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Lego Cosmere and the Hunt for the Hoid


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You know those "Lego" games like Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman, and Lego Lord of the Rings? Well, I had a dream that I was reading Wikipedia and found out that the next game would be Lego Cosmere, and would somehow throw Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker, and The Stormlight Archive together in a single blocky game.

Also, there was apparently a trailer out in my dream. Shallan was on Geonosis, in the arena where Mace Windu killed Jango Fett. She was killing guys with her Shardblade and stuff. Nice to know they have Attack of the Clones on Roshar. (In my dream, this was explained because Robert Jordan apparently directed the Star Wars films before he wrote The Wheel of Time. This has the effect of removing George Lucas from existence, while making Eragon even more painfully derivative.)

Even though she was effortlessly mowing down hordes of Lego bad guys, she somehow needed to be "rescued". Fortunately, Kaladin and Helaran both showed up to save her from the arena. Because there can only be one, she had to choose which guy she would go with. The player got to choose who Shallan would go with. In the game's trailer, Shallan decided to go with her brother. Helaran took Shallan home and gave her a bath. A gold brick magically came out of her dirty clothes or something. Then Helaran, always the caring brother, took Shallan back to Geonosis and tossed her into the arena again. And he just left her there.

Fortunately, Kaladin had decided to stick around and wait patiently in the arena. Like, he was just standing there twiddling his thumbs. So Shallan ran over to him, and started a new portion of the level where she had to escape from Geonosis with Kaladin.

That's where the trailer ended. And that level was in the game because it's totally going to be how Shallan and Kaladin meet in SA2.

I can only assume two things from this dream:

- Instead of minikits and red blocks, the player would be on the lookout for Hoid and other worldhoppers in each level.

- The game developers were using copious amounts of drugs while making the game. One of those drugs could be described as "white sand".

Thank you for your time. Discuss Cosmeric video games, terrible potential Cosmere adaptions, or something else relating to my topic if you wish to.

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Could be like the Lego Harry Potter's "Student in Peril" kind of thing as you look for Seventeenth Sharders.

Good thing it wasn't Nun-Balat that came for Shallan, or we'd get an extended limb-removal scene.

Speaking of which, has there been so much as a whisper about Mistborn: Birthright of late? I'm starting to worry about it.

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Speaking of which, has there been so much as a whisper about Mistborn: Birthright of late? I'm starting to worry about it.

Bah... last I read about the game, it was being put on the back burner b/c they were wondering if they should just wait for next gen consoles.

Pretty big deal with some games b/c next gen is supposed to be out this Christmas, last I heard.

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I have a feeling a stormlight game would be epic. shardblades and plate, surgebinding, parshendi forms. these would all lend themselves in an epic way to gaming.

Warbreakers magic system is also very video game oriented. It almost threw me out of the story due to be seeing breaths as a mana bar half the time.

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Bah... last I read about the game, it was being put on the back burner b/c they were wondering if they should just wait for next gen consoles.

Pretty big deal with some games b/c next gen is supposed to be out this Christmas, last I heard.

I hope they don't wait that long for the game. If they do decide to wait, I hope they at least show some footage for it at the E3 when the new systems will probably be revealed as well.

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You know those "Lego" games like Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman, and Lego Lord of the Rings? Well, I had a dream that I was reading Wikipedia and found out that the next game would be Lego Cosmere, and would somehow throw Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker, and The Stormlight Archive together in a single blocky game.

Also, there was apparently a trailer out in my dream. Shallan was on Geonosis, in the arena where Mace Windu killed Jango Fett. She was killing guys with her Shardblade and stuff. Nice to know they have Attack of the Clones on Roshar. (In my dream, this was explained because Robert Jordan apparently directed the Star Wars films before he wrote The Wheel of Time. This has the effect of removing George Lucas from existence, while making Eragon even more painfully derivative.)

Dear sir,

I regret I have to inform you that I found this to be the worst jumbled up piece of fanservice I ever read about.

Well, except maybe for lollipop chainsaw. or rape & revenge movies.

Nothing personal, though.

P.S. if you want instead to strive for excellency in that particular ranking, you could add cowboys fighting dinosaurs. possibly inside a spaceship. :D

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Dear sir,

I regret I have to inform you that I found this to be the worst jumbled up piece of fanservice I ever read about.

Well, except maybe for lollipop chainsaw. or rape & revenge movies.

Nothing personal, though.

P.S. if you want instead to strive for excellency in that particular ranking, you could add cowboys fighting dinosaurs. possibly inside a spaceship. :D/>

"Sir"? How do you know I'm not a girl?

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