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Wax's Heritage


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I was re-reading Alloy of Law when i came across this in the epilogue;

"Your self righteousness was tiring enough when you were a youth. Your heritage alone should make you better than that"

"My heritage?"

"You are of a noble bloodline," Ladrian said. "Directly back to the Counselor of Gods himself."

Who is Wax's ancestor? I was thinking it was Sazed but the with the non self-righteousness and the fact that Sazed couldn't reproduce it is obviously not true. I then thought about Cett but I think that Ladrian would not have held him in a such a high regard as he eventually decided to fight for the righteous side.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Unnamed Narrator
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It wasn't his last name, It was his first name, which he didn't like and wished he coulod have just left behind with his noblemen life. Breeze is just a nickname.

Actually, the books never say one way or another. Sazed calls him Master Ladrian and Lord Ladrian, to which Breeze replies he doesn't like that name. Unlike real world nobility, Nobles in Mistborn are called by their last names when addressed formally ("Lord Venture" for Straff, "Lord Renoux" for Teven, "Lady Elariel" for Shan, "Lady Renoux" for Vin's Valette persona by the serving boy, etc.). Ladrian is almost certainly Breeze's surname.

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So to sum it up Wax is the decedent of Breeze on his Allumanic side and somewhere along the line terrismen blood is mixed in?

On the same note I'm curious what Wax's uncle is planning, he seems to think it is a necessary change in society so I wonder how it falls morally ( though Sanderson rarely ever makes solely good or bad characters )

I just wonder because even though Breeze feigns indifference we know he actually cares, so I'm curious what Wax's Uncle is up to.

Edited by StormAtlas
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Mass rape for breeding purposes rarely has a morally sound principal behind it. I think we all know of at least one instance in modern history where this took place on a large scale, and the perpetrators are still some of the most reviled humans to ever breathe fresh air.

Three hundred years provides plenty of time for inter-breeding. The Terris population could not longer afford to be segregated, and many of its men no longer had the ability to produce offspring. If the population was anything like modern populations, women slightly outnumbered men. With the male population further reduced by inability, it would be fairly astounding if there wasn't some sort of inter-breeding.

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Three hundred years provides plenty of time for inter-breeding. The Terris population could not longer afford to be segregated, and many of its men no longer had the ability to produce offspring. If the population was anything like modern populations, women slightly outnumbered men. With the male population further reduced by inability, it would be fairly astounding if there wasn't some sort of inter-breeding.

Especially as they no longer have TLR forcing the issue, there's no longer really any incentive NOT to interbreed.

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Power, pure and simple. He who controls a Mistborn in world of only Mistings has a great advantage. Straff did essentially the same thing, except through mistresses.

As for the issue of interbreeding. Social or cultural issues may have still played a part in preventing the interbreeding. Even today, it is relatively rare to see a mixed race person. Not as rare as it was 20 or 30 years ago, but still fairly rare. Some religions frown on cross religion marriages. And people still like to flock to people like themselves. In this instance, the entire race would have died out within a generation if they had not interbred, so I expect it to have occured more often than it would have if the LR had not had the largest portion of the Terrisman population castrated. Sanderson tends to use real world explanations, at least from what I can see, for the non-magical aspects.

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True it could simply be about power but I think there are other reasons behind it for one why else would Miles get involved? He doesn't care about power and we know he isnt greedy. He feels that he has to do something to change the society around him doesn't he?

I think that there is a type of person that wishes to do good in the world but believes that the only way of doing so is getting huge amounts of power. Also Miles' logic wasn't the most sound when we met him.

What I really want to know is did Breeze and Allrianne have children? I assume they did and that Wax is their descendant.

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Power, pure and simple. He who controls a Mistborn in world of only Mistings has a great advantage. Straff did essentially the same thing, except through mistresses.

As for the issue of interbreeding. Social or cultural issues may have still played a part in preventing the interbreeding. Even today, it is relatively rare to see a mixed race person. Not as rare as it was 20 or 30 years ago, but still fairly rare. Some religions frown on cross religion marriages. And people still like to flock to people like themselves. In this instance, the entire race would have died out within a generation if they had not interbred, so I expect it to have occured more often than it would have if the LR had not had the largest portion of the Terrisman population castrated. Sanderson tends to use real world explanations, at least from what I can see, for the non-magical aspects.

I'm not convinced that any breeding plan would recreate Mistborn. I suspect that when Sazed fixed humanity from the damage that generations of ash had done to them, he also removed enough of Preservation's power to keep Mistborn from being born. I have no proof of this, except that 300 years with no Mistborn being born seems extremely statistically unlikely given how many we know exist in Vin's time. So if Wax's uncle isn't up to those kind of shenanigans, what is he up to? I have a suspicion that it involves Hemalurgy and something about how Spook was turned INTO a Mistborn, not born into it.

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I really don't remember all that many full Mistborn being named. Even during Vin's time they weren't all that common. That is why it took Straff so many tried to get one. We know Mistborn is still a possibility because one of the future trilogies is supposed to be about a Mistborn serial killer.

Isn't the only Mistborn known to have survived the destruction Spook? I am probably wrong, but he is the only one I can remember being named. Elend pretty much culled everyone with even Misting possibilities in the army. The Terris population wouldn't have the correct bloodlines.

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I really don't remember all that many full Mistborn being named. Even during Vin's time they weren't all that common. That is why it took Straff so many tried to get one. We know Mistborn is still a possibility because one of the future trilogies is supposed to be about a Mistborn serial killer.

Isn't the only Mistborn known to have survived the destruction Spook? I am probably wrong, but he is the only one I can remember being named. Elend pretty much culled everyone with even Misting possibilities in the army. The Terris population wouldn't have the correct bloodlines.

Enough noblemen survived that I would think that in 300 years, there would be SOME Mistborn. Maybe extremely uncommon, but anyone who could use two metals would have been incredibly note worthy. Also a future trilogy isn't great proof of Mistborn being around now, as something could happen in the intervening books to reinfuse people with Preservation's power. The obvious thing would be the last bit of Lerasium floating around.

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I refuse to speculate on the Set's motivation. Power does seem likely, but we just haven't seen enough to know. I'm pretty sure that both Miles and Wax's uncle thought they were using each other; there is no reason to assume that their goals align in any way beyond one of temporary convenience.

As for the issue of interbreeding. Social or cultural issues may have still played a part in preventing the interbreeding. Even today, it is relatively rare to see a mixed race person. Not as rare as it was 20 or 30 years ago, but still fairly rare. Some religions frown on cross religion marriages. And people still like to flock to people like themselves. In this instance, the entire race would have died out within a generation if they had not interbred, so I expect it to have occured more often than it would have if the LR had not had the largest portion of the Terrisman population castrated. Sanderson tends to use real world explanations, at least from what I can see, for the non-magical aspects.

It is very true that "birds of a feather flock together," etc. I believe it is actually mentioned in the Ars Arcanum to AoL that the Terris still tend to stick together culturally, which would naturally lead to more "pure" Terris bloodlines than strictly random marriages would lead to. On the other hand, the issue with available men for the Terris women would also play a role; for a couple of generations there, there were probably many desirable Terris women who couldn't find a good Terris man. I would have expected there to be a non-trivial number of intermarriages from this consideration alone.

That this happened is evidenced by Ferrings in the general population. It may be that when the populations rebounded, they began separating socially again, but for a little bit, not so much.

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I don't see the idea about Harmony going back and tampering with genetics again. Just way too much interference.

Even during the original trilogy, Mistborn were extremely rare and people intentionally hid the ability. There might actually be Mistborn in the alloy era, they are just covert or undiscovered. Really the only comment in Alloy about it calls them something close to mythical. We already have explicit examples of people either not knowing or actively hiding their status as a Mistborn.

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I don't see the idea about Harmony going back and tampering with genetics again. Just way too much interference.

Even during the original trilogy, Mistborn were extremely rare and people intentionally hid the ability. There might actually be Mistborn in the alloy era, they are just covert or undiscovered. Really the only comment in Alloy about it calls them something close to mythical. We already have explicit examples of people either not knowing or actively hiding their status as a Mistborn.

Didn't Brandon say in an interview or signing that Sazed didn't like how Snapping and inheritance of abilities worked, and he changed both? I'm fairly sure someone being naturally born as a Mistborn in the Alloy of Law era is essentially impossible.

However, I also think we have Word of Brandon that Atium and/or Lerasium will come back eventually, and that we will see Mistborn in the third trilogy...

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