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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night, I dreamed I was a Mistborn back at my family's old house in Spokane. I was uncovering the secrets of Spokandrial....and all three of my dogs were Shards.

Mollie was Ruin.

Bruno was Preservation.

Bruce was...Harmony, I think? Kind of hard to tell through the lettuce suit he was wearing.

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Last night, I dreamed I was a Mistborn back at my family's old house in Spokane. I was uncovering the secrets of Spokandrial....and all three of my dogs were Shards.

Mollie was Ruin.

Bruno was Preservation.

Bruce was...Harmony, I think? Kind of hard to tell through the lettuce suit he was wearing.

Spookandrial? It seems a certain mistborn was more megalomaniacal than we though.

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I've got a problem with dreams on the nights I have to set alarm clock. It never fails. I always wake and check the time irl and go back to sleep an hr before time and then I ll have 3-5 dreams where I repeat the process and it becomes disorienting and by the time it goes off I feel completely drained. Not a good way to wake up. Atleast I rarely have to wake up at a specific time. I hate those dreams.

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I dreamed that I was playing a game in a swimming pool where everyone had to pretend to be dead, and I won because I could burn cadmium, so no one could see that I was breathing. That's my most recent one.

One of the weirdest ones I remember quite clearly. At first, I'm up at the top of one of those giant bouncy blowup slide things (you know, the kind they have at carnivals), which was flying. There were a whole lot of other people up there too. We fly over some plains, and then I see a giant sandstorm approaching. For no apparent reason, I slide down and take the place of the person pulling the slide through the air (on a flying surfboard made of pure gold) and immediately outrun the sandstorm, flying out over the ocean. That's all I can remember.

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One of my dreams actually inspired a story that I'm currently writing. In this world, people gain magical powers through the use of different types of cards. Different types of cards do different things, but if you have to many attached to you, your body starts to degenerate, and become gruesome and abnormal. Several people have cards that assist them in whatever roles they are serving, such as warriors, assassins, scientists, and leaders. One character, Kearn, has a card that grants him manipulation of shadows, allowing him to sneak around more efficiently. Once a card becomes "attached" to you, you cannot remove it, so you have to chose what cards you use carefully. Most people can only have two or three. It was really cool, and although I've just started it, I've really enjoyed writing about it so far.

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Ok, so for those (Delightful and Honor Spren) who thought my dream that I am basing a story on sounded really cool, here's the dream journal entry:


Two guys living in a forest village where out collecting fruit. When it was time to cut the fruit one guy told the other that cutting the fruit anymore could result in death, but he just cut it up anyway, no problem. All the fruit was also covered in insects, but they just ate the fruit with the insects on.
A girl who lives in a forest village meets an man in the woods. The village mostly lives from fruit and what fruit they can eat and even they way the fruit is cut is depending on social status and through the entire dream I get the feeling that something is not right about the village. The village also had some cool magic things. I could grow strawberries by concentrating my power through a stalk thingy. The girl is granted wind powers by the odd man and she uses them to make her life easier. One day while she is out collecting fruit in the forest she falls down a tall cliff, she tries to use her wind powers to fall down slow enough to not die, but as soon as she loses control the old mans big, red bird comes to rescue her, it flies much faster than the last time she met it (which I cannot remember...) and she thinks "I heard that it would cost your soul to fly at the speed of your soul, turns out it was all a lie" and she wonders what else they lied about.



Also tonight I dreamed I was being chased by a jealous hairdresser who was angry because I stopped going to him. It was terrifying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to one of Brandon's signings and there were only four or five people.

Naturally, I walk up to him with my book and a lot of questions in my mind, but then I realize that I need my book. So I pull it out of my backpack and open up the wrapping paper. (Because who doesn't have their book gift wrapped at a signing? :blink:)

Brandon smiles awkwardly and signs the book. I ask him my question about the Dor and cultural identity, and he says that he prefers to avoid answering political questions... 


And I woke up. That was an odd dream.

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I dreamt that I went to a signing for my first time, but the signing was in an old puppet theater, anyway, I go up to Mr. Sanderson with my book ready and hundreds of questions running through my head. I'm at the front of the line when he looks at me, smiles, than reaches past me to the next person in line. I try and tell him that he missed me, and that I have a book and some questions, but he just straight up ignores me. I then wake up.

I . . . I don't know what to think. :(

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I had a dream that my best friend (who is super nice and wouldn't hurt a fly) was with me in this really big meeting of all my class mates and friends, expect then she turned psychopathic and chainsawed a massive tree down that landed on us all and killed almost all of us and then the survivors had to play a twisted game of 'never have I ever' where if you have done something that someone has said they hadn't, you have to cut one of your own fingers off. Once you lost all your fingers my friend would murder you. The creepiest thing is she made us unable to stop smiling while cutting off our fingers so that was super creepy.

I wouldn't really call it a scary dream necessarily, because the entire time I was so confused as to what the heck was going on.

I of course then typed it up in full and showed it to my friend who thought it was hilarious. 

...I may have been mildly paranoid of her for the next few days.

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So some evil guy unleashed a giant monster that looked like a purple Sweetums (a brown Muppet) that was destroying a town in California that consisted mostly of buildings with classic Mickey Mouses on them. I joined forces with some Asian chick that wanted to avenge her family against the evil guy and two other folks to pilot a giant robot to defeat the monster. I was in control of the arms. As we were searching for the monster, fireworks were going off and we were attacked by another giant robot that looked like Classic Gigantor, who was presumably there to destroy the monster but decided we were the enemy as well. As it lunged at us with his spear, I grabbed it from him and knocked him on his chull, to which he replied, "Don't use my spear!" I knew instinctively that if I followed his instructions, we would get an S+ rating on this mission but I also did not care. So when we found the monster, I stabbed him and whacked him a few times whilst he tried to hit us with some wet, rotten driftwood. This continued and he shrank the more purple blood he lost, until he was small enough for whoever was controlling the legs to stomp on him.

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The other night, I read a chapter in Hero of Ages before going to bed. My brain, being the nice brain it is, decided to give me a dream about reading the rest of the book, so I wouldn't have to miss out on either reading or sleep. Unfortunately, not having read the rest of HoA, my brain just had to make it up as it went along, and things 


 "I am Szeth Son-Son-Vallano!" the swarthy, muscular man cried as flames surrounded his indoor pool. "I was rejected by every prep school in the country because my grades were so good, they had to be listed as Over Kill!"




 Vin, ever the lady, steered her pirate ship gracefully through the skies. Beside her sat Elend, smoking a vintage Cuban cigar.




"Not the coffee!" Kelsier cried. "Have you any idea what happens when you mix coffee with pewter?"


So…yeah, my brain decided to write the most insane Stormlight/Mistborn crossover fanfic ever made. :mellow: 

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Vin, ever the lady, steered her pirate ship gracefully through the skies. Beside her sat Elend, smoking a vintage Cuban cigar.

"Not the coffee!" Kelsier cried. "Have you any idea what happens when you mix coffee with pewter?"

So…yeah, my brain decided to write the most insane Stormlight/Mistborn crossover fanfic ever made. :mellow:

These last two are awesome, I can see why you shouldn't mix coffee with pewter, and mistpirates should totaly be a thing.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had dreams about the house of a witch lately. I find it interesting, so I'll share it.


I do not remember when I started seeing the witches house, it may be a case of false repeating dreams, but here we go anyway.

The witch house looks like a rundown cottage of some kind. In it lives an old woman with short gray hair, dressed classy in black, a very fluffy and pretty cat whom I befriended, he is white and gray when I see him, but I have seen him change from all black and a young girl, about twelve years old, dressed in a simple, white dress with red hair, her name is supposedly Alicia.
If I stand before the witch house and try to enter without having first been invited I feel a sense of dread, even if the door is open one of the residents has to first invite me in.

In the two dreams I can remember I shout for someone to answer the door, I hear shuffling and weird gargling noises from the right window (I identify the noises as lizard-like) until someone opens it and Alicia stands there, she tells me I can enter.
In the other I shout for someone to invite me in, even if the only thing blocking the doorway is a a pillow propped up against it, I hear the gargling noises from the window again (Which may or may not being Alicia), but no one opens the window. In the end the cat appears (changing color from black to white/gray) and knocks down the pillow. He leads me into the house and in the house there is somehow a tall tower, though it looks unbuilt and more like a construction site. In front of it the witch stands.

I also remember meeting the cat in a forest...


My theory is that if I enter the house uninvited there wont be a fluffy cat, an old lady and a 12 or so year old girl, but 3 monsters in a hellish realm and I like that fluffy cat, so I'd rather enter the house invited.

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I once dreamt I was a sleepwalker, and sleepwalking me filled the floor of my house with socks so I would trip, fall and crack my skull after waking up.

Also, I had a dream my former school had a starway that lead into a chasm of the shattered plains, I was investigating strange crystals and runes that covered the chasm's wall after Kaladin said an Oath, and darkness(not that one) sudemnly consumed everything.

EDIT: Storming typos!

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  • 3 months later...

Last night I dreamed that my parents were helping me with my upcoming move. They had me fly to Portland, Oregon to announce it, and when they did, they said that if I wanted their help, I'd have to spend a few months living in Washington, DC. No, I don't know why. They hate DC and would be even more distraught if I were moving there than they are now. 


"Okay," I asked, "when would I be able to move to Metairie?" 


"Sometime in January, probably." Mind you, in this dream, it's still March. 


So I told them, "Screw it, I'm doing this on my own." I flew back to Tucson and packed my things. They followed, there was a weird dream time-skip sequence, and then I was in the backseat of a rental car with my mom driving, and she was turning around and giving me a knowing smile. 


"You had better come back at Christmas with a boyfriend," she told me, "since we're going to all this trouble." 


I usually don't think in dreams. Like, I won't hear my own thoughts, but I did in this one. And you know what it was? 


Fine. I'll come back with a girlfriend.


That's….about the time I woke up. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Your subconscious is a magnificent troll. :P




Last night I dreamed that Ariel from The Little Mermaid convinced her father to allow her human obsession by convincing him that exploiting the resources and inventions of human shipwrecks would give them an economic and potentially military edge over the neighboring mer-kingdoms. I want to work this into a fanfiction somehow.

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I once had a strange dream about Mortal Kombat. MInd you I have never played it but have seen some footage.


Scorpion and a woman are fighting.

Then Sub Zero comes along and breaks up the fight by freezing most of their bodies except their head and makes them talk out their difference.

Then a dragon comes along and proclaims it will destroy the world.

I remember the dragon vividly. It was massive, possibly the size of China, it was rainbow and had wicked tattoos.

Then Sub-Zero, Scorpion and the woman team up and save the day.

By climbing up to the dragon's head which took 2 weeks and then jumping into it's ear and giving it a brain haemorrhage.

Yeah strange 

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I dream very frequently about flying. But even my dream self knows I'm really not supposed to be flying, so it's difficult. I always feel like I'm treading water in molasses.


I remember one time I had this dream where Smaug was trying to burn my house down, so I jumped out the 2nd-story window, turned into a dragon myself, and tried to chase him off by shooting fire at him. Didn't really work since his scales were super tough and fire-resistant, and I'm sure if anybody else had seen what I was seeing that night, it would have looked ridiculous, because I was this cutesy little dragon like Toothless trying to chase off ginormous ferocious-looking Smaug. XD

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