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Heirs to the Final Empire: Roleplaying Thread


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Have to get these in quick, before I lose the airport wifi. :P

Action 1: Try for heir. (Weyr, Gwyndolyn)

Action 2: Quell the riots (restore order) in Urteau.

Action 3: Give recompense to Skaa for the injustices done to them in Tathiel's grandparents time, (or at least, i think it was grandparents. It might be great grandoarents.) publicly renouncing those pratices, and atempting to reinstate old Izenry edicts involving the treatment of skaa, while also repaying them in better food and improved working conditions.

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Generation 7: Turn 2


In a metal-plated room in a Steel Ministry building, the sounds of combat reverberating off the walls to a deafening level. Leather boots smacked against them as Mistborn ricocheted and bounded back into the fray again. Tassels whipped around at blinding speeds, almost as much of a threat as the weapons in use.


And they were using real weapons, not ones designed for training. Mistborn and physical Mistings were killers, and their art was in deception, trickery and dealing death. There was no point in practising in a non-lethal environment, after all. And while Mistborn were far too important to risk death in battle, they were also a lot harder to kill in combat. The only real risk was incompetence – something which the instructors were quick to root out.


The founder may have been one of the Great Houses of Luthadel, but it was strongly linked to the Steel Ministry. There was no way that The Lord Ruler would allow a branch of his religion that was not overseen by his closest minions. But even then, the masters of the art were given relative free reign. They could develop their own methods of instruction, but the indoctrination was left to the official representatives of The Sliver.


“Again,” the imperious voice above the room said.


The two combatants nodded and separated again. Turning to each other, the two Mistborn bowed to each other and leapt at one another once again.


The master turned to his assistants. “Increase the intensity of the training to the next level,” he said.


The assistant nodded and raised a hand. From up above in the rafting, a dozen arrows were pulled from quivers and bows drawn back. The assistant lowered his arm. The arrows were loosed, and the Mistborn dodged around them and batted them aside with their steel Allomancy.


The hand was raised again, and another set of arrows readied. The Mistborn below continued their fight, a flurry of steel and a deadly dance taking place amongst a hail of iron arrows. Iron flared as one of the combatants tried to disarm his opponent, only to be countered by another Ironpull. They both cut off at the same time, before pushing each others' swords away.


One called his sword back to him, grabbing it as it flew towards him. The other wasted less time, and scooped an arrow up from the ground instead. The sword swung towards him, but the arrow had already headed towards its mark.


“Halt!” The master said, and the two fighters halted as quickly as they could, sword almost cutting into a torso and arrow merely scratching the neck.


The overseer climbed over the balcony and dropped down, pushing against the metal plates below to slow his fall.


“Your skills are improving,” he said. “You are both getting stronger . Soon you will be able to outfight most of the rest of the Empire. However,” he added. “You are Mistborn, not some back-alley thug or even a Coinshot assassin. You are Mistborn. You are the definition of grace and skill. You will do better next time.”


The two bowed to him and then headed off. The master shook his head as they left. They were terrible in truth. Mistborn had let themselves get lazy in these past years, relying solely on their powers in a dwindling Allomantic world. This art would invigorate them, he hoped. It would teach them to be strong, to use their abilities as a part of combat, rather than as an alternative.


And if a few Mistings, or even some Mistborn, had to die for this, then so be it. They would be a sacrifice for The Final Empire, the foundation on which its strength would be built. The weak would die, and the strong would be raised up higher. Such evolution was the very essence of The Final Empire. The order had been tasked to impart religious and combat knowledge. And under the watchful eye of the Steel Ministry, he would not let The Lord Ruler down. They simply would not let him.



Generation 7 Turn 2 has begun! It will end on Friday the 25th at 6PM GMT.

Generation 7 Player List

  • little wilson – Elerek Wilson
  • Unodus – Vizius Uethorn
  • Venture Mistborn - Naximeder Orielle
  • OrlokTsubodai – Alexandra Tekiel
  • Aonar Faileas – Tatheil Izenry
  • Araris Valerian – Alelin Penrod
  • Mailliw73 – Kahad Zerrung
  • Deathclutch19 – Brianne Jormundgand
  • Comatose - Ellen Elariel
  • Wolverinezzz - Reneé Saxony
  • Elkanah - Janice Peacock
  • Master_Elodin - Seral Rotec

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Action one: Try for a heir with one my House Mistborn, Alex. Heir is to be named Ellery if male, Astrid if female. Why? Because Mistborn are good and Seral is getting old.

Seral was happy with the progress of his religion. It had pleased the Steel Ministry, and although his Mistborn were woefully inadequate, they were learning. In a few months he would have them start training with Atium, but as of right now they were not ready. His only real problem was that he did not have enough Mistborn to train. He walked into one of the training buildings, and motioned to stop the fight.

"Alex, I must speak with you." Every problem has a solution.

Action Two: Upgrade skaa housing. Why? To make them happy.

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Sorry I'm late!  Easter kind of took over a little bit.  Anyways' here's my action:


Action 3: (Public)
Who: Lady Ellen Elariel
What:   Start investment company.
Where: Luthadel and elsewhere.  
When: Gen 7, Turn 2, Action 3
Why: To create a new financial avenue.


So basically, House Elariel is opening up an investment company.  Loan Elariel your wealth, and we can negotiate an interest rate based on the amount of wealth you deposit, and then you can withdraw the wealth at your leisure.  Factors such as amount of allowable withdrawals and or the frequency of withdrawals could be locked in to influence interest rate.  I'm not sure if this will get off the ground, but PM me if it seems like something you might be interested in.  It might be an opportunity for more interactive play.  If people don't bite, I'll chat with Wyrm and see if I could cater to some NPC only Houses and just make it a standard wealth producing asset.


EDIT:  We can also provide loans to houses who need some extra wealth this turn, to be repayed with interest of course.   


If Wyrm rules that this action isn't valid because of it's lateness. I'll hide this and repost next turn :)

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Well, I totally was busy this week and didn't really have time for this, so yeah. Sorry Wyrm, and other players, for not giving your game the time it deserves...


Actions 1-3:

What: Do nothing

Why: Because the Ministry still rusting hates House Penrod after 100 storming years and thus my nefarious plots are foiled before reaching fruition. Or I just forgot.

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Generation 7: Turn 3


“What I would like,” Tatheil Izenry began, “is something... one-of-a-kind. A piece that cannot be reproduced elsewhere.”


“That is what we do, sir,” the artisan nodded. “Bespoke artworks for gentlemen such as yourself. Our works are as unique and varied as those who ask for them.”


“No, you misunderstand,” Lord Izenry said. “I don't want you to just design something. I want you to ensure that nothing similar is ever made again.”


The artisan's eyes narrowed. “My Lord,” he said, “I hope you do not intend to purchase the lives of my workers for such a project. Skaa they may be, this is true, but it has taken years and years for them to become craftsmen of their skill and finesse. It would destroy my business if I had to train new ones from the start.”


“You would be well compensated for such a thing,” Lord Izenry pointed out. “A valuable commodity is still a commodity one may purchase. The price merely has to be right.”


“I am an artist, My Lord. I would not put a price on their creativity. Even if I were to train replacements, I could not recover what I had lost, particularly if the new artists were aware of the fate of their predecessors,” he replied. “Besides, I did not speak lightly when I stated that my business would be destroyed,” he added. “Even with the financial reward you are offering, I would not be able to support years and years of training to return to this stage. Certainly those who owned the business would frown upon years of loss.”


“Ah, I suppose it was an idle thought, really.” Tatheil shrugged. “I will just have to settle for the disposal of all example work produced in the making of it and your word as a craftsman. It will have to do.”


“It will,” the artisan nodded. “So please, instruct me in the scene you would like depicted, the dimensions of the piece and all other particulars.”


“I wish to cover the windows of my great hall with this single piece,” The Lord said, gesturing around the room they were meeting in. “The artwork should describe The Lord Ruler's overcoming of the darkness in the world before; his defeat of the Deepness, and the glory of his ascendancy into godhood.”


“Hmm...” The artist nodded. “A darker shade of glass giving way to brighter,” he scribbled down these instructions in his notebook, along with some stray thoughts of his own. “The Lord Ruler rising from the filth of the world around him, raised up to the heavens, a crowd of people watching...” He frowned. “No, no other people.” He went to cross it out neatly, but the room shook with an accompanying loud explosion, marring his attempt with a scribble. His frown deepened. “What was that?”


Lord Izenry scowled as he looked in the direction of the sound. “A new employee of mine acting overzealous before his facilities have been constructed. Pay it no mind, I will have him dealt with.” He turned back to the artist. “Do you have everything you need?”


“For now,” he said, closing his notebook with a snap. “My artists will get to work. By your leave, Lord Izenry.”


The Lord nodded. “You are dismissed. I expect to see example proofs within the week.”


“You cannot rush artistic genius,” the artisan said with a smile. “But I am certain we will have something invigorating for you by then. Until then, Lord Izenry,” the man bowed and excited the room.


There was another loud bang as he left, and Tatheil Izenry sighed. He would need to deal with that man soon. With a shake of his head, he headed off to talk to his bored and dangerous employee.



Generation 7 Turn 3 has begun! It will end on Friday the 1st at 6PM GMT.

Generation 7 Player List

  • little wilson – Elerek Wilson
  • Unodus – Vizius Uethorn
  • Venture Mistborn - Naximeder Orielle
  • OrlokTsubodai – Alexandra Tekiel
  • Aonar Faileas – Tatheil Izenry
  • Araris Valerian – Alelin Penrod
  • Mailliw73 – Kahad Zerrung
  • Deathclutch19 – Brianne Jormundgand
  • Comatose - Ellen Elariel
  • Wolverinezzz - Reneé Saxony
  • Elkanah - Janice Peacock
  • Master_Elodin - Seral Rotec


I am going to have to pause the game for a bit after this Turn - I am moving next week, and will be without a solid internet connection for my computer for a short while. I will let you know when the game resumes.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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  • 4 weeks later...

Considering that I have only received orders for half the players this turn (and only one publicly announced) despite the longer period offered by the break, I am going to extend the Turn by another week to allow people time to send in more orders.


Turn 3 will end on Friday 29th. Turn 4 will begin on Sunday 1st. I will not extend it again in this way.

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Public Actions:



Who: Alelin Penrod

What: Getting an NPC husband for Arista

Why: It must be done

When: First Action

Where: Luthadel



Who: Alelin

What: Collecting maps and sending scouts through the Central Dominance

Why: To find a location to potentially found a new city

When: Second Action

Where: Across the Central Dominance

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Generation 7: Turn 4


"And what, precisely, is this meant to be?" Lady Jormungand tapped on the glass vial with her fingernail, dislodging it slightly from its rack and producing a slight clanging sound as it hit the others. She took hold of the corked top and picked it up, oscillating it from side to side as she peered at the liquid.


"My Lady!" Her researcher reached over to hold the glass, though he didn't try and pull it from her grasp. "Please. These are valuable extracts. They must not be shaken around like that, and you should never pick them up by the lid. If they are not secured properly, it could result in an entire week's worth of work being wasted when it hits the floor!" Only now did he take it and replace it back among its brethren. "Hopefully the sample has not been compromised by being shaken in that manner."


Lady Jormungand looked at him, as if considering whether she should inflict some kind of punishment on him for his behaviour. But she decided not to, after some thought. Botanical researchers weren't exactly common in The Final Empire, with most preferring to study metallurgy to gain some kind of Allomantic edge for their House. And besides, he probably had no idea that what he had done was out of order. His type were fairly absent-minded and socially-stunted, even at the best of times.


"What have you found?" she asked, cutting straight to the reason she was here. "I have invested a large amount of money into this research, and so I hope you have some results to show me."


"Our tests are far from inconclusive, if that's what you're asking." He gestured over to one of the large desks, which was covered in paper and workbooks. "We are noticing an increase in the survivability of our test subjects against the control group, though obviously it's far too early to see if this will persist all the way to adulthood."


"But what about their health, as opposed to their chances of living? There's no point in any of this if they are not in a sufficient condition to be a potential heir to my House."


"So far," the researcher picked up a sheet of paper and glanced over it, "So far, the positives have outweighed the negatives. More are born in an unsatisfactory condition, but at the same time, more are surviving perfectly healthily at the same time." He shrugged. "A net gain for the House, I would say."


"Hmm..." Lady Jormungand tapped the desk as she thought. Then she nodded. "Very well. Continue your research, and see if you can improve on your results. We shall put your current findings into place immediately."



Generation 7 Turn 4 has begun! It will end on Friday the 6th of May at 6PM GMT.
Please note, the success modifier for having an heir has now increased to 65%.

Generation 7 Player List

  • little wilson – Elerek Wilson
  • Unodus – Vizius Uethorn
  • Venture Mistborn - Naximeder Orielle
  • OrlokTsubodai – Alexandra Tekiel
  • Aonar Faileas – Tatheil Izenry
  • Araris Valerian – Alelin Penrod
  • Mailliw73 – Kahad Zerrung
  • Deathclutch19 – Brianne Jormundgand
  • Comatose - Ellen Elariel
  • Wolverinezzz - Reneé Saxony
  • Elkanah - Janice Peacock
  • Master_Elodin - Seral Rotec

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Alelin sat in Keep Penrod's study and pored over the maps his Tineyes had gathered over the last several months. The Central Dominance, despite being "central" to the Final Empire, really was sparsely populated. The occasional minor House had a plantation here, or a mine, but a little way from Luthadel, the countryside was ashen and empty. Perfect for House Penrod to begin to reestablish its influence.


Out of the corner of his eye, Alelin noticed Luke, his steward, waiting in the doorway. "Come in, Luke! Do you have news from the Minitsry? What did they say to my proposal?"


Luke shuffled a bit uncomfortably before speaking. "Nothing good, Mi' lord."


"Even with the... encouragement that I provided?"


"When I showed the obligator your bribe, he mentioned that he might consider meeting with House Penrod in the time of your children now, instead of your grandchildren, Mi' lord."


Alelin sighed. "Very well. Why don't you just go ask the Ministry what they want done. Maybe that will make them a little happier."


Luke nodded. "Any particular Canton I should approach?"


"Probably not the Inquisition, or Orthodoxy. I don't want to end up having to wrestle with the ideals of the Ministry directly right now. Not when we are nearing our goals. Ask the Canton of Finance, and perhaps ask them if any other parts of the Ministry need assistance in the business world."


"Canton of Finance, ask about helping other Cantons. Got it." With that, Luke departed the room. Alelin put his maps away, and covered his graying head with his hands. By the rusting Lord Ruler, Hadrian died over 200 years ago. And House Penrod is still stuck in its Keep, selling paper and milk and dueling canes. Fellise is under the rule of House Zerrung, our haven for the skaa turned into another noble dominated city. And if we tried to kick them out, the Ministry wouldn't let us back in before the ash stops falling. Alelin fell asleep there, contemplating how to make his House relevant again.



Action 1:

Who: Luke, the skaa Steward

What: Asking the Canton of Finance for any projects or other random needs that House Penrod could fulfill in order to demonstrate its loyalty to the Final Empire and the Lord Ruler

Why: To bolster reputation with the Ministry

Where: Ministry Canton of Finance building

When: First Action


Action 2:

Who: Alelin

What: Building a quarry, and stockpiling the stone that it produces rather than selling it

Why: For construction materials to use in the future

Where: By the Arguois Caverns

When: Second Action


Action 3:

Who: Alelin

What: Using the University and Archives to train up Architects and City Planners

Why: So that House Penrod is able to design a city more effectively

Where: At the Archive in Luthadel and the University in Fellise

When: Third action

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Action 3

Who?  Vizius in his capacity as House Lord

What? Arranging a marriage for his daughter, Metlina

When? Second action

Vizius lounged in his chair, uncharacteristically relaxed for this time in the evening. Interludes in political conflicts were rare, and one had to enjoy them while they lasted before being thrust back into the harsh reality of "civilization". Already, the oncoming storm clouds of strife seemed to be edging around the horizon.
Not now, my children will have to fight those battles. I raised them well, hopefully that will be enough.
A stranger offered him a glass of wine. They were becoming more frequent these days, these strange folk, hidden behind camouflage. Whenever he asked about them, he always got the strangest looks from his servants.
"Father, please. You must eat." the stranger prompted. Vizius flinched away from it's touch.
"Have you been taking the medicine the doctor gave you?" The stranger continued.
Of course not, I know poison- my enemies hide from me but I know their faces...
"You're shaking, daddy- whats wrong?"
Vizius threw himself to his feet, backing up slightly.
"Stop calling me father. My daughters are at school right now."
The stranger laughed gently, but with an edge of concern. That sound always killed him slightly inside whenever he heard it. It sounded almost like...
"Dad, Metlina and I haven't had tutoring for years. Please..."
"Guards! Guards!" Vizius cried, but the men with spears who came in were strangers too. Where was Alfonzo?
"Vizius, it's us! Why are you screaming?"
But it was useless, for Vizius's eyes were now staring inwards- lost in a forest of his own thoughts where the birds were not birds and the trees were not trees and no matter how hard he screamed and struggled the gripping hands would not let go of his neck.
And somehow, this routine was familiar to him- as if he had being doing it on weeks on end without realizing it. Dementia, that was what the doctor had called it- hadn't he?
My children... Be strong for me. I fear I am already lost. I fear I have been lost for a very long time...

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