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34 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

The Sibling wishes to join the knights awkward. As long as they don't have to go anywhere. Or do anything. Or say anything. 

Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays


The Knights Awkward must rise again.

I hate to break it to you, but this thread appears to have died to death.

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*Sigh* "Maybe it's time for me to swear these oaths...

Books before friends,

17th Shard before real world,

Release dates before birthdates.

Woah... I feel so... empowered.

I will waste time on forum games even when there is no time to waste."

Edited by Sequence
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 I will bind others together with fictional narratives

I will battle on, even if my fictional characters fall around me
I shall raise my strength stat to defend those without, even at the cost of my resources,"

also "I will waste time on forum games even when there is no time to waste."


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  • 1 month later...

A youth, in her teens, enters the sacred Library Hall of the Knights Awkward. She stumbles over a book on the floor. She looks down, adjusting her glasses, and, Preservation’s Wings! It’s Alloy of Law! She is filled with excitement, and yearns to read it. But for some reason that she cannot place, she feels that she can’t read it yet. Like their is something she must do. Books before friends, a voice whispers. It is faint, but she can just barely hear it. 17th Shard before... the voice quiets. Now she realizes what she must do. She speaks the oaths. “Books before friends,” she says, her voice just a little too loud. “17th Shard before the real world!” She shouts the last sentence. “RELEASE DATES BEFORE BIRTHDAYS!” She feels a burden set down, as if she has accomplished something monumental. Everyone’s probably staring at me, she realizes. She snatched Alloy of Law up from the floor and scurries over to a bean bag in the corner. But wait.. where is everyone? This place, bustling with life in the stories she had heard, was empty. Populated only by the memory of life. And of course, books. Lots and lots of books. She shrugs, and sits down, cracking open Alloy of Law. At least I can read in silence, she thinks. 

(Wow that was a lot longer than I meant it to be)

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  • 2 months later...

A small girl with the distinctive look of someone who did not get outside often peeked around a bookcase at Mistrunner. The mighty leader of the knights awkward sat huddled in a chair, reading some cosmere book or another. I've got this The girl thought I'm third of stars, I've read practically every cosmere book there is, and I'm a master at being awkward. With a deep breath, she strolled around the bookcase toward mistrunner and fell to one knee.

"I am Third of Stars, Your awkwardness. I wish to join the Knights Awkward. 

Books before friends

17th shard before the real world

release dates before birthdays

 I will offer cookies to those who have not been spiked initiated

  I will sustain the knowledge of Hemalurgy because it is fun

  I will seek to avoid being avoided in dark alleys"

The girl rose embarrassed, she'd stumbled on her way over

"so, uhhh can i join?"

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  • 1 month later...

The doors slowly creak open as a man of 8 feet, 13 inches, crawls in before a horde of creatures that are every shape and size and are constantly changing. 
“B - bb- bo - books before friends?” he says hesitantly, almost asking it.
“The 17th Shard before real life,” he states with growing confidence.
“RELEASE DATES BEFORE BIRTHDAYS!!” he booms in a resounding bass voice, causing many to look up from their books in surprise.
The creatures piled up at the door as they couldn’t pass through.
“HA!!!!” he yells at the creatures. “I knew you couldn’t get me here. The awkwardness protects me.” 
He glances around the room at all the startled people as the creatures continue piling up. His gaze lands on the leader of the Knights Awkward.
“My apologies for causing this disruption Your Awkwardness. But I can’t go back there. They want to drag me back to ignorance of the cosmere and social adeptness,” he spits out, disgust in his voice. “Please let me join you. I am soon to be part of the order of the Convertshapers. I will say the second oath soon. And I have discovered the fifth oath. It is that ‘I will bring deeper commitment to those already converted.’ or words to that effect. That is why they are here. As soon as you say I'm in, they'll leave. I'm begging you. Please."


*that was way longer than I thought it would be. Oh well. And yes. He is technically nine feet, one inch tall, but he prefers to be called 8 foot, 13 inches.

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  • 1 month later...

A young girl steps through the doorway, sobbing. "I can't do it anymore," she whispers. "I've tried to live in the real world for years now. But everytime I think I can do it...my friends are gone. They've been gone since The Lost Metal came out. I can't go back out there. Please, I just want to stay here." She surveys the room. "I've always known I belonged here. 

Books before friends

17th shard before the real world

Release dates before birthdays."

No longer crying, she smiles for the first time in years. "I've lived by these words for centuries. And finally, I am one of you!" Suddenly realizing how dramatic and conspicuous she's been, she blushes and hurries away to a large beanbag chair. "Thank you all. I'm finally home!" She squeaks before disappearing behind a large book.

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A young man stands before the door for several minutes. He puts his hand on the doorbell, then takes it off without ringing. He puts it back on it, then off again. As he is thinking about running away, a woman opens the door.

"What's it for?"

" Uuuuuuh..." He mumbles something incomprehensible.

The woman pauses. "I'm sorry, I have no idea about what did you just say. Can you speak just a bit louder, please?"


She puffs. "Got a feeling you've found the right place for you. But I still have no idea what are you saying."

"Books before friends, 17th shard before the real world, Release dates before birthdays"

"I'm sorry, it's still much too quiet. I barely heard."

"Books before friends! 17th shard before the real world! Release dates before birthdays!"

Long silence follows as neither knows what to say.

"May I... uuh, enter?" he then says uncomfortably.

"Sure! Come in, we've got plenty of books!" A big smile cracks his face open, as he begins to hum something.

"And so, Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by..."

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  • 9 months later...

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