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New state of awkwardness! (Man, I'm really climbing the corporate ladder fast, aren't I.)


When you're the only person older than 12 at a party, and you literally spend the entire time reading a book in the corner.


Second Oath time! (I have also decided I am a theoryweaver.)


I will speculate even if there is nothing to speculate upon (though considering this is Brandon Sandersons books we're talking about there's always something to speculate upon.)

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It seems that I found the place where I belong: I make a habit of lending my favourite books to my friends and acquaintances for them to discover ... and then I run to the library to buy another copy, just because I hate the idea of not having all of my books at hand in case I want to re(re)read them :unsure:


Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays.


May I be accepted amongst the Knights Awkward ?

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Greetings new clan, I'm the Baron of Gunsmoke and champion of the Newcago realm as well as the best (surviving) doughnut maker in the 17th realms(excuse the grammer of those last two words). Nice to see an interesting and somewhat active new clan pop up, all the tiny half page clans bring me to wry chuckles whenever I notice them.

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In one of the many corners of the icosikaiheptagon that made up the Knights Awkward hallway, a massive tome collapsed to the floor with an almighty thunk, sending waves of dust rippling out and causing people to cry out "Shshshsh, we're trying to read."


When the dust settled, there was a tiny figure. Apparently, he was trying to extract his beard from the pages of the book, but after a few minutes, it became clearer that his beard was actually used as his bookmark.


The book finally fell open, and his beard hung free. The wizened old midget with the crazy white hair and incomprehensibly long beard sat down and started reading.

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In one of the many corners of the icosikaiheptagon that made up the Knights Awkward hallway, a massive tome collapsed to the floor with an almighty thunk, sending waves of dust rippling out and causing people to cry out "Shshshsh, we're trying to read."

When the dust settled, there was a tiny figure. Apparently, he was trying to extract his beard from the pages of the book, but after a few minutes, it became clearer that his beard was actually used as his bookmark.

The book finally fell open, and his beard hung free. The wizened old midget with the crazy white hair and incomprehensibly long beard sat down and started reading.

He feels a poke in the back of his head.

"Excuse me, but is that an authentic beardmark? I'd heard of such things, but never thought to see one."

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Mistrunner sits up in her comfy throne. Her nerves are tense, on edge. At first glance, it appears to be made of books, but in reality it's simply covered by them. She, with a wave of her hand, accepts new members. As she glances about the room, she realizes something. Something is terribly wrong.


So, using her Surge of Bookreation, she covers every wall with bookshelves. Her work done, she settles back into her throne and reopens her copy of Words of Radiance.

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Echo looks up from her well-read book and is astounded to find that all the walls are now bookcases, or rather, covered in bookcases. She grins at all the books and starts to get up, but then, realizing that she doesn't know if borrowing some is allowed, she sits back down and continues to read, ignoring everyone else.

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Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays.


I will read that which has not been read 

I will stay silent amongst many words

I will enjoy without being upvoted.


The words have been spoken (now to read more posts in other topics)

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After finally finishing his tenth reread of WoR Phoenix looked up from his corner and realized that all of the walls where now book cases filled with many different books.


"Yay more books I thought I might have to interact with people"  


Using the surge of bookfinding he gathered a stack of books that should last him through the night.  

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He feels a poke in the back of his head.

"Excuse me, but is that an authentic beardmark? I'd heard of such things, but never thought to see one."


"This?" The ancient midget lifted his beard in one hand. "This is a real beardmark, yes. It's taken me decades to grow it to this length. A razor has never touched my chin," he said proudly.


Also, a man in ragged robes rambles right by. He stops and says to beard man, "Wasing not of the wantings of." He then goes on his merry way.


"Wasing the way of the wanting," the bearded dwarf replied in his wavering voice. He then settled in to continue his umpteenth reread of the giant tome that was Way of Kings.

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"Excuse me? Delivery for a Melvin?"


The intrusion was met with more than a few startled looks and indignant glares. A dark-haired man holding a small package stood poking at the dust where a doorbell ostensibly could have been, then looked up.


"Someone ordered a hardcover 25th anniversary edition of Warbreaker?"


There was a stunned silence. 


"Er... did I get the coordinates wrong again? I may have-" 


A variety of Selish curses slapped the stunned silence into submission. The stranger began fiddling with suspiciously glowing rings on his left hand. 


"Wrong tachyon vectors! Days and Nights, that was a stupid mistake. Stupid, stupid, stupid..."


Further mumbling was cut short the stranger's disappearance with a puff of chocolate shavings.

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For the first time in many, many years, the midget stood up and walked away from his book. Trailing his beard along the floor behind him, he crossed to where the delivery guy had just vanished. Looking at the other Knights Awkward, he asked in his wavering voice, "Did everyone else hear that? Elantris, 25th anniversary edition. We need to create a trap in case he comes back."

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A somewhat rotund man steps into the hall of the Knights Awkward. Almost immediately he trips on the hem of his stained red robes, stumbling all the way across the room, muttering Scadrian curses the whole way.  He manages to catch himself right before falling on Mistrunner's lap and, looking at the floor so as not to meet anyone's eye, mumbles "Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Um...Release dates before birthdays. I will...err...read all Brandon, even if it is not Cosmere."


He shuffles uncomfortably for a few seconds, then points to a dim area of wall bookshelf and mutters, "I'll be over there." He slips of to the dim place where there is just barely enough light to read, then pulls a copy of The Rithmatist out of one of his several voluminous pockets and begins rereading, eating snack foods out of one of the other pockets and occasionally uttering a Selish oath under his breath when a character does something stupid.

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Echo looked up, mildly confused. What was all the chaos about? She shrugged and was about to go back to reading when she felt her book-senses tingle. She sniffed the air, then licked her finger and held it in the air. Can it... can it be? It is! The 25th anniversary edition of Elantris! She had to get it! She just about stood up, then reconsidered. "Everyone else seems to have this covered..." She muttered to herself. Then she sat down and continued reading. Suspiciously, she never seemed to get any further into it. That, or it was so big that it seemed as though she never got any further.

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A slip of paper wafted towards the floor with the chocolate shavings. Alongside a couple of Aons and what seemed to be a sketch of a cake was a short list or itinerary or something on one side.


Melvin Ambrian

25th WB - signed w/ Bavadin's Intent

Knights Awkward- Glorious Archives









And it simply waited there.

Edited by Curiosity
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