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Cosmere City: Worldbuilding thread

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Right. I'd better write about this new character of mine.


His name is Lorn. He is a Seeker (which could create some interesting conflict with Cleo), and is highly skilled with weapons. He's not evil, but he has a strong distrust of police, due to an event in his past, where Inquisitors back on Scadrial killed both his parents. His father was skaa (I decided to swap it around from the norm), and he had fled to CC to escape. He grew up an orphan there.


He can be somewhat grouchy most of the time, and has a few anger management issues.


The Bard occasionally hires him for odds and ends, but neither of them trusts the other.

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I thought I should mention here: Rend (played by Turos) and Lorn (played by me) are pairing up, as agreed by PM.


Not exactly how to do that, seeing as the two appear to be heading down the war path, but I'll work that out as I go along.


EDIT (didn't want to double post): I think we should set a date for the pottery exhibit, as most people will want to be there for it. I'll leave that up to Venture and Mist to decide.

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I'll try and pan this current arc to a close to be ready for it.


Just one quick question. Is it allowed for a character to have his/her own agenda that isn't revealed here first? I need to know for future.

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This might be a bit late, but would it be possible for me to join?


Character: Das


Gender: Male


Alignment: Neutral Chaotic


Investiture: Brass Allomancer and Aluminum Feruchemist


Alias: The Invisible Man


Appearance/Weapons: Late 20s. Raven hair that stops above the eyebrows on the front, just above shoulders on all other sides. Wears a trenchcoat, with wider cuffs on the ends of the sleeves to fit two batons that he can flick into his hands at any given moment. The coat is lined on the inside with several layers of aluminum, both to hide himself from Awakeners and act as a metalmind. He has a pouch inside his coat with lockpicks, pills filled with brass, and a pen drive with built-in hacking software, which he calls Skeleton Key.


Early History: Das was never what you would call an extrovert. He would unconsciously store in aluminum, allowing himself to go unnoticed from others. Das soon began to associate aluminum with not being noticed, although he didn't learn he was a Ferring until years later. When people looked at him while he tapped aluminum, they wouldn't notice him.


Motivations: The pursuit of wealth. Das has always been able to avoid killing, by simple virtue of never being noticed. He began manipulating those around him with brass as a child, toying with their emotions when they weren't even aware of his presence. He finds using brass on complete strangers to be one of the few things he takes joy in, randomly suppressing their joy, sadness, excitement and other emotions.


Other Notes:

Das is a kleptomaniac; he has already robbed enough wealthy businesses and banks to live in comfort for the rest of his life. Now, he steals just for the act of theft.


Das doesn't have any social contacts. During his mid-teens he flare-filled aluminum for several years to such an extent that all memories of him were removed from those who knew him. During that time, he forgot most of his childhood; the fear of loosing his memories are what stops him from continuously filling his metalminds.


Das considers it a matter of personal pride to write 'the invisible man' on a wall at the scene of every robbery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This might be a bit late, but would it be possible for me to join?

I also wanted to get in on this. Maybe Adamir's character and mine could be team of some sort? Since we would both be new? If its not too late to join of course.

Character details in here:

Name: Fablesinger

Magic stuff: Returned nicrosil compounder.

Aliases: usually something to do with stories. A few of her favorites are Saga, Fable, and Nova (short for Novella). She currently goes by Fable.

Backstory: Fable became a returned at the age of 11. She stayed on Nalthis for 3 years, then learned of world hopping, and journeyed to Roshar. During her time on Rishar, she visited the Nightwatcher. Her boon was too remember her life before she became a Returned. Her bane gave her hair that changes color with her emotions (like the Royal Locks, but with zero control over it) and eyes that change color depending on how much pain she is in (again she has no control over it what so ever). When she found out her past, she was pleased to discover her mother had been a nicrosil compounder, that Fable had inherited her gift, and that it still worked though she was Returned.

Fable is now 16 and lives in Cosmere City.

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I also wanted to get in on this. Maybe Adamir's character and mine could be team of some sort? 

I'm thinking of possible context for how that could happen; would you consider Fable to be, in the eyes of society in general, good or evil (regardless of how Fable sees herself)?

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I'm thinking of possible context for how that could happen; would you consider Fable to be, in the eyes of society in general, good or evil (regardless of how Fable sees herself)?

I see I need to put out more character details. Here they are:

Fable deals with the underground, but she isn't exactly seen as "evil". She goes around with mistings/mistborn on their missions and what not. Her job is to make them more powerful with her allomancy (that is what nicrosil does, if you didn't know). She only excepts payment in the form of Stormlight or breaths, since she needs them to stay alive. She uses her feruchemy to store away extra Breaths/Stormlight for later.

She always wears a hoodie with the hood drawn low, in an attempt to cover her hair, shadow her eyes, and conceal her age. She wears her metalminds as a head band and as a feminine looking bracelet. She likes boots.

Edit: oooh new thought you hire me to help you rob the pottery exhibit that they are gonna visit, and that dude Ven attacks us while we are in the process of robbing it. :)

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Another possible idea for context - an aristocrat I'm targeting is paranoid enough to have a guard force consisting entirely of copper twinborn- in this case, they are immune to my soothing, and they continuously store memories in their Copperminds, which cannot be affected by Aluminum Feruchemy. Meaning that they look at me, and even if their eyes don't register me because I'm filling a Metalmind, I am still there in their memories - which, due to their compounding, they can access while filling. I would hire you so I could get through their Copperclouds with Nicrosil and lower their alertness.

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What about creating a prologue for your characters? You could roleplay how they came to the city or what gave them a reason to want to eventually get involved here. I wouldn't mind taking part in something like that.

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I'd suggest making a seperate thread, that way things don't get too confusing, and when Venture returns, he can decide if he wants to incorporate it. It'll be fun either way, and if he doesn't feel it fits, we can continue it as its own unique RP.

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