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Night 9: A Bloody Outrage


Conversation in the Court was muted, everyone was still shocked over the revelation of the restoration of Elantris. Instead of diseased figures, the Elantrians now walked among them, surrounded with a silvery glow, and answering questions about how Elantris was.

But it didn’t stop the hunt completely, just the opposite. The Elantrians that walked among them had also made the hunt for the Jeskeri Cultists their greatest priority.

Not everybody was awestruck by the renewed gods that walked among them, and for a while it actually looked as if Clankii- recently taken by the Shaod himself- was going to be lynched as a cultist. But Queen Kiireon- another new initiate into the restored Elantris- put an end to that, vouching for Clankii instead.

“There is still a Shu-Dereth Pan-Dareth priest among us!” Mene called out authoritatively. “Gyorn Jain took an Odiv before he died, and moreover, I have reason to believe that his Odiv was actually a Jeskeri Cultist, as well!” It was quite the sensational announcement. However, it was cut abruptly short when several of Patriarch Seinalan’s attendants whisked Mene away and reprimanded him sharply for blasphemously donning the fallen Patriarch’s robes.

After that, the proceedings lost their focus, and nobody quite knew who to accuse. In the end, it was reluctantly decided that Arfear Quinn be sent to the gallows.

“This is a bloody outrage!” Arfear shouted, face purple with rage. He unsheathed his slender syre and swung it deftly side to side. “You’ll not have me without a fight!”

“Sir,” The Captain of the guard said, “Put your sword down and come quietly. You can’t possibly stand on your own against two dozen of the Queen’s finest guardsmen.”

“You’re right about that,” Arfear said with a grin, then put two fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply. Several windows shattered inwards as grappling hooks were hurled through them, and moments later pirates began pouring through, cutlasses at the ready. Battle immediately broke out between the pirates and the soldiers, with innocent people scrambling to simultaneously get to safety and find prime viewing spots.

“Jatae!” Arfear called out as he expertly dueled two soldiers at once.

One of the pirates called a reply. “Aye, Captain Quinn?”

Arfear responded by pointing his syre across the hall at Clancy, and Jatae charged at him, cutlass held high. The move proved fatal for Arfear, as one of the guardsmen took advantage of the opening and thrust a spear into Arfear’s gut.

Clancy cursed, and pulled a loaded crossbow out of his long coat. He pointed it at the charging pirate and fired. His aim was true, the bolt flying directly at the center of Jatae’s chest, but just like the previous night, his target survived the shot. Jatae raised his off-hand defensively, and the bolt pierced his forearm. It didn’t slow his charge, however, and three strides later Jatae reached Clancy and brought his cutlass down.
The battle ended quickly after that. With their captain slain, Jatae called a retreat, and the surviving pirates fought their way back to one of the broken windows and made their escape.

Arfear Quinn was a Citizen Pirate!
Clancy was a Cultist Debtor!

Vote Tally:
Gerald Hobbes (Burnt Spaghetti): 1 (Kaian)
Arfear Quinn (Araris Valerian): 3 (MenE, Nathanael, Clankii)
Clancy (lord Claincy Ffnord): 2 (Won LenReen, Riingar)
Nathanael (Wyrmhero): 0 (Edrab Leah)
Liala (Luckat): 1 (Gerald Hobbes)
Clankii (Clanky): 1 (Duke Pifferdan) (GM error: missed the vote retraction)

Night 9 begins!

Updated Player List:



  1. Edrab Leah (Haelbarde)

  2. Mainem (Mckeedee123)

  3. Gerald Hobbes (Burnt Spaghetti)

  4. Dow (dowanx)

  5. Duke Pifferdan (Emerald 101)

  6. Kaian (Kasimir)

  7. Redodaa Tialehe (Silverblade5)

  8. Nathanael (Wyrmhero)

  9. Sheon Idris (Seonid)

  10. Tehen (twelfthrootoftwo)

  11. Won LenReen (A Smart Guy)

  12. Liala (Luckat)

  13. MenE (Metacognition)



  1. Neo (neodymium)

  2. Riingar (Renegade)

  3. Edaan (Alvron)

  4. Clankii (Clanky)

  5. Kiireon (little wilson)

The Deceased

  1. Fernarnia (Feligon) Keeper of the Secret Tunnels

  2. King Walin (spencer12347) Debtor
  3. Locke (OrlokTsubodai) Citizen

  4. Maisao (Mailliw73) Citizen

  5. Kae (Winter Cloud) Jeskeri Cultist

  6. Sienene (phattemer) Korathi Priest, Elantrian

  7. Hene Bata (The Honey Badger) Pirate

  8. Diren (Zas678)-Hoed Jeskeri Cultist, Elantrian

  9. Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) King of Arelon

  10. Borter Clams (Bort) Jeskeri Prince

  11. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) Pan-Dereth Gyorn

  12. Arfear Quinn (Araris Valerian) Pirate

  13. Clancy (lord Claincy Ffnord) Jeskeri Cultist, Debtor


Pinch Hitters

  1. Wyrmhero

  2. A Smart Guy

  3. Emerald 101

  4. Silverblade5

  5. Burnt Spaghetti

Edited by Herowannabe
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Game Quicklinks
  • Signups
  • Day 1 - Fel/Mek Lynched.
  • Night 1 - Orlok Killed, Zas converted.
  • Day 2 - Spencer Lynched.
  • Night 2 - Cultist and Gyorn targets protected by pendants. Phattemer allegedly Cultist target.
  • Day 3 - Mailliw73 Lynched.
  • Night 3 - Bort was poisoned, someone else saved from Cultists.
  • Day 4 - Winter discovered to be a Cultist and Lynched. Wyrmhero and Emerald join the game.
  • Night 4 - Phattemer killed, Meta probably poisoned.
  • Day 5 - Honey Badger, a Citizen Pirate, was lynched. His hostage, Zas (a Cultist), died with him.
  • Night 5 - Jindo Warrior prevents the Cultist killing, Alvron taken by Shaod, Bort returns from Elantris.
  • Day 6 - Bort, the Cultist Prince, was lynched.
  • Night 6 - Cultists get thwarted again
  • Day 7 - Surgebound, Citizen King, lynched. The Brightness Ascendant becomes more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Burnt Spag joins the game.
  • Night 7 - Jindo protects Twelfth from Cultist attack
  • Day 8 - Lightsworn, the Gyorn, is lynched.
  • Night 8 - No one killed, Elantris is restored.
  • Day 9 - Araris, a Citizen Pirate, is lynched. His hostage was Claincy, a Cultist Debtor.
  • Night 9 - Currently Active.

Well, that was interesting. Meta implied he was Lover with Claincy last round, but he didn't die? Slightly confused exactly what happened there.

We've got Luckat to fireball this round. I guess the question is, are there any more cultists. With Luckat we have 5 cultists. Edited by Haelbarde
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Hael, Claincy was killed not Clanky.


Storms, Wilson is gonna be so pissed.

Edit: Nvm. you updated as I typed.

You updated your post as I clicked quote to reply :P

Edited by Haelbarde
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Hael you got that wrong. Claincy was Arasis hostage I am still alive and well. This whole Clanky-Claincy thing can get quite confusing thou. 


Also how did I end up voting for myself and Araris?


EDIT: Ninjad many times over

Edited by Clanky
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Also how did I end up voting for myself and Araris?


From the game rules:



Prince/Princess: You have the ability to inspire people to action. During each day phase, you may PM the GM and target one other player. If that player does not cast any vote, you choose who they vote for (include the vote in your PM to the GM), and they will show up in the write-up as such. You MAY still cast your own vote. You MAY have your target vote for someone different from you. You may NOT have your target vote for herself. Your target will not be informed that they were targeted


Appears we have another prince(ss) in play.


EDIT: Okay, or maybe not.


GM Question: Is Emeralds vote in error? He appears to retract it here.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Poison received. Clanky is soft-confirmed, I'd say :)

Thank you, Clanky. I've put in orders to return the poison to you.

Edit: M'Hael--Em did indeed retract.


Edit 2: Does anyone else besides me find it mildly embarrassing that our Pirates have better aim than we do? :P

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I wasn't implying that I was Claincy's lover; I was saving Claincy for Wilson (which I put in white text in my last post). I was in contact with her during the day and I don't think anyone here who was around for the AG doesn't know that she has a vendetta on him. I was just giving her a chance to fulfill that. ;) Besides, Araris was someone that people were still suspicious of, so it was a win-win scenario. We take out someone that we weren't sure of and Wilson would've gotten her chance to repay Claincy for the AG. 


Can't say I'm disappointed in the results though. I'm sorry you died Araris, but you took a Cultist with you (Wilson will just have to wait for revenge some other time)! That means that either Luckat is the last or that there's still one more left. As such, I'll take suggestions on whom I should scan for the night!

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So in other news, its confirmed that Wyrm is a Dula (if it wasn't before). 


I wasn't implying that I was Claincy's lover; I was saving Claincy for Wilson (which I put in white text in my last post). I was in contact with her during the day and I don't think anyone here who was around for the AG doesn't know that she has a vendetta on him. I was just giving her a chance to fulfill that. ;) Besides, Araris was someone that people were still suspicious of, so it was a win-win scenario. We take out someone that we weren't sure of and Wilson would've gotten her chance to repay Claincy for the AG. 


Can't say I'm disappointed in the results though. I'm sorry you died Araris, but you took a Cultist with you (Wilson will just have to wait for revenge some other time)! That means that either Luckat is the last or that there's still one more left. As such, I'll take suggestions on whom I should scan for the night!

I realized that afterwards (I missed the white text on that, though I saw Alvron's)



We just checked two players off the 'unconfirmed' list, leaving us with:

  • Wyrm
  • Dow
  • Hael
  • Burnt
  • Emerald
  • Silverblade
  • Sart
  • Clanky

I'd put Wyrm, Dow, and Clanky on the soft confirm list. I have some thoughts which would make me tend to think Burnt and Emerald are probably fine. Ignoring myself (biased, obviously), basically leaves us with Sart and Silver. And maybe Emerald (my thoughts that'd sorta clear him for me are sorta sketchy and based on what I assume certain people know). But ultimately, our Elantrian friends should be executing Luckat at the end of the night. We'll know if there's any more if the game doesn't end after this cycle. 

I have no good suggestions. You've got Clanky, if we wanted hard confirmation. You've got Sart, cos we've got no idea what's going on there. 


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Hard-Confirmed: Kas, Meta, Ren, Neo, Alv, Wilson, Mek, Twei
Soft-Confirmed: Wonko/Sart, Wyrm, Seonid, Clanky, Dow, M'Hael
?: Ostrich/Silver, Kipper/Burnt, Piff/Em

I'd go with anyone in the ? tier, so Kipper/Burnt, Piff/Em, or Ostrich/Silver. I think of these, Kipper/Burnt is the most promising. With regard to Em, I'm not sure: Meta might've not been decided by then, as Ren claims, but the Cultists sure weren't in contact with Meta. Given that, it seems to me that dropping another voice for Luckat wasn't that big a deal. But the point is taken anyway.

Ostrich/Silver...Wyrm and I talked it over. If this is a kind of blindness, we would prefer to assume Cultists had not decided not playing with the pinch-hitter system, since this would require Ostrich first playing inactive and then realising it was drawing flak and quickly switching. It isn't exactly exoneratory, but it's why we wouldn't immediately finger him.

With regard to Kipper/Burnt, it'd be good to seal off any possibility of a Seonid leak for good, I think, and worries of any connection with Bort.

TBH, up to this Turn, Wyrm and I were preparing to suggest the M'Hael be scanned. What sealed it for me and moves him (tentatively) to soft-confirmed was his suggestion of Claincy as a poison-scan target during Night Three. If he was trying to save Bort, it's awfully strange, since he just put another Cultist on the line for discovery, and there was really no reason to. So.


I'm really not at all set on scanning Wonko/Sart and now that Meta's made that information public, I can mention it: besides Wonko's correspondence with Elantris, Sart gave his Seon to Meta, and IMO, that's pretty much decent as-is. He didn't need to do that, and he certainly didn't need to get in contact with Meta in the first place, as good as it might've been to manipulate the Priest. I'd rather clear the ? tier and then come back up to looking between those who have more solid reasoning to be considered Soft-Confirmed and those who have slightly more flimsy reasoning soft-confirming them.

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Well then. Clearly I shouldn't have gone to Jurassic World again tonight. Can't believe that kill got stolen for me. I was totally gearing up to give him a very personal and up-close relationship with fire too. Disappointed. It's a good thing Araris is already dead, because if he wasn't, I'd probably kill him for killing Claincy. In fact, Araris is on my Original Wilson's kill list now. She doesn't take kindly to people stealing kills out from under her.

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*Edrab is secretly pleased he didn't put a vote on Araris in case the Original Wilson started blaming those who got Araris killed*

You have no idea how happy I am I stowed my vote somewhere safe, like on Kipper :P And, actually, that Claincy's dead, since I was going to chat him up tonight, courtesy of Comrade Kii. I feel like I've just been spared walking into the lion's den...

And, I trust this puts an end to rumours that I shipped Wilson/Claincy? :P


Bad Luck Wilson: Gains fireball powers - Claincy dies by Pirate >>

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This just screams 'Grumpy Cat' meme.

It's more like Bad Luck Brian, honestly. It's like she was tapping luck to become the Most Interesting Woman in the Cosmere, and then started storing it to kill Claincy so Claincy died by Pirate :P Which makes her two memes at once.

Of course, there's also potential for Grumpy Cat here, you're right:


Case in point :P

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I apologise for voting for you, Araris, as it was never my intention to lynch you. However, very good job in taking a Cultist out with you. luckat could be the last one left - though obviously we'll know after tonight, with our Elantrians poised to take her out.


And it's nice to be fairly sure about some of the others on our suspicion list as well, in the case of luckat not being last.


To Meta, I am at a bit of a loss as to who I would suggest you scan. I think practically anyone not on the soft-confirmed list would be a good choice. Edit: Perhaps Kipper?


Edited because I forgot we'd only found five, not six.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Long Game 12: Conclusion
Gerald Hobbes made his way through the crowd in the Court.  He and Liala had decided not to act during the night, judging their best chance of success to be immediately after everyone gathered.  He kept his right hand hidden, clutching a dagger they had doused in poison.  As he approached his target, Gerald Hobbes kept careful eyesight for those nearby that might pose a threat.
The absolute ruler of Arelon, Kiireon, was in a discussion with Priest Mene, seemingly over the effect of Elantrians on Shu-Korath.  Before they could make much progress with it, Gerald Hobbes casually walked up, and drove the knife into Kiireon’s back.  “You are standing in the way of our dream, and one ruler shouldn’t have complete control in addition to the blasphemous powers of Elantris!” he shouted as Kiireon stiffened, started to turn, and fell.
Mene caught her, and turned Kiireon over so she could see her assailant.  “You will not kill me with no retribution,” she whispered while sketching out Aon Ehe in the air before her, completing it only moments before all strength left her.  A jet of fire shot out from the Aon, catching Gerald Hobbes right before he turned a corner. He cried out briefly before crumpling to the ground. The flames from Kiireon’s attack began spreading to the carpet and wall hangings.
“Kiireon!” Edaan shouted and rushed to her side, quickly sketching Aon Ien in the air above her.  It flared sharply then faded, having no effect. Through his tears, Edaan glared angrily around the room, before settling on Edrab Leah.  “You!  You helped kill her!”
“No I didn’t, I had nothing to do with this!”  Edrab said, panicked.  
“Liar!  I know what you have done!”  Edaan started drawing Aon Ehe in the air, adding so many modifier lines Ehe was barely distinguishable in the center.  His hand dropped from it, and a huge, white-hot pillar of fire erupted from it, burning Edrab away in seconds, as well as leaving a hole in the side of the palace.  The edges slowly started melting and burning, spreading rapidly and joining with the flames from Kiireon’s attack.
Kaian ran to join Edaan next to Kiireon, his tears already pouring.  “Quickly, we must leave her.  The entire palace could burn up!” Mene urged, but both Edaan and Kaian shook their heads.
“We are staying here, with her,” Kaian said, his entire body shaking.
People started filing out of the Court, eventually leaving Mene alone with Kaian and Edaan.  “Go, your flock needs you,” Edaan said, “We are staying by her side until the end.” Mene sighed and stood.  
“May Domi be with you, my children.” he said, as he left the room.
As Mene exited the palace, it started rumbling.  Flames raced up and down its entire length, and with a groan, it collapsed to the ground.  Mene stared at it for a couple minutes, before turning around to address everyone.  When he spoke, his voice was filled with sadness.  “Our ruler is dead, and Kaian and Edaan gave up their lives to join her.  May Merciful Domi treat them well.  This is a tragic day, but Kiireon ordered me, in a time like this, to declare her successor.  She deemed Sheon Idris a worthy choice for the Kingship, entrusting Arelon into his care.” A path opened for Sheon as he slowly stepped forward.
“No!” a voice shouted out, “I claim rulership of these lands for Pan-Dareth!”  Liala leaped out from behind Sheon, with a crossbow aimed at his back.  She shot the bolt, but Sheon fluidly snatched it out of the air, and flung it back at her, before rushing to Mene’s side, and falling into a defensive stance.  “All our plans have failed because of you!” Liala shouted as she scrambled to avoid it. “Why won’t you just die!?”
Riingar stepped out behind her, Aon Ehe already half drawn.  “We be told that ye be a follower o’ that giant panda, and that ye be a filthy pagan!  Now, while these people did kill me crewmate, Arfear, Elantris be a wonderful place, an’ I find it me duty to protect it!” He finished drawing Ehe, and the gout of flame consumed Liala.
She dropped to the ground, writhing to try to put out the flames, narrowly avoiding two more blasts of Aon Ehe.  Neo gasped when he saw his blast hit Redodaa, and he rushed to his side, trying to put out the fire to no avail.  
“I have caught another Cultist!” Clankii declared as his Aon engulfed Duke Pifferdan.  “I knew I would only hit a cultist, and I hit Pifferdan.”  Mene quickly rushed to the burning body and knelt before it.
“You fool!” he shouted, turning on Clankii.  “He was a devout man, he even resisted the pull of Pan-Dareth!  You did nothing but kill an innocent!”  Mene took a moment to visibly calm himself, then turned to Sheon.  “May I ask why you have been following me around like a guard?  You are the new King, you shouldn’t risk your life this soon.”
“I had taken it upon myself to protect and look after you, the spiritual leader of us now.  And as for being King, we have some rebuilding to do.”  He and Mene turned to look at the still burning remnants of the palace, joined by the survivors. Mene turned to overlook the small crowd. So many of them had been lost along the way, but as he looked into the eyes of each one that remained, he knew, deep down inside, that their hearts were all pure. No remnants of Jeskeri or Shu-Dereth remained among them. At long last, it was over.
Suddenly, a side door of the palace burst open, and Nathanael came running out grinning widely, his skin emitting a silvery glow. “Hey, guess what guys! I got taken by the Sha…” He trailed off, noticing the scattered corpses and the burning palace for the first time. “Uh… what did I miss?”


LG12, Shadows of Elantris, has been completed!  The Villagers have won the game!


Edit:  Sorry, I don't know why I forgot this:

Edrab Leah has been killed!  He was a Citizen!

Gerald Hobbes has been killed!  His Seon has been lost! He was a Cultist Keeper of the Secret Tunnels!

Duke Pifferdan has been killed! He was a Keeper of the Secret Tunnels!

Kiireon has been killed!  Her lovers, Kaian and Edaan, killed themselves out of grief! Kiireon was an Elantrian King and Queen!  Kaian was Dula with a Poison Vial and a Seon who has been passed on!  Edaan was an Elantrian!

Redodaa Tialehe has been killed! She was a Prince!

Liala has been killed!  She was a Jeskeri Cultist and Pan-Dareth Odiv! Her Korathi Pendant has been lost!


Final Player List:

  1. Mainem (Mckeedee123) Pirate

  2. Dow (dowanx) Duke

  3. Sheon Idris (Seonid) Jindo Warrior, Seon Nae

  4. Tehen (twelfthrootoftwo) Jindo Warrior

  5. Won LenReen (Wonko the Sane/A Smart Guy) Citizen

  6. MenE (Metacognition) Korathi Priest, Seon Ena, Seon Sao



  1. Neo (neodymium) Elantrian Veteran

  2. Riingar (Renegade) Elantrian

  3. Clankii (Clanky) Elantrian, Debtor

  4. Nathanael (Aonar Faileas/Wyrmhero) Elantrian, Dula, Seon Kii

The Deceased

  1. Fernarnia (Feligon) Keeper of the Secret Tunnels

  2. King Walin (spencer12347) Debtor
  3. Locke (OrlokTsubodai) Citizen

  4. Maisao (Mailliw73) Citizen

  5. Kae (Winter Cloud) Jeskeri Cultist

  6. Sienene (phattemer) Korathi Priest, Elantrian, Seon Ashe

  7. Hene Bata (The Honey Badger) Pirate, Seon Opa

  8. Diren (Zas678)-Hoed Jeskeri Cultist, Elantrian

  9. Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) King of Arelon, Seon Teo

  10. Borter Clams (Bort) Jeskeri Prince

  11. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) Pan-Dereth Gyorn

  12. Arfear Quinn (Araris Valerian) Pirate

  13. Clancy (lord Claincy Ffnord) Jeskeri Cultist, Debtor

  14. Edrab Leah (Haelbarde) Citizen

  15. Gerald Hobbes (Kipper/Burnt Spaghetti) Jeskeri Cultist, Keeper of the Secret Tunnels, Seon Ien

  16. Duke Pifferdan (Lord Pifferdoo/Emerald 101) Keeper of the Secret Tunnels

  17. Kaian (Kasimir) Dula, Lover with Kiireon   :wub:Poison Vial

  18. Redodaa Tialehe (Ostrichofevil/Silverblade5) Prince

  19. Liala (Luckat) Jeskeri Cultist, Pan-Dereth Odiv, Korathi Pendant

  20. Edaan (Alvron) Elantrian, Lover with Kiireon   :wub:

  21. Kiireon (little wilson) Elantrian, Queen of Arelon, King of Arelon, Lover with Kaian  :wub: , Lover with Edaan  :wub:


Pinch Hitters

  1. Wyrmhero

  2. A Smart Guy

  3. Emerald 101

  4. Silverblade5

  5. Burnt Spaghetti




Hero and I hope all of you have enjoyed the game, and there will be some posts by us up talking about the game.  

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Game Quicklinks
  • Signups
  • Day 1 - Fel/Mek Lynched.
  • Night 1 - Orlok Killed, Zas converted.
  • Day 2 - Spencer Lynched.
  • Night 2 - Cultist and Gyorn targets protected by pendants. Phattemer allegedly Cultist target.
  • Day 3 - Mailliw73 Lynched.
  • Night 3 - Bort was poisoned, someone else saved from Cultists.
  • Day 4 - Winter discovered to be a Cultist and Lynched. Wyrmhero and Emerald join the game.
  • Night 4 - Phattemer killed, Meta probably poisoned.
  • Day 5 - Honey Badger, a Citizen Pirate, was lynched. His hostage, Zas (a Cultist), died with him.
  • Night 5 - Jindo Warrior prevents the Cultist killing, Alvron taken by Shaod, Bort returns from Elantris.
  • Day 6 - Bort, the Cultist Prince, was lynched.
  • Night 6 - Cultists get thwarted again
  • Day 7 - Surgebound, Citizen King, lynched. The Brightness Ascendant becomes more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Burnt Spag joins the game.
  • Night 7 - Jindo protects Twelfth from Cultist attack
  • Day 8 - Lightsworn, the Gyorn, is lynched.
  • Night 8 - No one killed, Elantris is restored.
  • Day 9 - Araris, a Citizen Pirate, is lynched. His hostage was Claincy, a Cultist Debtor.
  • Night 9 - Burnt stabs Wilson, gets incinerated in return. Hael gets turned to ash by a distraught Alvron. Kas and Alvron die in Wilson's funeral pyre caused by Wilson and Alvron. Luckat fails to crossbow Seonid, and is instantly cremated by Renegade for her troubles. Clanky vaporizes Prince Silverblade, thinking him a cultist. Seonid becomes king, while Wyrm misses all the action as he becomes Elantrian.
  • Wrapup

One last set of links. Edited by Haelbarde
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First off, it was really fun to run this game with Hero.  I really enjoyed it, and will GM more in the future.


I would like to apologize for the mistakes made during the game, especially to Feligion and Mek, as the game would have gone incredibly different if I hadn’t messed up the vote tallies.  Overall, I felt we kept the game running pretty smoothly, despite a couple of setbacks


Hero will mention most of the issues and technical comments associated with the game, as he was the Game Designer and had more work with them.  Unfortunately, the issues were all discovered after the game started.  There were ways to work around them, but it was stacked against the Eliminators.  However, both Pan-Dareth and the Jeskeri Mysteries had excellent games and strategy, unfortunately the villagers beat you.


From an outside view, looking at Elantris was really, really cool.  I think it was the part of the game that functioned almost perfectly for a new mechanic, and Hero did a very great job with it.  The secrets, the clues, it just was an interesting subgame to watch develop alongside the main thread.  It is probably one the my favorite mechanics I have seen, after seeing it in action.


The inclusion of Pinch Hitters was another great feature, unfortunately we actually ran out of Pinch Hitters, but it seems like a simple mechanic that could be implemented in other LGs.



It was wonderful to see how the game developed as cycles passed and more things were brought to light, and I hope the players enjoyed it as much as I did.

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Dear people who decided to not protect Wilson, thank you. I've officially won my first bet :P My luck is definitely turning around!


Also: called it on Kipper :P #Dulabros4life


Edit: I should probably clarify that I lied about my dice. I didn't roll dice, though I should've. I just figured there were several kinds of possible pairings: A. Village-Village, B. Village-Eliminator, C. Eliminator-Eliminator, D. Eliminator-Gyorn.


C. was the most optimal, but the least likely. Getting it would've been a shot in the dark. D. was by no means much easier; B. would be directly counter-productive. My decision was therefore to aim for A., the likeliest option. Now, while the odds were in my favour, I don't like rolling dice, so I reasoned that if I anchored one end of the Lovers, it would immediately rule out possibilities C. and D.


My next move was therefore to pick someone who might be dangerous as an Eliminator; someone I could cripple if they were an Eliminator with my continuous tendency to die in games. (A bit of my paranoia showing through here, as I didn't really focus on the possibility of a Village-Village pairing.) So, my final shortlist had, at least: Ren, Claincy, Alv, Meta, and Wilson. For various reasons, I ruled out Ren and Claincy and Alv. I ruled out Meta because I felt morally bad about inflicting my heavy death rate on him.


While pairing with Ren/Claincy/Alv/Meta/Wilson would've been bad for Lover!Kas trying to win, the person making the decision was not Lover!Kas but Arelon!Dula!Kas. Lover!Kas was not an actual possibility until the point the final PM was sent to Hreo. As such, I felt it was not proper to appeal to Lover!Kas's interests in making my decision, but only Arelon's. This is why I did not factor in how pairing with a dangerous potential-Eliminator would've been counter-productive for Lover!Kas's fulfilling his win con.


....And that's the story of how I ended up with Wilson >>

Edited by Kasimir
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Most things that happened in the writeup were actual night actions, such as all of the deaths and the people who caused them.  


Edit:  That player list is the final list of who survived and died.

Edited by Tulir
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