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I was having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream 


Pssst - you're still on the Holodeck.

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I was having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream about me having a dream 


Was your top still spinning when the dream ended?  :P

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Hoid moved to an old west town and started a family. He had three little boys and one daughter. The boys liked to go play out in the street and get really dirty. The girl was the oldest sibling, at the age of 11. She was a proper little lady in every way. She wore the southern belle dress, her hair was all done up in curls, she dragged Nightblood behind her everywhere she went. . .

My subconscious is trying to tell me that Nightblood can be proper like too, he'll just want to destroy evil every now and then, but besides that. . . ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was running around with Phil Lynott and Prince, I dont even like Prince...


After a while I lost them, but I asked a couple of people where they went, they all pointed in different directions, but one guy led me to a sign with a phone number on it. And then I woke. That was about 15 minutes ago.

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I had a recent dream in which there was a huge hurricane coming from an opening in the sky that got nearer and nearer to me. I ran into this underground lair, but not before I saw one of my friends get electrocuted. I ran through the underground tunnels until I came to a large mall. Then, I bought a churro and ate it. And then I went into a recurring dream of mine-never ending stairs, where a bunch of people from books and real life were walking on stairs with me. And then all the characters from Tangled came and started prancing around. The end.

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Last night I had a hybrid Avatar/Destiny/Star Wars theme dream. It was scary and cool at the same time. An orange became an item of power that was split in half and the evil guy who wanted world control had a half, I had other. Strange that I became Bae Fong the female metal bender.... But I was fighting tooth and nail with that guy to stop him from putting the orange back together lol. We were flinging massive powers at each other and it actually scary verging on nightmare lvl toward the end and I woke up before it ended. Idk why I became a chick.

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One time I had a dream where I was trying to eat a banana behind the couch (don't ask me why), so I was going to take a bite out of it and when my mouth closed, the entire banana was still there.  I tried again and again, and I still failed.  I guess I was hungry.


A few nights ago, I had a dream where someone I know was a Truthwatcher, but she said she was a Lightweaver, yet she had the power of Progression, so I was confused.  Anyway, there were 23 crystals hidden around the world, and my group of 10 people, all different Radiant Orders, found one, and some evil person came over and tried to steal it from us, and we were suddenly transported to Newcago, in the building that David and the Reckoners blew up as Limelight... Electrical plant?


And then the night after, I had a dream where people were living in a mix between a medieval time period and today, so there were computers, but people were being transported in horse-drawn carriages, and there was a prince that was banned from his castle and forgot his stuff, so he kept trying to go back *deep breath here* and kept getting caught, almost.  There was also an alchemist's hallway, and someone had to hide there with all the herbs.  Weird.


AND if any of you have read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, I had a dream that she was my schoolteacher, but we had school in a bog, and we had to ride canoes to school.  And we had to run up a turning wheel to get up to our seats. 


Sorry, that's kind of a lot.

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That's kind of strange... I have no idea what it would mean.


I have also had dreams where I am in a room that I go into six months or so later, causing a huge moment of me thinking "when have I been here before, I have never been here before today."   Seriously.  Some things are off, but most of the time it is the same.  :blink:  Weird.

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I had a rather unusual dream last night where I somehow managed to get stuck in a garish bright orange and purple spaceship which was sent to Pluto. The whole time, the theme song to "Little Einsteins" was playing. I ended up dying from starvation, exposure, and annoyance at the aggravating loop of the promoted juvenile anthem. Still have it stuck in my head. :mellow: 

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I've had a few weird ones, some very rarely recurring.




There is this series of seperate yet linked (like the cosmere haha), where i'm going through a forest/woodland area and there are these graves, a crypt and three individuals; a young small boy, a teenage/young adult girl and an adult male.




In one i'm chasing after the young boy, playing with him but it is weird. His hair, like the other two, is limp, dank and greasy/oily/matted down with something, his skin is blotchy bone white and drab grey with dark - almost black - blood vessels showing along with dark areas (around the eyes) The kid's happy as can be, laughing and giggling then he vanishes.




The girl is different. Same hair, skin tone etc as the kid but she's...angry. Like borderline Odium rage but her face shows no expression; she'll just lash out and growl/scream. Weird(er) thing is, she broke out from the last of the graves (the other 2 were already broken) I don't know what she's angry at




The man though....this still creeps me a little. I'm in the same forest/woods as the kid, but this time i flash to the damp stone hallway, filled with leaves, cobwebs, the whole shabang. The crypt thing is like an entry hallway into a small throneroom...low and behold there's a stone chair/throne in the middle of a raised dais. A figure - what i originally believe to be a statue - is sitting on it. Like the previous two, the skin is grey/white although there's something different about it; it is kind of rocky and stone like in parts. As i slowly get closer to the dais, i hear cracking and a slight moan and i notice the statue's eyes suddenly open as well as the mouth opens part way (i remember black faded and cracked lips vividly) . I briefly look in them and i see, or feel, the worst agony and the loudest roar of pain ever (It is like the mental scream Kaladin/Renarin hears when they touch a dead sprenblade) The worst thing is, there's no physical reaction or sound actually being made. We're both just frozen there and i'm just feeling this bone cold sensation of wariness and dread along with this deep, dark, amused malevolence. Thing is, i'm not acutally scared or there, it's just like i'm watching from afar :blink: 


I'l go back to my out-of-place now :ph34r: 

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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I don't remember the exact order of these, but my dream last night involved (I apologize in advance for the stream-of-consciousness format, that's just how my dream narrations go xD):

--a stealth training activity with Agent May, possibly Grant Ward, and some snarky guy I didn't know; the idea was to "shoot" May before she "shot" me and my "shooter" was a glasses case (I guess the click of the lid was to simulate a "shot"). I failed, of course.

--something Doctor Who/dying planets related; like on Jupiter there was this guy Jupiter sort of pixelated (like made of green pixels that could come apart and back together) and the Tenth Doctor was trying to help him stay alive and then suddenly another Jupiter guy appeared and they fought and the real Jupiter cast the illusion of a bunch of TARDISes so the enemy Jupiter couldn't destroy the actual TARDIS but he landed a lucky hit and the top of the TARDIS was on fire and then I think it came back to earth? And Rose might have made a cameo appearance. 

--something about crossing streets and pulling a Rip Van Winkle and maybe a Crack in Time and Space...this part's blurry, I'll edit if I remember.

--sneaking through what at one point I think was my great-aunt and -uncle's house but then might have been Tony Stark's and I think in the end used to be either Raina's or an Epic's, OH RIGHT and this idk-maybe-Epic might have been the cause of some sort of disease that spread through touch where these little grainy molecules started forming on people's arms and legs and the people would echo the last thing you said and then just before they froze in place like statues they would point in one direction and somehow that led me and someone else to I think the garage of this strange house, where under some cleverly disguised cardboard we found a short shaft leading underground. At the bottom I could see a very choppy river-ish thing, with a current and everything, and apparently it was the Well of Ascension and I was Vin and I reached down my arm and got my finger wet and sucked the water off and apparently that made me immortal which I and my companion knew was wrong (because I knew spoilers; idk about the other person). 


Yeah. I regularly have weird, multi-fandom dreams.

Edited by FireSlayer
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Very random odd thing happened in my dream last night. I went to the game store and guess who the lone clerk was... Sir Ian Aka Gandalf/Magneto and he KNEW me. I think he was under cover and I didn't know him at 1st but as he talked more it dawned on me and then I became star struck. He was talking to me like we were BFF's the entire time. Neat

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Weird Dream Fairy came to visit this morning!


So, my husband and I recently introduced ThirdGen to Supernatural and are working on getting him through the first season.  Because what are friends for if not peddling fandom crack introducing them to things you enjoy?  Well, going back in time like that seems to have triggered my subconscious in playing around a bit.


So, my last dream before waking was me and the Winchester boys, back in the time when they had less than half a clue about what was going on.  I was helping them try to find Papa Winchester, and we got a tip that the Yellow-Eyed Demon had him holed up in a house and was laying a trap for them.


And Sam and Dean are all, "Crap, we know it's a trap," and I say, "Well, sure, but he doesn't know that you have me."  Because I am often kick-chull in my dreams, and this was no exception.


So we go in, and there's Yellow Eyes, and there's Papa Winchester who says, "No!  You shouldn't have come!  It's a trap!"  And I say, "Yo, I got this," and trade a few clever barbs with Yellow Eyes, who clearly has no idea how much trouble he's in.  Eventually we get bored with baiting each other, he tries to make an attack move, and I yank his smoky self out of his host body, trap him in a magical shield bubble between my hands, and proceed to disintegrate him, and thus short-circuit a long, long line of plans and madness that prevent most of the entire storyline of Supernatural from ever getting off the ground.

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A good dream, surprisingly.


I was in a park, by the sea. A beautiful day: clear blue sky, no clouds. The sound of waves on the rocky shore. After a while, it fades into the background. A bunch of birds in a cage I held in my hands, bunched together, silver-grey in the sunlight, feathers rustling. And then I opened the cage door. There was a light breeze. One by one, I got hold of the birds and let them go. Watched them ride the breeze up into the sky, effortless and free.


They were beautiful. And I didn't think about holding on to them, or grabbing or even just reaching out. Because I knew they had to go.


That was it.


When I woke up, I felt better than I had in a long time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamed I was sort-of chalk-fighting the White Witch from Narnia. Mostly by scribbling Lines of Vigor at her in the carpet of the room we were in? :huh:  Then she started drawing a circle of blue magic and I was trying desperately to destroy it before the magic got strong enough to attack me; finally dawn came and she disappeared. 

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I rarely have dreams, but when I do, they're vivid, slightly creepy if they're not full-out nightmares, and never repeat. I never get recurring dreams, and I can probably count the number of dreams I've had on my fingers.


About a year ago, I had a really, really odd dream. It started out with this older couple, who I didn't recognize, sitting down in front of a TV. Maybe a couple of other people, I' not sure. They had gotten some sort of tape, and they were planning to watch it. They put the tape in, and the TV started doing all of those creepy horror movie-type things: static, creepy voices, strange lights. There was some voice-over explaining the meaning of the tape, but I don't think I could understand it. Then, the image cleared up, and showed some sort of pyramid.


The dream then switched to looking down on the people by the pyramid. This is the part of the dream I remember the least, which is probably a good thing, because I'm pretty sure it was a bunch of people exploring the pyramid, but in a horror-movie kind of way.


The most vivid part of the dream was the ending, though. After going through the pyramid or whatever, it switched back to the couple, who were freaking out over the people who they were watching - they knew some members of the group, I think. Then, the dream drew back a little bit, showing that the couple was watching the TV in a public park, in the middle of the picnic area. Me and a friend were sitting at a picnic table just a little ways a way, and we're listening in on the couple, and I turn to my friend, and basically ask, "Are these people family of yours? Because they have the same last name you do." And she's basically like, "I have no idea."


Then the dream ended. It was really odd.

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Very random one here. I had an appointment at the veterinary to get my big mutt "chopped"(which he already is and has been since he was a puppy 7 yrs ago), anyway he was laying on the floor while I was petting him and for some reason I thought why do I need to pay $ for something I'm capable of doing myself? So I grab my large knife and just DO IT!!! Crazy. Afterward he was on his back yelping in pain and yipping with joy at the same time and it dawns on me with a huge gut punch that maybe I should have let the vet do it after all. No clue.... I woke up so disturbed by that one.

Edited by Briar King
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I dreamed I got lost in the mall. I knew where the service corridors were, so I took one...and wound up on top of Mt. Lemmon. It's the only place near Tucson that gets snow every winter, and this time was no exception. Though instead of the small touristy shops Summerhaven actually has, in my dream there was an enormous fancy mall with revolving doors and an Armani store.

Oh, and I also had a spren. Cryptic. He liked to disguise himself as an umbrella and would become very hurt when he'd start talking and send onlookers screaming into the night.

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I keep having nightmares where all the lights are on in my house, but they make no light. You look at them and they're on, but the room is still dark. I keep flipping them on land off, but they won't work.

And the door is open. It's night outside, and the door is open. Someone is creeping up our walk way. It's not someone from my family, because my family is all asleep. I try to close the door, but the door won't budge. I can't run. I can't speak. I'm so tired I can't do any thing. And the floor starts to go soft like I'm standing on a water bed. I try to gather enough strength to run, but I just fall over and I can't seem to care enough to get up.

The figure or whoever it is raises something that looks like a shovel. They swing it down to my head. I wake up just before it hits.

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