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Definitely. Though there's actually a few ways a water pistol could turn into an adorable scene, come to think of it. 

Funny how a character that didn't even appear yet already is getting adorable scenes planned for him. :ph34r:

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Funny how a character that didn't even appear yet already is getting adorable scenes planned for him. :ph34r:



The ladies always follow

Everywhere I see

And Autumn is the only one they think that I should meet

Yes it's true I'm single

But this is very odd

It's as though I've been singled out

By the Shipping Gods!

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The ladies always follow

Everywhere I see

And Autumn is the only one they think that I should meet

Yes it's true I'm single

But this is very odd

It's as though I've been singled out

By the Shipping Gods!


I'll try my best to make him live up to the expectations. :P


Does anyone remember if Prof pulled his powers back from the Reckoners in his fight with Steelheart, so he could fall back on it?

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I think he did. Didn't David try to use the tensors and find them weak?

I think so too, just currently to tired to check my copy. :P

Just happened to be curious, as I was wondering if a scene where Vapor takes a bullet for someone :ph34r:  by transfering his power to them, while his squad is already draining his power, causing him not to have enough left to dodge the bullet completely himself.

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I think so too, just currently to tired to check my copy. :P

Just happened to be curious, as I was wondering if a scene where Vapor takes a bullet for someone :ph34r:  by transfering his power to them, while his squad is already draining his power, causing him not to have enough left to dodge the bullet completely himself.


First he's met the love of his life and now he's heroically sacrificing himself, all before he's even been mentioned in the RP. What a character. :P

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If we're already writing his heroic death scene, I might as well polish the part where Autumn, weeping, lays a water pistol on his grave. :ph34r:

Who ever said anything about him dying? He only got hit in the shoulder. :P


I take it Regalia will not be invited to the funeral service?

Depends has she finished her necromancy tecnology to bring him back to live? :ph34r:


I am suddenly reminded of everything Vondra has "done" before making his appearance. :P

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Who ever said anything about him dying? He only got hit in the shoulder. :P

Depends has she finished her necromancy tecnology to bring him back to live? :ph34r:

I am suddenly reminded of everything Vondra has "done" before making his appearance. :P

So everyone can THINK he's dead and hold a really nice funeral for him...and by the time he returns, they're all morosely eating cake and he asks them how it tastes. :ph34r::P

He did do quite a bit before going up in that helicopter, didn't he? :mellow:

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There are still two rather big problems with that. For one they would have hade "fleed" through the city, at which point not pursuing them is a whole lot different from just letting them run in the countryside and while Winterspell might not mind much, should they so obviously flee in the direction of the bridge he'd just be told to take it down.


I'm thinking they'd run south and then bank around the very outer coast and head around the western border of the city to the bridge. If that doesn't work, they can still make it across, they'll just have to leave Metalmech.

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I'm thinking they'd run south and then bank around the very outer coast and head around the western border of the city to the bridge. If that doesn't work, they can still make it across, they'll just have to leave Metalmech.

Metalmech does not approve. :P

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Woohoo! With the AMA progressing at a rapid rate, I took another gamble and re-approached the topic of Regalia's weakness, reasoning that since his reason for RAFOing it before was wanting to leave it open for Calamity, now that the third book's second draft is finished we might get better results.


And I was right! :D Here's his response:



Brandon: Boy, I do get this one a lot. I'm wary of saying anything until Calamity is out, not because Regalia's weakness is specifically relevant, but because I've found that even the most innocent of things I say can sometimes lead to spoilers. The nature of the weaknesses is a big part of the three book arc of the Reckoners, so I don't want to hurt anything.

That said, as I mentioned, Regalia's weakness is not actually relevant. I've just been avoiding the question for reasons stated above.

Regalia's weakness was being proven wrong. If you could figure out something she'd done incorrectly, and prove it to her so she couldn't avoid the truth, she'd briefly lose local control of her powers. But I didn't want that book to be about figuring out/using her weakness, in order to distinguish it from books one and three, which use that as the major plot. So I avoided bringing up the idea, or really even using it in the story at all.



This confirms what I and several others have speculated, namely that Regalia's worst fear stemmed not from a traumatic experience, but from a personality flaw. It's still awesome to see it confirmed!

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Woohoo! With the AMA progressing at a rapid rate, I took another gamble and re-approached the topic of Regalia's weakness, reasoning that since his reason for RAFOing it before was wanting to leave it open for Calamity, now that the third book's second draft is finished we might get better results.


And I was right! :D Here's his response:



Brandon: Boy, I do get this one a lot. I'm wary of saying anything until Calamity is out, not because Regalia's weakness is specifically relevant, but because I've found that even the most innocent of things I say can sometimes lead to spoilers. The nature of the weaknesses is a big part of the three book arc of the Reckoners, so I don't want to hurt anything.

That said, as I mentioned, Regalia's weakness is not actually relevant. I've just been avoiding the question for reasons stated above.

Regalia's weakness was being proven wrong. If you could figure out something she'd done incorrectly, and prove it to her so she couldn't avoid the truth, she'd briefly lose local control of her powers. But I didn't want that book to be about figuring out/using her weakness, in order to distinguish it from books one and three, which use that as the major plot. So I avoided bringing up the idea, or really even using it in the story at all.



This confirms what I and several others have speculated, namely that Regalia's worst fear stemmed not from a traumatic experience, but from a personality flaw. It's still awesome to see it confirmed!


Again, implying some very interesting things about weaknesses in general. While it seems that most Epic weaknesses stem from trauma, some—Regalia among them—can become so fixated on a thing that its opposite becomes their weakness. In Regalia's case, it seems she was so fixated on being right that she came to fear being proven wrong. 


Which implies quite a lot about her character. The first thing that comes to mind is that she must have been an even more unpleasant person than we thought. <_<

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Which implies quite a lot about her character. The first thing that comes to mind is that she must have been an even more unpleasant person than we thought. <_<


"Hey Abigail, do you know where the restroom in this place is?"


"Certainly, child. It's right down that hall and to your left--"


"Oh, never mind. I see it down by the fountain. Thanks anyway!"


"But--but--get back here and acknowledge my correctness, you whelp!"

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"Hey Abigail, do you know where the restroom in this place is?"


"Certainly, child. It's right down that hall and to your left--"


"Oh, never mind. I see it down by the fountain. Thanks anyway!"


"But--but--get back here and acknowledge my correctness, you whelp!"


I think I found the letter Abigail Reed would send as a teacher. 



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