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First Names (if you're comfortable sharing)


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My first name is Francis, from the Italian saint, who was apparently named thus because his father liked the French. Or something like that. Incidentally, Scadrial has lots of French sounding stuff, and it is the Shardworld of the skaa.

I have a second name. Only enemies call me by my second name.

I really need to know your second name now.


My first name's Conor, by the way. It's Irish, because of my father.

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I'm Colin and quite content with it. :)


That said, I identify pretty strongly with Claincy now. I use it pretty much everywhere online and "I am lord Claincy Ffnord" is actually an anagram of my full name. (I honestly don't mind if you guess what my real name is from that.)

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Hm. Lies, all of you. :P Only Kobold is telling the truth. I was apparently under the mistaken impression that LarkoftheRiver == boy... :( sorry. Even so, she is lying. Kobold, I believe you. :P The funny thing is that I know what names DON'T fit my perceptions of you all, but I don't know which names DO. :D Names are fascinating, are they not?

My name, which I share with an incredibly high amount of sports players from the EU, a professional goalkeeper, a player of the uillean pipes, a film critic, and several actors, is


In the year I was born, approximately 47 other people in the U.S. were given this name.

It means "dove," as in the bird. My parents named me this based on a character from one of James Herriott's (a British veterinarian) books called Calum Buchanan. The name is has a much higher popularity in Scotland, where it is also written as Callum. The traditional pronunciation of "Calum" is "Kahl-um," the beggining of which is pronounced the same way as Cal, if that wasn't clear. My parents decided to pronounce it "Kay-lum." I was cursed at birth with this decision. Ah well. I used to correct people's pronunciation all the time. Now I just take it like a man. I have never met another person with my name.

I would prefer to be named Calvin, but I doubt that I will change my name.

gjustice, great thread, btw. I don't want to steal your idea, so will you start another thread or add to the OP a question that asks what people would rather be named, if indeed they do have a rather?

go ahead do a what would you prefer your name to be thread. You would definately see me posting there

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My first name is Francis, from the Italian saint, who was apparently named thus because his father liked the French. Or something like that. Incidentally, Scadrial has lots of French sounding stuff, and it is the Shardworld of the skaa.

I have a second name. Only enemies call me by my second name.


Françis is a very popular name among people my age over here in Quebec  ;) I know many Françis or Frank as they usually end up being called.

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someone tell me how to change the title please, just realized I used the wrong your/you're (it is your and should be you're) 


Right-click on the "Edit" button in your first post and then choose "Open link in new tab" (or similar, depending on which browser you're using). This should lead you to the Full Editor page where you can edit the title of the thread.


You can also reach the Full Editor by clicking on the "Edit" button and then clicking on the "Use Full Editor" button that appears next to the "Save Changes" button.

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Officially my name is "Nicolouz"(should be Nikoloz, but someone made a mistake), though no one normally calls me that. Most of the times it's Nika and I'm okay with it. Niko I don't like. Nikush/a I like only from females or good friends.

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I'm Alex, but most people call me Pi because I was a nerd in High school and someone found out I could recite the first 100 decimals when I was in eighth grade. Every day I thank my lucky stars they didn't find out I could also recite the periodic table, that could have led to a much more awkward nickname.  :unsure:

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My name is Michael and i've never been in any room when i'm the only Michael. Seriously they're everywhere!!

As far as nicknames go, i always prefer Mike. Although my last name is Froio, and I'm short. Therefore my school and work nickname was always Frodo.

I just went with it

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My name is Rosemary. (That's with a little 'm', folks. No hyphen. No nicknames. Even my beloved husband dares not shorten my name.)

I was named after my great-great grandfather.

No, wait! There's a story behind this! It's actually a great story, and one I told at my wedding. It figured heavily into my choosing to go with the more "traditional" last name change.

So, when my mother was pregnant with me, I still had one great-great grandfather still alive. He was absolutely tickled pink to get the chance to meet a new generation of his descendants, and was bound and determined that Mom should name me after him. Mom was relieved when I turned out to be a girl, because she really wasn't all that fond of his first name. But still, she found a way to honor his wishes; she took his last name, Rose, and expanded it into Rosemary. And there was much rejoicing. (I assume. I was a baby, heck if I can remember. I never even heard this story until I was all grown up.)

So, fast forward through many years. I meet my now-husband, we fall sappily in lurve. (Our engagement story is ridiculous. We had been talking about marriage in the theoretical sense, and one day in late autumn I asked him, "So, when we finally do get officially engaged, do you want to make a surprise of it, or do you just want to say, 'Hey, let's go ring shopping." His response was, "Let's go ring shopping after Christmas." All together now: D'awwwww!)

And I chose to take his last name, for on that spring day when we went and had our crazy geeky wedding with a Flower Faerie and a Spock teddy bear as our "ring bear", the great-great granddaughter of William Rose became Rosemary Williams.

That's right. The final factor in me choosing to change my name was because it was funny.

Wow. That's a *fantastic* story. :)
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My name is Alexa. Short version of Alexandra. I always get called Alexandra by people who don't know me very long.  :rolleyes:

My nick name is Lexi.


When I was a child, I hated my name because it was so rare (I know a bunch of Alexandras, but met only very few Alexas in my life), but I made my peace with it.

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Wow. That's a *fantastic* story. :)


Thanks!  I do rather enjoy telling it.  I take it as proof that the Universe has a sense of humor.  In fact, four years married, and I still sometimes fancy I hear a soft snicker in the background.



*And for anyone amazed that I'm willing to give both my first and last name here, I figure that it's already out on the internet in the Book of Faces.  And once the internet knows something, it never forgets.  So.  Eh.  Whatevs. :)

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Thanks! I do rather enjoy telling it. I take it as proof that the Universe has a sense of humor. In fact, four years married, and I still sometimes fancy I hear a soft snicker in the background.

*And for anyone amazed that I'm willing to give both my first and last name here, I figure that it's already out on the internet in the Book of Faces. And once the internet knows something, it never forgets. So. Eh. Whatevs. :)

Yeah, this forum is awesome enough that the worst I can imagine happening is our Vashikarian friends tracking you down to bomb your inbox with love magic emails. <_<

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Yeah, this forum is awesome enough that the worst I can imagine happening is our Vashikarian friends tracking you down to bomb your inbox with love magic emails. <_<

Or the herd sending MLP themed letters on a regular basis, but judging by her icon I don't think we need to worry about that :P

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Yeah, this forum is awesome enough that the worst I can imagine happening is our Vashikarian friends tracking you down to bomb your inbox with love magic emails. <_<


Huh. Does that mean if I change my name is "Baba Ji", they'll end up caught in an infinite loop of spamming themselves with love magic spells?

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