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Facepalm-worthy Moments during Readings

Patrick Star

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I completely missed the fact that Shallan had a shardblade in my first read through of WoK. After I noticed the (super obvious) clues on my second time through I excitedly informed my roommate of my "discovery". His look of disappointment in me makes me face-palm every time I think of it.


yeah I'm re-reading it too, and the clues are SO OBVIOUS


"shallan says she remembers herself holding a sword, sharp enough to cut stone like water"


"her secret, hiding ten heartbeats away" X2


"her secret, she could have used it"




Way of Kings isn't short of different English language covers.




For example. IIRC I've got the Single book version with the one on the Left.



yeah I have the one on the far left- took me ages to change my mental image of shardplate and shardblades after seeing this. I always imagined them as just slightly fancier plate, and the shardblades as just fancy, thin greatswords.

But no, turns out Plate is super iron-man fancy exoskeleton stuff, and blades are crazy, thick, outrageously designed monstrocities.



Because I read Words of Radiance before Warbreaker, the enormity of the epilogue was completely lost on me until I saw someone at a signing wearing the shirt with 8-bit Szeth and the caption "Would you like to destroy some evil today?"


yeah, I only recently read Warbreaker, too long after I'd read WoR, and still didn't make the connection, to Vasher or Nightblood.

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What makes me facepalm the harder is actually reading this topic and realize all the things I've been missing... Like the Szeth thing >.<

I also had quite a hard time figuring out powers in the cosmere were all related. I started my discovery of Sanderson through Mistborn, but I read it in french. When I realized how awesome it was, I started reading all other Sanderson's books, but in english this time. And the change in language was enough to confuse me for a very, very long time. I only realized the existence of the cosmere and the relations between the books by making research on the internet... I'm still quite shameful about it today, and quite lost too ^^'


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Like many others, I imagined Shardplate as looking really bulky and made out of those thin crystals. And then I imagined the Shardblades being like thin, long white swords, with wispy trails of white light smoking off their edges like water dripping down. 

I also thought to myself, without realizing anything, "hmm that's weird, Hoid's still alive" when he was informing like... a million different people

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My facepalm... was when listening to Echo read my kindle book for WoR... and got to the chapter heading that is just a large list of numbers from the Diagram... and not knowing how to fast forward... so just had to sit there and listen to a LONG list of random meaningless numbers.

And my wife walked in wondering what I was listening to.  "One Hundred Forty Two, Six Hundred Seventy Nine, ..."

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I have to admit that the whole Stormlight / Knight Radiant thing stayed pretty vague in my head during my first read. When getting information overload I tend to concentrate on following the characters, letting information about magic systems etc. slip in through one ear and out the other.  

One extreme instance of this - and therefore a facepalm moment - was when I finally understood what happened in that scene when Hoid was testing Shallan's lightweaving abilities as a child.

It was, I think, my forth (!!) read-through. :ph34r::ph34r:

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13 minutes ago, Kaelya said:

I was totally serious and if anybody can provide information on that I'll gladly take it ^^ (or just tell me the chapter so I can go and see for myself)

Words of Radiance spoilers:


In one of Shallan's flashbacks in Words of Radiance, Hoid asks Shallan about beauty (?) and has her close her eyes and describe, in great detail, Shallan's wish that her family could be together and happy. As she describes the scene it starts to be projected around her as Hoid held infused gemstones near her and she subconsciously started Lightweaving. I will try to find the chapter number for you.

edit: check around page 522 in Words of Radiance for the above spoilery stuff

Edited by CaptainRyan
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4 hours ago, Kaelya said:

I was totally serious and if anybody can provide information on that I'll gladly take it ^^ (or just tell me the chapter so I can go and see for myself)

It starts exactly on pg 522 according to Reddit. You might not have recognized it because Hoid's name was never truly used.

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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4 hours ago, Kaelya said:

I was totally serious and if anybody can provide information on that I'll gladly take it ^^ (or just tell me the chapter so I can go and see for myself)

My edition has different page numbers, so to make sure you find it (since I started this) : it's the last few pages of ch. 45 Middlefest

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2 hours ago, Kaelya said:

Yeah I remember this scene but I just never realized it was Hoid... Thanks everyone!

The revelation comes 10 chapters later (55 The Rules of the Game), when Shallan meets Wit. (Note Adolin's undying words, one of my favorite scenes: "You hugged Wit!")

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