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Keep in mind that Regalia was a judge with a pretty high profile. Being wrong in her position could have more traumatic or scarring effects than one might think.

That being said, I think that trauma is not necessary to be motivated by fear in all cases, so maybe it is just tied to her personality.

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Keep in mind that Regalia was a judge with a pretty high profile. Being wrong in her position could have more traumatic or scarring effects than one might think.

That being said, I think that trauma is not necessary to be motivated by fear in all cases, so maybe it is just tied to her personality.

True. There could certainly have been a case where she was wrong and a guilty person went free (which seems a more in- character trauma for Regalia than an innocent person being condemned). Though there's also a bit of a chicken-or- the-egg conundrum here: did Regalia become a judge because she feared being proven wrong, or did she fear being wrong because she was a judge?

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The two could also be unrelated in origin. Perhaps she feared seeming foolish, but wanted to become a judge for other reasons, and then her position intensifies her original fear by raising the stakes.

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So everyone can THINK he's dead and hold a really nice funeral for him...and by the time he returns, they're all morosely eating cake and he asks them how it tastes. :ph34r::P

He did do quite a bit before going up in that helicopter, didn't he? :mellow:

Good to know there was something good about me getting shoot.


Yeah, like killing an entire army barehanded. :mellow:


Edge, I just read your post. I can already tell that Timelock and the Metal... let's just say it's unlikely that they'll ever get along. :ph34r:

Every good stroy needs some conflict. ;)


Woohoo! With the AMA progressing at a rapid rate, I took another gamble and re-approached the topic of Regalia's weakness, reasoning that since his reason for RAFOing it before was wanting to leave it open for Calamity, now that the third book's second draft is finished we might get better results.


And I was right! :D Here's his response:



Brandon: Boy, I do get this one a lot. I'm wary of saying anything until Calamity is out, not because Regalia's weakness is specifically relevant, but because I've found that even the most innocent of things I say can sometimes lead to spoilers. The nature of the weaknesses is a big part of the three book arc of the Reckoners, so I don't want to hurt anything.

That said, as I mentioned, Regalia's weakness is not actually relevant. I've just been avoiding the question for reasons stated above.

Regalia's weakness was being proven wrong. If you could figure out something she'd done incorrectly, and prove it to her so she couldn't avoid the truth, she'd briefly lose local control of her powers. But I didn't want that book to be about figuring out/using her weakness, in order to distinguish it from books one and three, which use that as the major plot. So I avoided bringing up the idea, or really even using it in the story at all.



This confirms what I and several others have speculated, namely that Regalia's worst fear stemmed not from a traumatic experience, but from a personality flaw. It's still awesome to see it confirmed!

"Do I get this one a lot" Seems he hasn't noticed that it's almost always you asking. :P


Anyway, interesting... wait didn't David effectively proof to her that she was wrong about where the hideout of the Reckoners was after she projected herself to him? Maybe that didn't count because she sdidn't say "it's definetly in this exact location"?


I'm thinking they'd run south and then bank around the very outer coast and head around the western border of the city to the bridge. If that doesn't work, they can still make it across, they'll just have to leave Metalmech.

That still isn't a good solution. For one that's still all city, meaning there are people from which Mary can draw blood to potentially cut of their way and infect them without their notice and, which would be the much bigger problem, they ought to pass through the Metal's range, so simply giving him a call saying "if you notice anyone with big cars just kill all of them" would be enough to make sure he kills them with them having no way to tell beforehand.

And if you intend them to make it over Youngs bay then that bridge just plain doesn't exsist anymore.

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Easy enough. Hawk can fly over the river with Smasher, while he creates Forcefields for Jag to jump across. They'll have to leave Metalmech behind to drive around.


Edit: Edited their post so now Jag bounces across bubbles.

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Firefight Spoilers:

I was thinking more about Regalia's weakness, and I find it interesting that her desire not to trigger it seems to filter down into how she exploits Newton's weakness.  You'll notice when David triggers the weakness, he calls Newton beautiful, which is a highly subjective compliment.  I'm not sure if insincere compliments would work to trigger Newton's weakness, or if David actually found her beautiful, but the point is that beauty is something very easy to be disagreed upon.  When Regalia triggers the weakness on the other hand, her compliments are far more objective, focusing on the benefit Newton's service and work is to her, and how useful Newton is.  Newton's utility and value in her role are objectively a more defensible criteria to compliment her on, and thus more difficult to contradict.  I can't remember off hand what Obliteration said, but I find the contrast between David and Regalia at least to be very interesting.

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Firefight Spoilers:

I was thinking more about Regalia's weakness, and I find it interesting that her desire not to trigger it seems to filter down into how she exploits Newton's weakness.  You'll notice when David triggers the weakness, he calls Newton beautiful, which is a highly subjective compliment.  I'm not sure if insincere compliments would work to trigger Newton's weakness, or if David actually found her beautiful, but the point is that beauty is something very easy to be disagreed upon.  When Regalia triggers the weakness on the other hand, her compliments are far more objective, focusing on the benefit Newton's service and work is to her, and how useful Newton is.  Newton's utility and value in her role are objectively a more defensible criteria to compliment her on, and thus more difficult to contradict.  I can't remember off hand what Obliteration said, but I find the contrast between David and Regalia at least to be very interesting.


I don't think sincerity mattered where Newton's weakness was concerned. Think about it: She didn't fear being complimented, but disappointing others. She feared being put on a pedestal so high the fall would kill her, being given expectations she could never live up to. With a fear like that, perception is everything. It doesn't matter if you really are the best peanut-brittle-maker in all the Fractured States; if someone sees you as the best peanut-brittle-maker in all the Fractured States, they've given you an expectation that you feel obligated to fulfill, and if you happen to make a bad batch, all of a sudden you're knocked off your pedestal and they see you as a little less awesome, a little less you. For Newton, I think she saw compliments as expectations, which is why they became her weakness.


Edit: Welcome, Shattered Logic! Did you need a story summary? 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Welcome to our insane and pony filled corner of the forums Shattered Logic!

We've got a couple of settings still open at the moment did you have an idea for a character? Epic or normal human?

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So, I was sent here by Voidus. I'm interested in the Reckoners RP, but I'm not sure how it works yet. I'll wait for replies by perusing the introductory threads.


Yeah, the introductory threads are fine. Most people on this thread would be more than happy to walk you through the process of getting started.


Do you have any Epic ideas?

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Astoria: OP epics

The Dalles: Medium-powered Epics

Portland: Insane. They don't let newcomers in because too much has already happened

Corvallis: More of a political thriller


And yeah, you're never going to be able to read through them completely. For reference, each "page" takes about 40-60 minutes to read. Last Wednesday, I read the entire The Dalles thread, and it took me 11 hours

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Astoria is our current powerhouse setting, filled with overpowered Epics and sure to include some intense fighting scenes.

The Dalles is a city ruled by normal people, some Epics work for the city to keep it from being taken over while others are trying to take it back.

Corvallis is an Epics idea of a utopia, where the needs of both Epics and Vanillas is met, although Vanillas are kept in a constant euphoric state by one of the Epics, that Epic has now been kidnapped prompting a rebellion.
Portland is... insane. Unfortunately it's largely closed to new characters at the moment.

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Welcome to our insane and pony filled corner of the forums Shattered Logic!

We've got a couple of settings still open at the moment did you have an idea for a character? Epic or normal human?



Yeah, the introductory threads are fine. Most people on this thread would be more than happy to walk you through the process of getting started.


Do you have any Epic ideas?


I was thinking about an Epic that could emit intense light, for multiple purposes (e.g. causing blindness, melting objects, etc.). Maybe called Sunspot?

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Yeah, I think so. There are multiple RP threads, right? I'm still not quite sure how this all works...


Right. Each thread is a different city in Oregon, each with its own politics and story lines. So far, we have….


Portland: Closed to new members, since the story is working toward its climax. No real law; turf war waging in earnest. 

Astoria: Strict tyranny under Lucentia, the Diamond Queen, who is currently in Portland. OP Epics only; if an Epic doesn't have a PI, they won't last long at all. Currently under attack by multiple parties. 

The Dalles: Mostly mid-range Epics, though it wasn't intended to support a lot of new Epics, an influx is threatening to upset the balance. Run by Commander Vondra, a normal human who has managed to maintain control with a small team of loyal Epics. 

Corvallis: Plot currently centers on an uprising begun when Euphoria (a powerful empath who kept the human population in line with regular doses of happiness) was kidnapped. 


New Epics are welcome, though we do have a lack of human characters, so if you wanted to join as a normal human, no one would object. 

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I was thinking about an Epic that could emit intense light, for multiple purposes (e.g. causing blindness, melting objects, etc.). Maybe called Sunspot?


Oh, one of those.  ;)


Sounds great! How precise is he/she?


Actually, I just came up with an awesome Epic name (completely unrelated to your guy, so don't feel pressured:) Solar Flair.

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Of the people around the Metal, do any of you still want to react to him or can I remove him from the scene for the transition?

I also just realized that Astoria probably has enough powerful Epics to fill the quota of most of the FSA. :P

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Uh.. what is 'one of those'?


And I'm not quite sure what you mean by precise...


I just meant a light-emitting Epic.


Well, could he stare at a cup and melt it specifically? Or are we just talking general heat flash that melts everything?

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Of the people around the Metal, do any of you still want to react to him or can I remove him from the scene for the transition?

I also just realized that Astoria probably has enough powerful Epics to fill the quota of most of the FSA. :P

I'm good, does that mean it's tomorrow in Astoria now?

Probably between them Bioterror the Metal and Deathgale could probably knock out the entire country in a week or two if they felt like it.



The Dalles sounds like it would fit the best, though maybe 'Sunspot' could have a triggered PI ability that melts potentially harmful things.

It's night time in the Dalles at the morning so maybe s/he can enter into the city tomorrow?


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Random aside, if I may:


So, I was in town shopping for birthday presents and I went into a stationary shop (Typo), and this was the sight which confronted me:


My first thought was 'Weren't some people on the Reckoners RPG crazy about pugs? They'd love this place.'

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I just meant a light-emitting Epic.


Well, could he stare at a cup and melt it? Or are we just talking general heat flash that melts everything?


Uh, just how common are these guys? I don't want to be too unoriginal.


Typically it would be a general flash, though I think emitting beams of light from his hands might be cool to do also.

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Uh, just how common are these guys? I don't want to be too unoriginal.


Typically it would be a general flash, though I think emitting beams of light from his hands might be cool to do also.

Not very common and there's none in the Dalles. If you really want to be unoriginal though feel free to use any of my spare Epics like:


Biohaz: Supernaturally bad cook- Anything she cooks tastes so awful it is capable of putting people in the hospital.

Naturopod: Can give plants legs, these walking plants rarely if ever do what he tells them, preferring usually to follow him around and kick him especially if he doesn’t water them.

Hero of Ages: Can shapeshift into various stereotypes from different periods in history (Eg. The stereotypical knight in steel plate armour, wielding a lance or into a Victorian era lady)

Lunascape: Garden of the moon- under the light of the moon can create all manner of plants.

Husk: Can shed his skin.

Acme-fodder: Can cause anvils, pianos and other heavy objects to be attracted to his face. Occasionally summoning them out of thin air.

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