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Heirs to the Final Empire: Roleplaying Thread


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Sorry about the lack of RP, and for missing last turn everyone!  There will be more next week!




Action 2: Purchasing A Gem Mine (Public):
Who: Lord Kenneth Elariel
What: Purchasing a gem mine to supply gems for my jewelery store.
Where: Luthadel.
When: Gen 6, Turn 3, Action 2.
Why: To provide luxury items for the house. 

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Will edit some RP here soon, just don't want to miss the deadline x.x


Action 3

Who?  Gardell in her capacity as House Lord

What?  Arranging a marriage for Vizius

When? first action

Why? No point making more heirs now. If I'm going to have enough time to marry one heir off a turn, better start now.

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Sorry to do this to you guys, but I will be delaying the next Turn by a week due to time constraints this Sunday. There are also a few players who haven't given any Actions in this Turn, so this will give them a chance to get back in. Also, cliffhanger for a few players :P


Next Turn will begin on the 6th of March instead.

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Generation 6: Turn 4


The Terris dominance was a quiet one by both design and desire, and by all parties involved. The Terrismen wanted nothing more than to be left alone, able to live out their lives as easily as possible with as little trouble as possible. This suited them well, as Terrismen practised a meek, humble existence, even amongst their own kind and in their own homes. There was a sense of community about them, thanks to the breeding programs. Those eunuched males allowed outside the compounds became a father to them all, and the older women a grandmother.


The Canton of Hegemony which ruled over them wanted them docile, and for them to obey orders. Though they did not know the reason why they were different to skaa in this respect, The Lord Ruler had created the cruel and terrifyingly effective breeding programs to produce these traits in them. They were his instruments in this regard, unquestioningly enforcing his will upon them.


But with time, complacency had crept into the bureaucratic nightmare that was The Canton of Hegemony. His instruments had become blunted with repeated use, and decadence had manifested itself within the organisation. But these things could be understood and tolerated, and to a certain extent were what The Final Empire was about. But worst of all, it had become lazy.


It is for this reason, therefore, that they did not notice the build-up of armed forces in the territory, nor notice the drip-feed of skaa making their way to the more mountainous areas. Up there, in the remote hinterlands, ore was mined, forges lit, and weapons forged. In the caves, men and women alike practised combat, and in a few rare cases, even practised Allomancy. It was not a common trait amongst them, but they had enough that they could incorporate it into their plans.


But today, this area was not as isolated and sleepy as it might have seemed a few days previously. Men marched beneath the banners of some of the Great Houses of Luthadel – Wilson, Izenry, Tekiel and Zerrung. Their scouts had already dispatched with the lookouts, and now that they were this close, they were happy enough to be noticed. The caverns gave the skaa army strong defences, but it also cut off their retreat.


Battle lines were drawn up outside the path towards the mountain. They could not traverse the mountain path into the caves easily, but they had no need to. With an order from General Wilson, the army made camp at the base. Sentries were posted, and watches taken. Weapons and armour were distributed to those at the front, and the army waited.


The first attack came fairly quickly, a disorganised rabble and a few heretical skaa Mistings assaulting their front lines, attempting to break through and into the rest of the Dominance beyond. They were well-trained and fought with the desperation of a cornered animal. Ultimately, they were driven off, the Izenry armour that the troops wore able to turn aside their spears and improvised weaponry.


“Send them back to the mountain,” General Wilson said, eliciting some surprise from the second in command. “They will carry a message for me, to inform them that we will accept a surrender from a part or all of their army.”


“Yes, General.” Despite this confusion, there was no questioning from him. He had his orders, and he would follow them.


The prisoners of the skirmish were let loose, and then hurried back up the path. One tried to flee, running away from the army as quickly as he could. An arrow placed itself between his shoulderblades and he went down.


Slowly they filtered out, not all of them by any means but a small number. They had surrendered themselves, their weapons and their armour to The Lord Ruler's army, and were sat in the middle of the encampment so they could not escape or cause trouble. When the last of the skaa with any sense had finally given up fully and was sat with the rest, General Wilson gave the order, and they were all executed.


Two days later, another attack was led from the mountain. Skaa Allomancer and warrior alike poured down the steps and swung in at House Tekiel's flank, attempting to flee through the side. They were forced back and against House Zerrung's forces, caught in between the two.


Unlike the first group that had tried to press through, these attackers were less easy to kill, fighting on par with the noble army. They held themselves with a strength and purpose that did not befit proper skaa; they walked upright and proud. But even the core of strength that fighting for their freedom gave them was not enough to outmatch trained fighters of the Empire.


This state continued for a week, as the skaa trapped in the cave tested the defences of the army. They fought not to win, but to escape, and to get messages through the blockade of soldiers. Three times they advanced, and three times they were pushed back with some difficulty. Then the valley became silent again.


The nobles waited for the skaa to make another move. They were not raucous; the soldiers of The Lord Ruler's army were skilled and professional, even in the face of this threat, which they saw as beneath them. They sat and hunted and waited and watched the mouth of the caverns. The fact that the skaa had tried to leave through the army told them all they needed to know – There were no other exits, and all they had to do was wait.


At the three week mark, a final attack was attempted, a last desperate push. There was a small amount of hunger in their eyes now, and weariness. They had run out of food, and could not wait any longer to escape. But even the onset of starvation was enough for the combined might of the four Houses and The Final Empire to slay them all with practised ease.


Blood trickled down the rocky crevice and down into the valley below. The rivers that the Terrismen drank from were stained a sanguine colour, and that was all that was needed for the news to spread out from the Dominance. The Final Empire had slain the skaa army hiding in the Terris Dominance. From the Terrismen, it was carried beyond to the furthest reaches of the Empire. The Rebellion was not defeated, but had been dealt a crippling blow.



The armies remained long enough to bury their dead, and then they left, leaving the skaa bodies to rot.



The skaa army has been routed! While the skaa rebellion will continue to exist, it will no longer be as effective as it once was. The constant decrease of Skaa Reputation has now stopped, and only low Skaa Rep will cause attacks on players again.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I know I said I'd edit some RP in last week, I'll get around to it soon =x=

Action 3

Who?  Gardell in her capacity as House Lord

What?  Arranging a marriage for Vyente

When? first action

Why? No point making more heirs now.

Edited by Unodus
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Wow, I am really losing track of time, haha. For some reason I thought that this was the second week of last turn, and that I didn't need any new actions...


Action 1:

Who: Lord Araris

What: Start an ongoing attempt to develop board games (maybe in the form of a building, I don't really know)

Why: To provide more refined entertainment for the intellectually advanced among the nobility that don't really like balls

Where: Luthadel

When: First Action


Action 2:

Who: Araris

What: Marrying Alelin to an NPC mistborn (if possible)

Where: Luthadel

Why: To continue the Penrod line

When: Second Action


Action 3:

Who: Araris

What: Modifying my Woodshop to build Furniture rather than Dueling canes

Why: Well, people are going to need gaming tables of high quality

Where: Luthadel

When: Third Action

Actually just buying a shipment of atium


Araris sat in his study, excited. His son Aradel was visiting from the Ministry to collect some minor amount of funds from House Penrod, and had indicated that he had a bit of spare time on his hands. It was a perfect opportunity to introduce the Ministry to his new project, and to get Aradel and Alelin to meet each other, now that the latter had come of age. Araris's steward came into the study.


"Your son is here, Mi'lord."


"Very good. Bring him on up."


When Aradel entered the room, Araris noticed that his eye-tattoos had grown since their last meeting. It had been a shock to him at first, seeing the mark of the Ministry on his son. Aradel was actually the first direct descendant of Hadrian that had joined with the Ministry, and that lack of unity was a problem Araris had seen quickly. Why should two groups, each united in scholarship, not share members in addition to resources?


"Lord Penrod, your steward gave me your payment, and he also mentioned you had something that would be of interest to the Ministry." Despite the tattoos that changed his appearance, Aradel's voice had not changed over the last several years; it was still the voice of Araris's son. Araris motioned for the obligator to take a seat across from Alelin.


"Alelin, this is your brother Aradel, who you know is now an obligator." The two exchanged a brief greeting, and Araris motioned to the contents of the table, the ultimate purpose of the meeting. "This here is what I call House Elevation. It is a game to play, kind of like chess, but several people can play at once and there are elements of luck and player interaction in addition to pure strategy. Basically, we all control a single House, trying to please the Ministry and expand our financial base to eventually enter the High Nobility. We start out with two plantations each, and we will put them where these hexagons intersect, so that each plantation touches three tiles." Araris placed one of his plantation markers down on the board and gestured to the three spaces around it. "So this plantation will produce Lumber, Allomantic Metals and Food. Each round we roll some dice, and the result of the roll determines which plantations are productive that turn. Plantations can be upgraded with a Ministry office to increase their effectiveness and the amount of Influence Points the player has. Once a player reaches ten influence points, it means that the are accepted into the High Nobility and win the game."


The three began to play, with Araris continuing to explain different nuances of the rules. Aradel caught on quickly, and his economic experience from working in the ministry ultimately paid off. He made an initial gamble by focusing all of his plantations on producing Allomantic Metals, but that quickly paid off as he connected to a neighboring city that allowed him to efficiently trade the metals for whatever he wanted. The combined monopoly and ease of trade that Aradel possessed led to him winning solidly. He nodded in acceptance of his victory, then rubbed his chin. "I will take a copy of this to the Ministry. I think they will approve of how victory comes from gaining influence through their offices. Additionally, the threat of an inquisitor shutting down your plantation is a very real fear that I suspect the Ministry will not be averse to promoting in the nobility. Good game, and good day, Lord Penrod."

Edited by Araris Valerian
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GENERATION 6 TURN 4 - Kenneth Elariel


Kenneth stood with pride next to his wife as his daughter said her wedding vows before and Obligator and the assembled nobility.  Though he had only had one child, he was confident that Ellen would make him, and the rest of Elariel proud.  Beside him Jacosta, looking resplendent in a shimmering purple gown, was the picture of sophistication, but beneath her calm exterior, Kenneth could see that she shared his pride in their daughter.  Tentatively, Kenneth reached over and clasped her hand in his own, and for once Jacosta did not pull away and scold him for such a foolish show of sentiment.  


I did well marrying her.  Looking back, he knew his rule would not be well remembered among the Elariels.  He would never have been able to hold the house together during such a time of upheaval without her support, guile, and charm.  While his reign had been free of any major blunders--no small feat during an extended rebellion--it had also lacked any remarkable feats or victories.  Some would remember him as the quiet son of an impressive mother, husband of a capable wife, and, hopefully, the father of an incredible daughter.   


"Now," the Obligator intoned, "Those covenants witnessed by the Lord's Chosen may never be broken.  I present to you for the first time as a couple, Ellen and Alden Elariel!" Kenneth joined Jacosta and the rest of the assembled crowd as the applauded the new couple.  It had been generations since House Elariel had joined one of its own to a member of one of the older houses.  Jacosta had been the true mastermind behind the match of course, but Kenneth remained proud of his own small part in the negotiations, hoping that his daughter would find some happiness in her new relationship.  


Later, while the new couple twirled around the floor of the Elariel ballroom, Jacosta separated from her usual crowd of syncophants and allies and approached Kenneth, interrupting him at a particularly good part of the latest novel he was reading.  


"I don't suppose my Lord would spare some time to dance with his wife?"  Kenneth removed his reading glasses to regard the incredible woman who had infuriated, belittled, ignored, and protected and pushed him to become great for most of his adult life, and smiled.


Public Actions:

Action 1:  Marriage of Ellen Elariel (Public):

Who: Ellen Elariel
What: Marrying Alden Izenry.
Where: Keep Elariel
When: Gen 6, Turn 4, Action 1
Why: To provide for the future of the house, and bring Izenry and Elariel closer together.

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Generation 7: The Disbanding of The Canton of Hegemony


Turn 1


In the centre of the plaza sat a black carriage of painted wood. It was usually driven by three horses of a similar jet-black colour, but at the moment they sat there as immobile as the carriage, waiting. Adorning the wooden frame were golden foil highlights and brass clips to hold it all together. Unlike most other carriages of its type, there was no sigil on the side, no emblem of the House it belonged to. Black was the colour that the Sliver preferred, and it was his alone; it was all the coat of arms he required.


But he was not alone in the carriage today. He looked out through the tinted windows with his impossibly perfect eyesight, and what he saw bored him. Before him, a crowd stretched out, careful not to block his view yet desperately jockeying for a better position to watch the proceedings. Hawkers sold their wares; food for those who arrived early to get a good seat, and little mementoes for the kids. It was a family affair, and there was a vibrancy to it, a livelihood that contrasted perfectly with the centre stage.


“Don't I get a last word?” Lady Vinid asked as she was pushed forward and a hand pressed her down to the block.


“Traitors don't get to speak,” the executioner said, before raising the axe and bringing it down. There was a horrified gasp from the crowd, and the axe swung again. This time there was more of a groan, and the axe was raised again.


“They don't make executioners like they used to, My Lord,” his companion said with a little chuckle. “One might think that they were doing it to deliberately prolong the pain, but in truth it just makes them look incompetent.”


“Hm,” The Lord Ruler's divine shrug of indifference replied. His eyes never left the sight, but it was not horror or fascination or even a perverse pleasure that made him watch. It was simply that it was the most interesting thing happening. Destruction to preserve his perfect world. It was almost ironic, if not for the hideous implications it hid behind it.


“I said they look incompetent, My Lord,” the Inquisitor replied, raising his voice a little.


“I heard what you said,” The Lord Ruler replied, his eyes finally leaving the stage to turn on him. It was not an angry look he gave, but more one of resignation, of having to deal with a problem he wished would vanish before his eyes. “Whatever topic it was that you were going to get onto, get it over with. I cannot stand being patronised in such a manner.”


“At once My Lord,” the Inquisitor said, raising a cloth to wipe the sweat off his brow. He one of the most human of his kind left at present, only a few Spikes had been placed in his body. He was the one that The Lord Ruler considered least tainted and most trustworthy, though even then he had his limits.


“My Lord, the simple truth of this matter is that your appointed guardians of the Empire failed,” he said, wasting no time prevaricating about the point. “The Canton of Hegemony has failed. They have appointed traitors to govern cities and knowingly or unknowingly they have fostered the skaa uprisings. The latter makes them useless. The former makes them a threat to everything we stand for.”


“So is your suggestion simply to hand all of their tasks to the Inquisition and disband the now-defunct Canton? You know I dislike raising any above the rest.”


“Of course, My Lord,” the Inquisitor nodded. “My suggestion was not to be such a thing. There are aspects of what they do which I believe are better split up amongst us. The Canton of Orthodoxy can take over much of what they do. I believe they are best equipped to handle the governors and the day-to-day running of affairs.”


“All the Inquisition asks is that we be given leave to run the operations in the Terris Dominance. We are already aware of how it is run, and I believe it is safer and more secretive if a single Canton oversees its administration. It also makes little sense to have any other Canton deal with them when we are the only ones who make use of the fruits of the programs.”


The Sliver nodded. “Yes, I agree.” The his eyes narrowed. The Inquisitor found his head hurled back, nails digging further into his skull and threatening to exit the other side, pinning him to the carriage. “But remember,” he said, practically emanating his divinity in a solid, tangible form, “if the Inquisition goes the same way as the Canton of Hegemony, I won't just disband you. I created your kind, and I can unmake you just as easily.” The force disappeared, and the Inquisitor's head lolled forwards, blood leaking out and mingling with his tattoos. “Are we clear?”


“As though it were written on metal, My Lord, your words are immutable truth,” The Inquisitor said, dabbing at his eye sockets with his damp handkerchief. “I shall give the order to dismantle the Canton of Hegemony at once.”


The Lord Ruler nodded and sat back in his chair. He waved his hand and the door opened. “Go at once then. Bring my message to those people who have failed me.”


“My Lord,” The Inquisitor exited the carriage, turned to bow to him, and then disappeared off into the night.


The door closed again, and The Lord Ruler sighed. Inquisitors. He hate the damned things, hated everything they stood for and were made from. But, like all of Ruin's creatures, they had their purpose. Like all his people, they had a purpose. He would make sure that they did not stray from his pursuit of a perfect, unchanging world.


Just three-hundred and twenty-four years more to go, he told himself. Then he could complete the stasis he had set into motion all those years ago.



Generation 7 Turn 1 has begun! It will end on Friday the 18th at 6PM GMT.

Generation 7 Player List

  • little wilson – Elerek Wilson
  • Unodus – Vizius Uethorn
  • Venture Mistborn - Naximeder Orielle
  • OrlokTsubodai – Alexandra Tekiel
  • Aonar Faileas – Tatheil Izenry
  • Araris Valerian – Alelin Penrod
  • Mailliw73 – Kahad Zerrung
  • Deathclutch19 – Brianne Jormundgand
  • Comatose - Ellen Elariel
  • Wolverinezzz - Reneé Saxony
  • Elkanah - Janice Peacock
  • Master_Elodin - Seral Rotec

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Action one:

Furnishing my keep with little metal, so Mistborn aren't a problem.

Action two:

Establishing the Church of Steel, a religion based on combat allomancy. Why: popularity, training and fast recruits.

Action three: buying large shipments of brass and zinc. Why: recruiting soldiers and devotees of the Church is easier when they feel how you want them to.

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Action 1:

Who: Alelin Penrod

What: Trying for an heir

Names: Arista (female), Arsteel (male)

Where: Keep Penrod

Why: To further the line of the great Hadrian Penrod


Action 2:

Who: Alelin

What: Use my influence with the skaa in Fellise to get them to suggest that House Penrod was a far better leader than House Zerrung

Why: To bring House Penrod closer to a place where it can start administrating a city once again

Where: Fellise

When: Second Action


Action 3:

Who: Alelin

What: Offering to allow obligators to come study at the Penrod University free of charge

Why: To gain influence and respect with the Ministry

Where: Fellise

When: Third Action

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Action 1

Who: Lord Elerek Wilson, in his capacity as House Lord

What: Building a monument to the Lord Ruler, with a statue of the Lord Ruler standing upon the bodies of fallen skaa.

Where: at the old skaa camp in the Terris Dominance

Why: To memorialize the defeat of the rebellion in a way that will echo through the ages about what happens when people try to fight against the Final Empire. Resistance is futile. The Lord Ruler is God and you cannot kill God. To try is blasphemy of the highest sort.


Action 2

Who: Lord Elerek Wilson, as House Lord

What: opening up the Wilson storehouse and selling 3 bread and 1 beef to NPC houses

Where: Luthadel

Why: Because the storehouse is getting too full, and House Wilson needs a little more wealth.


Action 3

Who: Elerek and Bethre Wilson, as a married couple

What: Trying for an heir

Where: Keep Wilson

Why: To continue the Wilson line

Male- Jordek, Female- Kyra

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Public Action:


Action 3: Gaining Favour with Skaa (Public)
Who: Lady Ellen Elariel
What: Upgrading skaa tenements.
Where: Luthadel and elsewhere.  
When: Gen 7, Turn 1, Action 3
Why: To increase Skaa opinion of the house.

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