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A man in ragged brown robes runs in, his long beard streaming out behind him. He glances around wildly, then sees Mistrunner and screams frantically, "THE POTATO WILL RULE ALL!!!" He promptly pulls out a potato and, throwing it at the floor, leaps into the portal it creates.


((Hey! First post! Just kinda felt like being random.))

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    The door creaked open, revealing a hooded, cloaked figure. He strode into the room, shedding his robe, revealing his elven ears and long, sandy-brown hair. His spren, Fi, appeared from the Master Sword sheathed on his back and she rested on his shoulder. He kneeled on one knee, fist to the chest and looked up towards Mistrunner.

    "I, Amrynn, wish to join The Knights Awkward, Lady Mistrunner" he proclaimed, "Books before friends, 17th Shard before the real world..." *whispering to himself* "Darn it, what's the last one?"

    "'Release dates before birthdays.'" Fi reminded him.

    "Oh, right!" turning back to Mistrunner regaining his composure, "Release dates before birthdays. Lastly, I will read that which has not been read."

Edited by Amrynn
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A man in ragged brown robes runs in, his long beard streaming out behind him. He glances around wildly, then sees Mistrunner and screams frantically, "THE POTATO WILL RULE ALL!!!" He promptly pulls out a potato and, throwing it at the floor, leaps into the portal it creates.


((Hey! First post! Just kinda felt like being random.))

That was awkward...

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Maggie looked up from her kindle--she was reading Words of Radiance. Again--and saw a sandy haired boy bow before Mistrunner. She went back to her book, this stranger wasn't nearly as interesting as the crazy-potato-man. Then she froze and slowly turned her gaze back up.

That was Link. And next to him was Fi.

Maggie felt her eyes go wide. The master sword was a shardblade. Fi was a spren. Every thing was clear now.

Before she knew what she was doing, she was dashing up to him.

"Ohmygosh!" She exclaimed, "you're Link! And that's Fi! And-and where's Zelda? Is she up in skyloft? Or did you already save Hyrule? The legend of Zelda is, like, my third favorite fandom! And--oh, I'm Maggie by the way."

He was looking at her like she was crazy. She thought. She didn't really know facial expressions that well. That required spending time with people.

"Oh, um. . ." A way out of this conversation. That was what she needed. "Convenient excuse to leave!" She exclaimed.

Good job, she told herself, you maneuvered out of that like a pro.

Edited by The Honor Spren
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    Amrynn watched her nervously walk away. I'll have to talk to her later. She seems nice, if not... awkward. Huh. At least she wasn't crazy like the potato man.

    "She seemed to be a fan of yours." Fi said, "But she was clearly more focused on me."

    "I find myself regretting that you've learned sarcasm and developed an ego." Amrynn replied, turning back to Mistrunner.

    "What can I say. That Honorspren, Syl, taught me a lot of useful things."

    "Just don't go around asking people to bow to you." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

    "That's not a bad idea. Where'd that Maggie girl go off to?" Fi muttered, flying around the room.

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The door slams as Maggie (that's me) returns from outside. She winces, "oops, um. . .sorry?" Her eight bit Szeth t shirt and her too short yoga pants are dripping wet.

"I-I um didnt realize this was a role-play, so I came back, and I have my iPod for foruming." She looks around hopefully then blushes and clutches her kindle. "Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. I will read all Brandon even if it is not cosmere." she mumbles. 

Maggie scuttles up to Mistrunner, noting that a spren had appeared beside her (Maggie not Mist). Good. If she said enough oaths, she would have a shard-kindle before long. "H-hey Mistrunner, will you be my friend?"

Maggie bit her lip. I sound like a five year old when I say that. Why do I have to mke a storming fool of myself all the time? "Never mind," she mutters, before scampering away to a quiet corner.



    The door creaked open, revealing a hooded, cloaked figure. He strode into the room, shedding his robe, revealing his elven ears and long, sandy-brown hair. His spren, Fi, appeared from the Master Sword sheathed on his back and she rested on his shoulder. He kneeled on one knee, fist to the chest and looked up towards Mistrunner.

    "I, Amrynn, wish to join The Knights Awkward, Lady Mistrunner" he proclaimed, "Books before friends, 17th Shard before the real world..." *whispering to himself* "Darn it, what's the last one?"

    "'Release dates before birthdays.'" Fi reminded him.

    "Oh, right!" turning back to Mistrunner regaining his composure, "Release dates before birthdays. Lastly, I will read that which has not been read."


Mistrunner looks up from Legion: Skin Deep to notice there are people. "OH! Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she says. "Want some bookies? They're like cookies, but shaped like books. And they taste like characters. See, that one's a Kaladin. It tastes somewhat like feelings of inadequacy mixed with pure awesomeness!"

She sinks back into her chair, feeling awkward. "Er, if you want some, they're on that table."


Also, potatoes are always welcome in the sanctuary of Awkwardness, as long as they don't interfere with reading too much.

Edited by Mistrunner
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"So," ventured Maggie, "I guess you're my spren now? What's your name?"

"Opalescenda," came the reply. Maggie looked up at the spren. She looked. . . Exactly like a fairy. She had a dress made of orange petals and green vines, butterfly wings, pointed ears, and a golden glow. She left a trail of shimmery green leaves behind her as she flew.

"How exactly, are you awkward? You look beautiful to me."

Opalescenda blushed. "I'm still not sure," she confessed, "my memory isn't fully recovered. I still don't know what type of awkward spren I am."

"Hmm, makes sense." Maggie absentmindedly chewed on a bookie as she walked. It tasted awesome, it was Lift after all. "Can I call you Opal?"

Opal nodded

"Good. Now I think we. . ." Maggie trailed off as she saw the room they'd come to. Beanbags. Beanbags and no people and books on shelves that were so tall she couldn't see the top. "This place is. . . the most wonderful place I've ever seen." She ran through laughing, Opal whirling around beside her, "This place has everything! Defending Elysium, Dragonsteel prime--"she cut off, then looked at Opal, eyes wide. "The Elantris 25th edition."

Opal's eyes gleamed. "We need to get this to Mistrunner."

They both took off in a dash.

"Mistrunner! We found it!" Maggie called.

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    "Thank you, Lady Awkward- er Mistrunner." Amrynn stuttered. Blushing, he walked over to the bookshelves and beanbags when he was nearly run over by Maggie. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by her exclamation.

    "Mistrunner! We found it!" She yelled. He closed his mouth, trying to see what they were so excited about.

    "You found the 25th Anniversary edition of Elantris?" Mist squealed. I guess I'll have to get around to reading that. He thought to himself. Though maybe not the 25th edition. She seems a bit attached to that one. It was at that moment that Fi came fluttering back to him, looking dejected.

    "What, she didn't think that you were godly enough to be bowed to?" He prodded. "Are you sad about that?"

    "No. Don't be ridiculous."

    "Well, if you're not sad then what are you?"

    She took the form of a twig. "I am a stick." She murmured.

     "You know that sticks are usually made of wood, right, oh mighty stick?"

    "I'm better than the average stick. I'm your trusty Shard-stick!"

    "You could be fire. Shard-fire."

    "Okay, I'm stopping this joke here." Fi transformed back into the form of a young woman, "We're not in The Church of the Stick anymore."

    "Okay, I'll find a copy of Mistborn. My copy was ruined on the way over here." He said, burning a bit of tin and scanning the bookshelves. "Ah, there it is." He extinguished the tin and took the book off of the shelf, grabbed a Hoid bookie, (though it tasted a bit funny. Or I guess "witty" would be more appropriate.) and opened it to where he last left off.

Edited by Amrynn
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((I feel like I should include a physical description here. I couldn't fit one into the RP. Chin length brown hair, gray-green eyes flecked with brown, pale skin, freckles, and a slender build. She is fourteen-ish.))

Maggie picks another bookie off the plate and takes a bite. She chews contemplatively on it for a moment, then gags and spits it out.

"What is it?" Asks Opal, looking concerned.

"Sadeas. Disgusting." Maggie shudders, then walks back into the beanbag room. She picks Alloy of Law off the shelf, then stops.

"There's people here now," she whispers to Opal. "What do I do?"

"Just act like human normal?" Opal looks perplexed.

Maggie takes a deep breath, then nervously hurries towards a purple beanbag.

I won't trip, she tells herself, everyone else, always falls over around here. I won't-- Maggie trips and falls face first onto her beanbag. She shrugs, sucks in booklight, and starts reading.

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A sound whispered through the library-home of the Knights Awkward. It was almost nothing, one hair rubbing against another. Then another, and another.


There was a spark of light, and a long white strand of hair appeared, seemingly fed through from another place, growing longer by the second as it hung in midair.


The hair grew, twisting and expanding, until it reached the floor. It still didn't stop there, expending some more until it covered a decent sized area white white beard.


The beard began to retract, leaving something behind. The legs were the first to be seen, thin wooden supports. The beard retreated, revealing more and more leg until it reached the top of the legs. Now the beard seemed to roll back away from the item, which turned out to be an artist's easel, holding a painting.


Once the beard had freed itself from the easel, it pulled back towards the point in the air where it had first appeared and started to shrink. It pulled in on itself, gradually getting smaller, until it disappeared with a pop, apparently returning to wherever it had came from.


The painting it left behind was recognizable to anyone who had read Warbreaker. There was a plaza, obviously in Hallandren, but with a few details out of place. The clock, for example, looked familiar. And the spear, held by the statue of one of Kalad's Phantoms, looked... off. Maybe it was nothing, just an extension of the abstract way the painter had used to create this, or was it something more?

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Amrynn looked up from Mistborn to see a familiar beard form in the middle of the room. Just in time. I've been meaning to request a beardnut. I've heard that they're quite delicious. Then the beard began to disappear.

    "Wait, Bortholemew!" He yelled, earning a few looks of disapproval. "I wanted to ask you for a beardnu-" He was too late. the beard had disappeared, leaving behind only an easel with something on it. ​It's probably from somewhere in the Cosmere. I'll need to check that one out too. Amrynn turned back to his beanbag, looking disappointed.

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A spark of light in a quiet corner of the Library spawned a strand of white hair. It grew, spinning into a cocoon, and depositing Raven onto the floor before retreating into a beard shape. Then, with a pop, Bortholemew appeared attached to the beard, and staggered back a few steps.


"Home," he said. Then he looked at Raven and asked, "Does it seem busier in here than before we left?"


Without waiting for an answer, Bortholemew reached into his beard and pulled forth a flower. "Luma, take this and store it with the painting. We'll need it again, once we have more clues." "Yes, Bortholemew," the spren replied, shooting off with the flower.


A second spren appeared. "Master Bortholemew."


"Yes, Inkwell?" Bortholemew asked. Inkwell was one of the Library's spren, bonded to the building in a way even normal spren didn't comprehend.


"This arrived for you while you were away," Inkwell held out his hand and a note appeared in it, telling the midget of a new clue discovered. This one on Roshar again. He handed the note to Raven and said, "Our next clue is on Roshar, Highprince Dalinar's warcamp. Meet you there? I have a few things to do around here first."

Edited by Bort
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