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Not Sure What to Put As Title Sooo . . . RUTABAGA

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Good. You'll meet a whole bunch of Void-loving lamespren who think that Mistborn is the superior series, but stay true to your colors, man.


It is superior, fool. 


(I haven't even read stormlight yet, but I will soon) :)

Edited by WayneSlider123
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Good. You'll meet a whole bunch of Void-loving lamespren who think that Mistborn is the superior series, but stay true to your colors, man.

No offense intended, but I believe Mistborn to be the superior series simply because we don't get 800 pages of Kaladin moping around and being miserable in the first book. I like all of Sanderson's books, but that defied the concept of slow pacing. That was pacing that had gone so slow as to move in reverse at twice the speed of light, if that makes sense. It improved with Words of Radiance, but I still prefer to read something where interesting developments are not spaced out a hundred and fifty pages each.

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What is your favorite surge?


My favorite Surge? Gonna have to go with either gravitation or progression (can't decide! :) ) 


Oh! I just realized that I never put my favorite character!


I mean he's awesome. You just cannot beat a funny, mysterious person who is older than he looks and travels through time and space . . . wait. :huh: Have I seen this some where before?



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My favorite Surge? Gonna have to go with either gravitation or progression (can't decide! :) ) 


Oh! I just realized that I never put my favorite character!


I mean he's awesome. You just cannot beat a funny, mysterious person who is older than he looks and travels through time and space . . . wait. :huh: Have I seen this some where before?

Except he only travels forward, that and he interferes a whole lot less.

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I take it you enjoyed Alcatraz, then?


Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians.



“Remember, despite the fact that this book is being sold as a 'fantasy' novel, you must take all of the things it says extremely seriously, as they are quite important, are in no way silly, and always make sense.

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You young upstarts! I would pity you, but your insolence doesn't deserve it.

Warbreaker is always the best. No matter what. Give me Siri over Vin anyday. Give me Nightblood over a glass dagger. Give me a fascinating love story over a predictable one. The sheer breadth of incredibleness of Warbreaker is simply astounding. Colors! Mistborn, really?

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You young upstarts! I would pity you, but your insolence doesn't deserve it.

Warbreaker is always the best. No matter what. Give me Siri over Vin anyday. Give me Nightblood over a glass dagger. Give me a fascinating love story over a predictable one. The sheer breadth of incredibleness of Warbreaker is simply astounding. Colors! Mistborn, really?


Hah! Warbreaker is the best, you say? I'd take the most powerful and universal magics in the Cosmere over the slow and highly limiting excuse for a magic system on Nalthis! You get one book, and possibly a second one in the future. Mistborn gets twelve. I'd take a crew of highly skilled, clever, diverse, and complex characters over three people with narcolepsy-inducing single-mindedness. I prefer my antagonists to be one of the most powerful humans in the entirety of the Cosmere and a Shard of Adonalsium itself, not a group of coastal people who do almost nothing themselves. I prefer the stakes to be the entire planet, not the fate of a few kingdoms. I'd always take a complex and interesting social division over the social structure of a normal city. Oh, with twenty thousand people you can create a weapon more powerful than a Shardblade? With twenty thousand Allomancers, the person holding that weapon would instantly be doomed.


Take that, planet of no Cosmere-awareness or interesting Shards.

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Are we discussing fictional fan battles or writing now? It degenerates so fast...

The writing of Warbreaker is just plain better. All of the characters are well-rounded, and not any are cliched. I'm not arguing the Cosmere awareness or fighting potential, I just know that the story is better and more well-written.

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Posted Yesterday, 03:14 PM

I take it you enjoyed Alcatraz, then?

Why yes, I am rather fond of Alcatraz

"So instead of fighting, you can bribe the ninjas with some soy sauce, and send them to attack your younger siblings instead. That way, you can get rid of some unwanted soy sauce. See how easy it is to avoid violence?"

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