P

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Yessss. :P:D

Because he wants to win something that isn't "Butt Monkey of the Year" or "Most Likely to be Mistaken for a Vanilla While Using His Powers." :P

Me too. I think this'll be really interesting. Would the soldiers in his squad be chosen by Vapor, handpicked by Vondra, or a mix, do you think?

Given Megan's sarcastic and somewhat irreverent personality, I think she'd choose whatever name would make Steelheart cringe when he said it. So probably something like Quivners T. Homely or I. P. Freely. :P

Still, Backtrack and desirable? He's barely getting a pitty date. :P


Good question. He would probably choose them on his own, if Vondra let him.

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I might bring Necropathy in to the Dalles some time in the next few game days depending how things go as a rival gifter since I'd completely forgotten about him til now but now I really want to play him.

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Alfredo McBooty. B)

(The smiley is part of the name, pronounciation at that point is a bit difficult)

Not really, so long as Steelheart keeps a pair of sunglasses in his pocket so he can whip them out and put them on when need be. :P

"Pity is kind of like affection."--Backtrack. :P

Maybe pick his own and submit them to Vondra for approval?

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Not really, so long as Steelheart keeps a pair of sunglasses in his pocket so he can whip them out and put them on when need be. :P

"Pity is kind of like affection."--Backtrack. :P

Maybe pick his own and submit them to Vondra for approval?

Which Megan promptly turns the most ridiculous shade possible.

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Talking about names I need a civilian one for Vapor Snake... How about Jack Hayter?


Hayter's gonna hayt? :huh::P (I like that name.)


As for the population: I say we utterly ignore this piece of info. Attempting to force ourselves to follow this ratio would risk negating a lot of RP!Oregon's unique charm, and I'm wholeheartedly against retconning. It's best to just accept that we'll never be perfectly aligned with canon and try to have fun in our own crazy way. :)



I might bring Necropathy in to the Dalles some time in the next few game days depending how things go as a rival gifter since I'd completely forgotten about him til now but now I really want to play him.


I approve of this. :D

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Hayter's gonna hayt? :huh::P (I like that name.)

Apparently. ;) 


So Kobold, what do you say about the system that Vapor proposes people for his unit and Vondra greenlights them, as well as the method of imprisonment?

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So Kobold, what do you say about the system that Vapor proposes people for his unit and Vondra greenlights them, as well as the method of imprisonment?


I like it all. :) Consider it greenlighted. The method of imprisonment is well thought-out; I think Vondra and co. would keep handy sprinklers all over the building, just in case. And possibly spray bottles like we use when our cats hop up on the table. :P

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I like it all. :) Consider it greenlighted. The method of imprisonment is well thought-out; I think Vondra and co. would keep handy sprinklers all over the building, just in case. And possibly spray bottles like we use when our cats hop up on the table. :P

Bad murder Epic! Bad!

*Squirt squirt*

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So I think we're just waiting on Mail mi to finish up with Timeport then the MoNA attack and Portlands done for the night too, so we should probably work on getting Backtrack and MV finished up in the Dalles soon.

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I like it all. :) Consider it greenlighted. The method of imprisonment is well thought-out; I think Vondra and co. would keep handy sprinklers all over the building, just in case. And possibly spray bottles like we use when our cats hop up on the table. :P

As funny as the image is, I don't think an ordinary spray bottle would be fast enough to get him wet enough to counteract his powers in a meaningful way. Unless they would just throw the entire entire content at him. Still, the look on his face would be priceless. :P


The image of Autumn setting a water pistol on the desk between herself and Vapor is both mildly disturbing and amusing. :huh:

It really is. Not that a water gun alone could stop him from killing her barehanded but it's the symbolic meaning that counts. ;)

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So I think we're just waiting on Mail mi to finish up with Timeport then the MoNA attack and Portlands done for the night too, so we should probably work on getting Backtrack and MV finished up in the Dalles soon.


Sounds about right. Am I up next for Backtrack? Was there anything specific I was supposed to have him do in the next post?

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Sounds about right. Am I up next for Backtrack? Was there anything specific I was supposed to have him do in the next post?

Get away from the sparklsplosions to somewhere less insane? :P

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Well that's what he'd want, but I couldn't remember if we going to let him have his way for once. :P

Well, good luck runing away from that building colapsing in sparkles then. Lets hope Shiny Sparkle doesn't kidnap you. :P


Meanwhile I'm wondering if the water gun in the right moment could be used for an adorable scene. :huh:

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