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Most humble book suggestion


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I have been i fan of The Wheel Of Time series for a very long time. I think it would be a great idea to make a final book after the Memory of Light regarding the future happenings of the Last Battle. I have not read any forums if there is some suggestions of this or if you are already planning to do such book, nor do i know if its is in youre power to make such book.

I would like some comments on this topic it is short.

Yours truly, Mat Cauthon

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Brandon has said that it is highly unlikely they will write any more WoT novels and that he certainly won't invent new ones that RJ didn't plan. Some extra bits may come out with the WOT encyclopaedia but I think it improbable that any new novels will be written in the WoT universe.

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Yeah. Probably zero chance of this happening except for the encyclopedia. Sanderson has too many of his own books that need to be written. As is, it will probably be at least twenty-five or thirty years for us to get just the books we know about for the cosmere. WoT was great, but it is time for it to be laid to rest. Yes, I would love some outrider stories, but they are not necessary. I would much prefer him to spend his time writing his books.

Truthfully, they would have to recruit another top tier writer to do any further WoT stories, and even then it would be borderline exploitation.

Edited by Aethling
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I'd go so far as to say that there will definitely not be anything new in the WoT universe aside from River of Souls and the encyclopedia. Everything I've read has shown that both Brandon and Harriet seem uncomfortable with the idea. There are literally two sentences of material on what the outriggers were to be about. I can't imagine that there's much more for the prequels, which don't even seem to be what you were interested in.

And it seems that there is pretty much universal opposition to any Star Wars-esque series of authors writing in RJ's world. While unfortunate for what is, from what I've read so far, an incredible saga, I think it's for the best. For many years, Jordan wasn't even sure he wanted someone to finish the main sequence if he passed away. I don't think it's justifiable to keep writing in his world. I'm also super excited to get more Stormlight, so if that's your thing, perhaps that would be a suitable replacement for WoT in the years to come.

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Add me to the list of people who wants Wheel of Time to be done.

Finishing the main sequence made sense, and I'm not surprised RJ changed his mind about that when it became clear it wasn't going to happen for him. It wasn't easy for him or for Brandon, but I'm glad they did it.

But the rest of them...no. There have been other authors whose work was carried on after they died. There are some notorious examples of how poorly they can be done, especially in the case of limited notes. It is sometimes exploitation, pure and simple. Brandon is a good enough author he doesn't have to do it to make money, so why force it?

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I'd go so far as to say that there will definitely not be anything new in the WoT universe aside from River of Souls and the encyclopedia. Everything I've read has shown that both Brandon and Harriet seem uncomfortable with the idea. ...

I don't think it's justifiable to keep writing in his world. I'm also super excited to get more Stormlight, so if that's your thing, perhaps that would be a suitable replacement for WoT in the years to come.

I go with Windrunner and the others, that don't want more WoT. Not because WoT isn't good -- WoT is unique -- but WoT is WoT and now it's finished. And I dare saying that neither Brandon nor Harriet want more stuff in RJ's world. That was how I understood Brandon's answers to questions on this matter.

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If you want a well written fanfiction on fanfiction.net there is a story under Wheel of Time called. A New Beginning: A Different Ending to A Memory of Light and the WoT

She wrote it because she hated the ending and how it left somethings hanging.

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If you want a well written fanfiction on fanfiction.net there is a story under Wheel of Time called. A New Beginning: A Different Ending to A Memory of Light and the WoT

She wrote it because she hated the ending and how it left somethings hanging.

Since no two fans ever agree on what should/shouldn't have been left hanging (or how to resolve it if they are resolved), I'd rather leave it up to the author.

Also, in the case of Wheel of Time, I'd be disappointed if things weren't hanging. After all, there are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel. Life goes on. Not everything the pattern was "planning" was important for the main characters.

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