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Too lazy to look it up, but I'm pretty sure that that is norem ipsum. Not sure though... The theory is pretty cool. Because of lack of context, the Friendly Fire thing doesn't make sense. But my opinion on friendly fire is that it should exist. It would make games more realistic, and force you to have trust in your team to have a cohesive operation. 

Overall, 8.5/10 pretty good sig.

How about mine?

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8.5/10. The Longest Thread always needs new recruits! Also, that was my first introduction to the Knights Akward, and they sound pretty awesome! The Hemalurgic Fun!!! thread was interesting and fun, but just got, well... weird. And slightly disturbing. 

Edited by Lunamor
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I enjoy Itiahs description of you, but I have to say I'm not a fan of the colors on the Tent shipping banner. I don't know why, but whenever I see hellbent I forget that he's gone through a redemption/memory loss ark and the pink and purple gives me cognitive dissonance. I am a fan of the ship however.

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I don't know much about the Knights Awkward, but I'm sure they're swell. 8/10 because I'm generous.

You are up to date with the Longest Thread, which I am very proud of. 11/10

Thank you for introducing me to that thread. 10/10

Average: 9.66666.../10, but I'll round up to ten out of ten.

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They sound like interesting theories, and the other fun stuff is certainly good content from what I've seen. (Especially the first and last.)

The KotC alone boosts your signature way up. Even if I hated the rest, I'd love it because of that part.

Borio Singaldi is definitely worthy of being in there, and the play on the quote makes it even better.

10/10, easy. MAYBE 9 1/2/10.

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-.2 each for DA and GB recruitment message, but +.12 bonus for humor of the quote and another +.02 for the formatting of it all since stuff being easily readable and alligned is nice. 

Annoying numbers...10-.2=9.6, then +.14 is 9.74?  

Somewhere in 9 point something range. 

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I like the Alleyverse focus of it, but I have to doc at least one point because it doesn't mention the DA as the best guild. 

Also, we aren't *technically* supposed to have spoiler tags in out signatures. Its against the rules, so I have to doc at least one point for that. But I love the simple readable nature. All in all, about 8.5/10.

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